Author Topic: Flights of Fancy  (Read 91484 times)


  • Goes well with magnolia.
Re: Flights of Fancy
« Reply #550 on: 06 April, 2024, 08:46:12 am »
That looks good.  Any idea when (and where) you might be able to test it?

> I am physically incapable of getting the bends right using Z bend pliers. Incredible!
Sympathy.  I've wasted miles, well yards, of piano wire over the years bending it too short, too long, at the wrong angle....

>  Got all the electronics working...
Wahhh!  Witchcraft!

> ...the battery is free to slide all the way to the tail, which I hear is bad.
So I'm told. :)

>  ...flexibility of the part varies with the nozzle temperature you use while printing.
Now that is very clever, perfect for wheels.
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Re: Flights of Fancy
« Reply #551 on: 06 April, 2024, 05:41:54 pm »
I'm pretty busy until June :(
At that point I'll probably head off to a mate's farm. I'm unexcited by the cost and bureaucracy required to tick all the boxes.
Everyone's favourite windbreak


  • I tried to HTFU but something went ping :(
Re: Flights of Fancy
« Reply #552 on: 07 April, 2024, 08:28:03 pm »
In other news, a thoughtful friend gave me this!

So my balsa days may not yet be over :)
Everyone's favourite windbreak


  • Goes well with magnolia.
Re: Flights of Fancy
« Reply #553 on: 10 April, 2024, 07:18:44 am »
Morat, re the A10.

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  • Goes well with magnolia.
Re: Flights of Fancy
« Reply #554 on: 13 April, 2024, 08:47:01 pm »
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Re: Flights of Fancy
« Reply #555 on: 17 April, 2024, 08:45:55 am »
I flew my Mustang on Sunday. For 1 minute. :(
It needed about half a stick right in order to fly straight, let the stick go back to the middle and it rolled left quite alarmingly.
Naturally, after a circuit or 2 I thought I'd best land, when I moved the stick to the left, resultin in several rolls, a loss of orentation and a nose dive into the ground. :(
It basically seems to have broken the fuselage that sits below the wing, and the prop, and pulled the elevator and rudder servos off the fuselage completely (they were just glued on). I've epoxied the ing and fuselage back together (hopefully straight), and once the servos are glued back on, I might get a chance to fly it again this evening (should the weather co-operate).
I'm thinking I should build something super light again to fly nice and slow at club events on Wednesday evening, so I might build another mini scout, out of depron this time, and with wing spars. But I also want to build a mini Vampire, so we'l wait and see which I get done first!


  • Goes well with magnolia.
Re: Flights of Fancy
« Reply #556 on: 17 April, 2024, 08:09:15 pm »
Oh. That's not a great start.  Here, have this consolatory cup of tea and a biscuit.  You're not alone though, I've spent the last couple of evenings repairing a couple of mine after Saturday's excursion to Trinity.

As for the roll.
- Misaligned / warped flying surface(s)?
- Does it have a hefty motor giving a torque induced roll?
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Re: Flights of Fancy
« Reply #557 on: 19 April, 2024, 12:13:32 am »
While I think of it guys, I have a load of gliders. I used to be very competitive (used to compete a lot) and have had r/c gliders of every kind I can think of, Electric launch, tow / bungee / winch launch / aerotow, discus launch, hand launch, rocket launch. Oh and some slope soarers too. Including some scale ones.

If ever you want a glider, don't buy one until you have let me know what you are after, I might have just the thing!

"Ott's Law states that the worst weather will coincide with the worst part (for that weather) of any planned ride"

Re: Flights of Fancy
« Reply #558 on: 20 April, 2024, 04:35:48 pm »
Oh. That's not a great start.  Here, have this consolatory cup of tea and a biscuit.  You're not alone though, I've spent the last couple of evenings repairing a couple of mine after Saturday's excursion to Trinity.

As for the roll.
- Misaligned / warped flying surface(s)?
- Does it have a hefty motor giving a torque induced roll?
The motor was just a small drone one, but I was running it on 3s, so it was a bit punchy.
So I tried it on Wednesday at Begbrooke with a 2s battery, and with the help of Andy I got it all nicely trimmed and it flew OK. And then I went out after it had been raining when it was a bit dark, and flew over my head and lost orientation and crashed it again. Need to fix the nose now.

