Author Topic: Cyclists are getting away with murder, according to Lothian & Borders Police  (Read 14984 times)

Eccentrica Gallumbits

  • Rock 'n' roll and brew, rock 'n' roll and brew...
My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.


You've got to love the comment about cyclists 'screeching' to a halt at red lights, but only because they've seen the police. I regularly skid to a stop at lights. It's fun.

And 12 cyclists cautioned on Saturday. 12?!?!? Is that bloody all?!?!? Major problem this clearly. The article paints a picture of cyclists in the centre of Edinburgh constantly running lights and riding on pavements, and every time I read this I think this can't be the same Edinburgh I live in and ride in. Sure you see some people doing it, and it's wrong, but it's not an epidemic!


p.s. I wish we COULD get away with murder, that way there would have been one less BMW driver on the road after Tuesday night.

David Martin

  • Thats Dr Oi You thankyouverymuch
*Must* *keep* *away* *from* *cluestick*

"By creating we think. By living we learn" - Patrick Geddes


  • Dissolute libertine
  • Here's to ol' D.H. Lawrence...
Loving the comments.

06/11/2008 11:55:43
Cyclists are scum, end of.

My biggest pet peev is this.

Driving along Queensferry Road, up ahead is a cyclist. So you do the right thing, wait until there is a gap to your right and overtake cyclist leaving them lots of room. You them pull back into the left and continue up the road until the next set of lights, traffic etc.

Then, the same cyclist undertakes you, for you to have to then go thorugh all the palava of having to overtake the same pr11ck again, and again and again. From Dean bridge to Barnton you can regualry overtake the same guy 3-4 times.Why they dont wait in queues like everyone else is beyond me.

Total scum the lot of them.

Milo Spav,
Atlantic Ocean 06/11/2008 11:50:01
Could I also ask the police to crack down on the illegal immigrants who are living in my loft. They're really starting to annoy me.
Commercial, Editorial and PR Photographer -

A bloke was standing on the South Lambeth road shouting fairly incoherently, 'Cyclist killers!' at us as all the commuter cyclists streamed by this morning. Perhaps he took this headline too literally.


  • Peroxide Viking
Someone really must ask the copper how many fatalities he deals with from bike and car sources before using that phrase.
It takes blood and guts to be this cool but I'm still just a cliché.
OpenStreetMap UK & IRL Streetmap & Topo: updates weekly.

Though to be fair...

Insp Gilhooly said: "In general, cycling is a big thing in Edinburgh and we encourage it. It promotes healthy living and means there are fewer vehicles on the roads.

"Most cyclists are fine, but there are those who spoil it as it's all about getting somewhere as quickly as possible for them."

Cycle and recycle.   SS Wilson

A bloke was standing on the South Lambeth road shouting fairly incoherently, 'Cyclist killers!' at us as all the commuter cyclists streamed by this morning. Perhaps he took this headline too literally.
No its a misheard lyrics problem. What he meant was "Psycho Killer Quest que cest Fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far"
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that.

I've noticed that there is bit more vitriol being aimed at cyclists in Edinburgh at the moment due to all the road works going on which only serve to hold everyone up. 

It's probably also the reason that more cyclists resort to jumping red lights or pavement cycling.  It wouldn't surprise me if the Evening News went looking for this story in order to feed the anti-cycling brigade who frequent their on-line comments pages.  That bloke Allknowing is a real nasty piece of work!   

What gets me though is that people like him get annoyed when they see a cyclist doing wrong but don't bat an eyelid when a taxi jumps a red, does an illegal u-turn, mounts the pavement, abruptly stops in the road to pick up a fare, straddles the line between the bus lane and normal lane, pulls out without indicating etc etc. 

Thing against taxis at the moment....

Eccentrica Gallumbits

  • Rock 'n' roll and brew, rock 'n' roll and brew...
A bloke was standing on the South Lambeth road shouting fairly incoherently, 'Cyclist killers!' at us as all the commuter cyclists streamed by this morning. Perhaps he took this headline too literally.

