Author Topic: Double click/single click on Windows 10 & parallel problems on Android  (Read 1546 times)

I've been suffering from unpredictability problems on both platforms which result in a user interface that seems to have been been designed for "not me".
Specifically there appears to have been a change in both user interfaces that has reduced the time to effect a double click (Windows) or a long press (Android) & produces unpredictable effects, which often include closing a window with lots of unsaved input, but more often just involves lots of clicks to get to where I used to be able to go to with a single one

I have 2 questions: -
Firstly, how do I alter the minmum time that defines the difference between a single click & a double click (I've just typed that & have realised it fails a sanity check ???)? The mouse drivers have only one time adjustment & it's not the right one. Android appears not to deal with such complexities as users with big fingers or less than Presto (possibly Prestissimo) touch.
Secondly, where are these new & changes documented? The coincidence (within the last 12 months, though not exactly synchronous) of the effect on 2 different platforms suggests it's a feature, not a bug... Some of the effects might well be useful if it was a deliberate change & I knew what they were.

Mouse Properties gives me a slider to adjust double-click speed (Win 10, but I'm sure I've had the same options since 3.1)

Start/Settings/Devices/Mouse/Additional Mouse Options gets me to the right place to tweak it - they're just the built-in drivers, nothing special, so not sure if yours are different.

I use control panel --> personalization --> change mouse pointers --> buttons tab,
where there's a double-click speed slider
(Windows 7)

I use control panel --> personalization --> change mouse pointers --> buttons tab,
where there's a double-click speed slider
(Windows 7)
I'll stick to the Windows 10 issues for this post.
The Control Panel slider is the one I've tried & the one provided for my mouse has, as far as I've been able to establish, no effect on my problem. It has become evident that there is more than one meaning for Double click speed. I think the settable time adjusts the definition of "two single clicks" vs "a double click", so a slow (arthritic fingers perhaps) double click can be handled better.

What I'm suffering from is a feature that appears to treat a slow (& I stress that I'm not the one with arthritic finger joints) single click as a double click. I have yet to find anywhere in Windows 10 that alters how this works. What's worse is the unpredictability when Windows misunderstands my intention.

I have found a topic on Windows help that suggests that I'm not alone, but that Microsoft refuse to acknowledge the existence of a problem. I'm slightly puzzled that few (maybe no) others in this forum have experienced any difficulties like mine.

Footnote. I've wasted an extra 15 minutes making edits to this post that should have taken seconds. Doing it with the mouse has become dysfunctional. I had to resort to keyboard to achieve a predictable result. WTF is Microsoft doing?


  • rothair gasta
Sounds like your mouse is broken.
I've had several mice that wore out, and end up with double clicks instead of single clicks, or vice versa. Try a new one.

Sounds like your mouse is broken.
I've had several mice that wore out, and end up with double clicks instead of single clicks, or vice versa. Try a new one.
I would have agreed if I hadn't replaced the mouse a couple of years ago (conspiracy theory is that the failed mouse was Microsoft wireless but the replacement is wired HP, which used to work fine until about 6 months ago, so It's a Microsoft plot. I'm not keen on conspiracy theories), and that I'm having similar problems with Android phone.


  • rothair gasta
In Android, go to the settings menu, then Accessibility. There should be an option for "Touch and hold delay". So try adjusting that.


  • "World's Scariest Barman"
  • It's only impossible if you stop to think about it
Don’t know about Android so can’t help there save to say that I think the problems are unconnected. I agree with Fuaran that the most likely cause is a faulty mouse.