Author Topic: Which VR cycling app do you use?  (Read 15198 times)

Re: Which VR cycling app do you use?
« Reply #125 on: 26 January, 2021, 02:18:23 pm »
The solution might be a portable monitor to use with the phone.  Seems a bit excessive just for the turbo though.   Space doesn't really allow for a dedicated screen for the turbo which makes life more awkward.

Rouvy has decided not to respond to my request for assistance thus far.  I guess they have my money and couldn't really give a shit - at least that is what it feels like.

Re: Which VR cycling app do you use?
« Reply #126 on: 26 January, 2021, 03:09:18 pm »
Can you install mirroring software on your phone, and get the display up on a TV (requires "smart" tv of course). Alternativley an HDMI lead connected 'twixt phone and TV?
We are making a New World (Paul Nash, 1918)

Re: Which VR cycling app do you use?
« Reply #127 on: 26 January, 2021, 03:42:23 pm »
The turbo is in mllePB's office.  There is a 28 inch monitor in there but it is way too far away from the turbo for me to see it.  The final solution may require a significant reorganisation of that room which is no small project just to get the turbo close enough to the big screen for me.  I could buy a Google Chromecast dongle I guess to save a cable connection but the screen proximity problem is the bigger issue here.

I have been looking at mirroring from the phone to the tablet but android is surprisingly unhelpful in this regard.  Both my phone and tablet have samsung smart view which I can use for casting to the smart TV or a Google chromecast for instance but they cannot talk to each other.  I can also physically connect the devices but they only share data and power, not screen images.

It's a crazily stupid and unnecessary problem given modern tech caused entirely by Rouvy being dicks.


  • Old blerk sometimes onabike.
Re: Which VR cycling app do you use?
« Reply #128 on: 26 January, 2021, 06:14:58 pm »
I would have thought that mirroring would introduce an unacceptable delay into the whole thing.

Re: Which VR cycling app do you use?
« Reply #129 on: 26 January, 2021, 06:47:55 pm »
I'd manage but it isn't an option anyway.  I'm trying motivate myself sufficiently to go and rearrange the office.  I already have a usb-c to hdmi converter lead bought and used in the early days of lockdown last year and a suitable hdmi to hdmi lead to connect between adapter and monitor. 

mllePB has a two hour zoom astronomy course starting in 12 minutes so I ought to give it a go really.

Re: Which VR cycling app do you use?
« Reply #130 on: 26 January, 2021, 08:43:49 pm »
Room rearranged.  Need to dig out leads and adapters, load Rouvy onto my phone and try again.  That will have to wait for the weekend now.

Re: Which VR cycling app do you use?
« Reply #131 on: 27 January, 2021, 02:54:45 pm »
I had a look at the Rouvy account page with Polar Bear in mind.
I wonder ( maybe wrongly) if what they mean is that 2 people can’t be logged in on one device at the same time? I can’t see why if one user logs out, then restarts device, why another user can’t log in. As I say, I could be wrong.
Rouvy is pretty greedy on download. If I’m on a Rouvy ride, anyone else using my router for any sort of video etc will freeze me. I can see that 2 users at the same time would need a high specification internet connection. It’s greedier than other platforms because it’s full reality video I guess.

Re: Which VR cycling app do you use?
« Reply #132 on: 27 January, 2021, 03:10:05 pm »
Rouvy's answer is that I need to physically disconnect one user from the device before signing in with another user to use it.  The tern "physically" is difficult to fully understand as they go on to say that simply logging one user out and another user in doesn't work.

I have requested clarification of what this means.

We will only every be using the turbo one at a time and I have been downloading the routes to reduce the video stream greed issue. 

Re: Which VR cycling app do you use?
« Reply #133 on: 27 January, 2021, 06:50:51 pm »
If you are likely to want to individually gain virtual badges then you’ll need to log on separately. If, like me, you want to ride x kms at y Watts and enjoy the scenery ( which is what I do) then just keep riding under the same log in. Rouvy won’t know who’s on the bike!

Re: Which VR cycling app do you use?
« Reply #134 on: 27 January, 2021, 07:12:30 pm »
Rouvy's answer is that I need to physically disconnect one user from the device before signing in with another user to use it.
Unclip the first user's pedals.

Re: Which VR cycling app do you use?
« Reply #135 on: 27 January, 2021, 07:50:57 pm »
If you are likely to want to individually gain virtual badges then you’ll need to log on separately. If, like me, you want to ride x kms at y Watts and enjoy the scenery ( which is what I do) then just keep riding under the same log in. Rouvy won’t know who’s on the bike!