Perhaps he was shouting at the motorists.
My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.


I regularly skid to a stop at lights. It's fun.

My dear old dad's voice: "You've taken a year off that tyre!".


Quote from: Insp Gilhooly

"Most cyclists are fine, but there are those who spoil it as it's all about getting somewhere as quickly as possible for them."

I think there's nothing wrong with trying to get somewhere as quickly as possible on a bike. No one ever seems to mind people in cars trying to get somewhere as quickly as possible. In fact, it's the point of driving the thing in the first place, isn't it? It's all about not breaking the rules while you're trying.

A bloke was standing on the South Lambeth road shouting fairly incoherently, 'Cyclist killers!' at us as all the commuter cyclists streamed by this morning. Perhaps he took this headline too literally.

Perhaps he was shouting at the motorists.

That would make more sense, wouldn't it, otherwise he should really have said 'Killer cyclists', but he seemed to be reserving it for the cyclists in the bus lane. Ho hum.


In tomorrow's citycycling....

It's not really a paragon of Pulitzer-prize-winning journalism (which is not to say citycycling is either, but you get the point), but every now and then the Edinburgh Evening News really does open up to rail against cyclists. Perhaps it's the job of the local press to stir up the restless hate-driven mobs in their distribution area, or maybe circulation is dropping a bit, but every story about cycling in this publication seems to have a negative slant. Or if it didn't beforehand, just watch the comments pages on the website fill up with bile.

So the editor must have been rubbing his hands in glee when it was reported that Inspector Andy Gilhooly of Lothian and Borders Police had indicated there was to be a crackdown on bad cycling because some cyclists felt, "they could get away with murder." Yep, you heard that right, it appears that in the eyes of the police transgression of the rules of the road on a bike is tantamount to homicide.

Okay, so hyperbole is in stark evidence in the statement, but when you've got a baying mob ready to pounce on anything that suggests that cyclists are evil it's really just an ill-conceived choice of words. And one which we're not sure would have been applied to other sectors who are doing wrong: "Taxi drivers believe they can get away with murder," would never have made it as a headline. "SUV drivers believe they can get away with murder," likewise.

And so the comments page overflowed with 'road' tax and insurance and licencing and the danger that cyclists pose to everyone. We weren't going to get anywhere fast by adding to the tit-for-tat discussion there, so we figured, what the hell, let's write to the police that started this all.


Dear Chief Constable David Strang

Reading the Edinburgh Evening News on Thursday 6th November I came across a story regarding a crackdown on errant cyclists within the city. I shoud begin by saying that I have no particular problem with such a crackdown being undertaken, as anyone who uses the roads should be subject to the rules put in place for their use, whether on bike, driving a car or a bus, or on foot.

However, the quote attributed to Inspector Andy Gilhooly struck me as a little over the top. While he was obviously using a figure of speech to suggest that cyclists thought 'they could get away with murder' can only be seen as inflammatory in the context of such a quote being used within a newspaper. The comments section on the Evening News' website following this story serves to highlight the simple base hatred that many people reserve for cyclists.

Equating transgression of traffic rules with homicide might just be taking things a little too far, and I wonder if he would have said the same thing about other road users who break the law. "Drink drivers think they can get away with murder", would perhaps be more accurate, but I actually doubt such a statement would be released. Cyclists, however, seem fair game.

As stated above I actually welcome any initiative which sees those breaking the law brought to book. A further query would be whether the cycle police, out looking for cyclists on pavements and so on, will also take the time to stop and speak to motorists they see running a red light, or stopping within a hash-marked section of the road? That only 12 cyclists were caught at the start of this initiative on Saturday suggests the problem is one which is perceived to be large, but in reality (and in effect) is minor. That equate to just over one cyclist every hour, and I would hazard a guess that as many cars could be caught speeding on, say, London Road in about ten minutes. "Speeding drivers think they can get away with murder"?