I've been flying today though, and while I pranged the Multiplex (low sun, meaning it turned into a silhouette, and I did several rolls and parked it the right way up in a field), I got 2 decent flights including 2 landings on my MIG 15. The nose got a bit crumpled in a bad hand launch, so it needs a bit of repair again, but that's not really flying damage, so I'm happy with that!


  • Goes well with magnolia.
Re: Flights of Fancy
« Reply #559 on: 26 April, 2024, 09:01:23 pm »
Indoor Scale Nats last weekend.  The newsreels haven't started to appear yet, but there's some stills of the FF models starting here...

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  • Goes well with magnolia.
Re: Flights of Fancy
« Reply #560 on: 12 May, 2024, 12:20:49 pm »
Trinity yesterday.
Τα πιο όμορφα ταξίδια γίνονται με τις δικές μας δυνάμεις - Φίλοι του Ποδήλατου

Re: Flights of Fancy
« Reply #561 on: 13 May, 2024, 01:07:01 pm »
Your Buddy looked like it flew nicely.
I have the plans, a set of templates, and sufficient Vector foam to make a WotHo, I just haven't got around to it. I'd quite like to do it RC. I know there are loads of rubber powered ones about, but I've not seen an RC one yet. Does anyone fly those Lidl chuck gliders at Trinity? They might be a bit heavy, but I've seen all sorts of weird and wonderful conversions on them. 

I've been flying my Wot4e and various other foamies without much to report. I'm getting better at the MIG 15 and the last 2 times it's come back home in one piece! :D The mini Mustang had another session yesterday, and while one of the experienced guys at the club was able to fly it (after about 8 failed launches thanks to odd trim and massive torque roll), I crashed it on launch and damaged it. :( I'm halfway through the mini Vampire, using an identical motor to the Mustang, and I'm wondering if it's going to be a similar story, but we shall have to wait and see.  If I get a chance, I might make another mini Scout (same as last time only depron), because that was a load of fun flying slow and low, which is perfect for summer evenings.
Still not maidened the F18 yet - it only just fits in the car, and so I can't take it and the family anywhere, so I tend to take smaller/dismantleable planes. I have however picked up a secondhand eFlite Mustang, so I need to get that set up - it will be my first plane with retractable gear!

Most notable event yesterday was hand launching a large IC wing, I managed to flip the RC switch to off as it left my hand! Thankfully it basically glided across the patch and the only damage was the prop - it flew nicely (insanely quickly) once that was replaced.


  • Goes well with magnolia.
Re: Flights of Fancy
« Reply #562 on: 21 May, 2024, 08:07:37 pm »
DuncanM  > Your Buddy looked like it flew nicely.
Ta. I was pleased with it. Not the best flight it made that day, but OK.   Beautifully simple to trim into the bargain.  The only other model I've built that was so simple get flying was my Peck Lacey M-10.

DuncanM > I have the plans, a set of templates, and sufficient Vector foam to make a WotHo...  to do it RC

Do it.  :)

Only taken (nearly) 4 years to get around to fixing it...
September '20


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  • I tried to HTFU but something went ping :(
Re: Flights of Fancy
« Reply #563 on: 24 May, 2024, 01:57:06 pm »
You'd never know! Nice job :)
Everyone's favourite windbreak

Re: Flights of Fancy
« Reply #564 on: 29 May, 2024, 10:05:12 am »
That's an amazing repair job. :)

The Wot Ho is on the list, and I've even been given a small damaged rc glider which can donate all the electrical gubbins. I got a working one as well, which might be suitable for Trinity - I need to test it out on a super calm day and see how slow it flies.
However, I have made a discovery and acquired a new set of projects.  Lidl gliders are back in the shops (there are still a few left, even though they came out about 2 weeks ago)! There are about a million videos of people converting them to RC on YouTube, in a wide variety of interesting ways (pitcherons, twin boom, twin fuse, biplanes,  and so on). And they were only 7.99, and they glide quite nicely when thrown. They are definitely too big for Trinity though.
I got 6! :D