I wonder if a Freedom of Information request could be made for the figures which must have been drawn up to support commencing such an initiative, together with a request for numbers of offences and accidents within the force's area concerning motor vehicles? Just because a problem is small obviously doesn't mean it shouldn't be dealt with, but a sense of proportion in dealing with things would be welcomed, as would not being compared to some of the worst criminality possible.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely...


  • Peroxide Viking
Ooh, speaking truth to power, they don't like that.  Good work. :thumbsup:
It takes blood and guts to be this cool but I'm still just a cliché.
OpenStreetMap UK & IRL Streetmap & Topo: updates weekly.


  • Tofu-eating Wokerati
  • Ain't no hooves on my bike.
Indeed. But it looks like a lot of actual work (as opposed to standing on the pavement catching easy targets) so don't hold your breath...
Pen Pusher


  • The Codfather
  • Formerly known as Jaded
If they want to catch speeders in a dangerous location they can go to Bridge Road Colinton, which seems to have some kind of escalator attached to how fast people think they can go down it. Faster each year.
It is simpler than it looks.


  • Tyke
Good one, .anth :thumbsup:
Getting there...


  • I come from a land up over!
"Taxi drivers believe they can get away with murder," would never have made it as a headline. "SUV drivers believe they can get away with murder," likewise.

Whereas truckers know that they can't. Too many of them have been nicked for it!   ;D ;D ;D

According to Jeremy Clarkson.
This isn't just a thousand to one shot. This is a professional blood sport. It can happen to you. And it can happen again.


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
A bloke was standing on the South Lambeth road shouting fairly incoherently, 'Cyclist killers!' at us as all the commuter cyclists streamed by this morning. Perhaps he took this headline too literally.

Perhaps he was shouting at the motorists.

That would make more sense, wouldn't it, otherwise he should really have said 'Killer cyclists', but he seemed to be reserving it for the cyclists in the bus lane. Ho hum.

You should have given him a stiff talking to. Doesn't he know that compound nouns like this create ambiguity, and are thus discouraged by any reputable style guide?
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles


  • Where there is doubt...
"police warned 12 cyclists for offences, including failing to attach lights to their bikes for use after dark"

So its now illegal to ride a bike without lights during the day?

As I recall it was an 8 man patrol so assuming an 8 hour shift each crack anti-cyclist plod nabbed one cyclist every 6 hours for offences including not having a light on their bike in case they want to ride after dark. Bearing in mind that that must be one of the more serious offences as it was mentioning, I wonder what some of the other offences were. Cycling over cracks? Having a rusty chain? Colour of hair clashing with color of frame of bike? Not fitting inner tube dustcaps...

   Cyclists get away with murder says police chief - Edinburgh Evening News

Quote from: the article
Pc Derek Barbour and Pc Kirsty Tweedie take part in the city centre patrols

Is there something you should be telling us Kirst? ;D
Actually, it is rocket science.

Jasper the surreal cyclist

  • Modern life is complicated stuff....
"police warned 12 cyclists for offences, including failing to attach lights to their bikes for use after dark"

So its now illegal to ride a bike without lights during the day?

As I recall it was an 8 man patrol so assuming an 8 hour shift each crack anti-cyclist plod nabbed one cyclist every 6 hours for offences including not having a light on their bike in case they want to ride after dark. Bearing in mind that that must be one of the more serious offences as it was mentioning, I wonder what some of the other offences were. Cycling over cracks? Having a rusty chain? Colour of hair clashing with color of frame of bike? Not fitting dust inner tube dustcaps...

Having a rusty chain is an offence...... :thumbsup:
Who only by moving can balance, only by balancing move....

..So you ... overtake cyclist leaving them lots of room... Then, the same cyclist undertakes you, for you to have to then go thorugh all the palava of having to overtake ... again, and again and again. Why they dont wait in queues like everyone else is beyond me.

I've always thought that. You overtake a motorist in a traffic queue, and the traffic speeds up. You can both see the next queue ahead, but he still overtakes you again anyway, for you then to have to go through all the palava of having to overtake ... again, and again and again. Why they don't wait in queues like everyone else is beyond me.