That is one solution.  Do I have to change the gender / weight settings as well given that they are quite different?  How does the trainer deal with resistance on "hills" with respect to rider weight for instance?

Re: Which VR cycling app do you use?
« Reply #136 on: 27 January, 2021, 07:51:48 pm »
Rouvy's answer is that I need to physically disconnect one user from the device before signing in with another user to use it.
Unclip the first user's pedals.

We use quaint old fashioned toe clips.  😊

Re: Which VR cycling app do you use?
« Reply #137 on: 27 January, 2021, 08:00:34 pm »
Rouvy's answer is that I need to physically disconnect one user from the device before signing in with another user to use it.  The tern "physically" is difficult to fully understand as they go on to say that simply logging one user out and another user in doesn't work.

They want you to unplug the Bluetooth cable, blow on it, and plug it back in.

Re: Which VR cycling app do you use?
« Reply #138 on: 27 January, 2021, 08:17:23 pm »
If you are likely to want to individually gain virtual badges then you’ll need to log on separately. If, like me, you want to ride x kms at y Watts and enjoy the scenery ( which is what I do) then just keep riding under the same log in. Rouvy won’t know who’s on the bike!

That is one solution.  Do I have to change the gender / weight settings as well given that they are quite different?  How does the trainer deal with resistance on "hills" with respect to rider weight for instance?

Ah, so you’re on a fully smart trainer. I don’t think that gender is an issue, but is there a big difference in weight? ( the Rouvy community will lynch me for these suggestions).
If you are training seriously, using ftp and ftp zones then you’ll be better off separating. I’d try just a hard re-start to the computer. I have to admit to not taking too much notice of this stuff, using my Wattbikes workout ideas on power instead. That is, as I say, heresy to the Rouvy badge collectors, who constantly argue about weight doping and cheating, forgetting that not everyone uses a fully smart trainer.
What are your objectives for using the trainer?

Re: Which VR cycling app do you use?
« Reply #139 on: 27 January, 2021, 08:56:49 pm »
The trainer is a replacement for cycling and to give mllePB primarily a fitness outlet.  We were only ever leisure and social cyclists who liked to tour but when I had to give up cycling due to my sight her miles have dropped significantly.  Covid hasn't improved this as you might imagine.

I am now running 2 to 3 times a week but it would be nice to turn pedals as an alternative when weather conditions make running less appealing or more dangerous for me given my sight.

We've got mllePB up and cycling but not me yet.  I will be giving it another go when some bits arrive and time permits - hopefully on Sunday.  I am planning to do a virtual tour of New Zealand!

Re: Which VR cycling app do you use?
« Reply #140 on: 27 January, 2021, 09:22:41 pm »
I certainly enjoy the real roads on Rouvy. I’m trying to keep some level of condition for old gits racing, but I’m enjoying not having the stress of racing - that a lot of vets do on Zwift.
Recently I’ve ridden several routes in Mallorca, that I know well in real life. It’s great to re-live these roads. I’m also enjoying roads in Belgium and the Netherlands, parts of which I know as well. Without the real scenery I’d struggle to do 40 minutes, with the scenery I typically do 90 minutes to 2 hrs +.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: Which VR cycling app do you use?
« Reply #141 on: 28 January, 2021, 04:23:20 pm »
The trainer is a replacement for cycling and to give mllePB primarily a fitness outlet.  We were only ever leisure and social cyclists who liked to tour but when I had to give up cycling due to my sight her miles have dropped significantly.

Sounds to me like sharing the same account would probably be the best option for you. Similarly, my wife has been dipping her toes into Zwift, but she has been using my account because she doesn't use it enough to justify paying for her own account.

Obviously this messes up my FTP, but since I am essentially using Zwift for the same purpose - ie 'exercise' rather than 'training' - that doesn't really bother me.

The flip side is that every time she uses Zwift, that's free XP for me. I expect we're infringing Zwift's T&Cs but I'm not oin
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: Which VR cycling app do you use?
« Reply #142 on: 01 February, 2021, 09:56:11 am »
If you are likely to want to individually gain virtual badges then you’ll need to log on separately. If, like me, you want to ride x kms at y Watts and enjoy the scenery ( which is what I do) then just keep riding under the same log in. Rouvy won’t know who’s on the bike!

That is one solution.  Do I have to change the gender / weight settings as well given that they are quite different?  How does the trainer deal with resistance on "hills" with respect to rider weight for instance?
The speed you appear to travel is governed by your watts/kg. The resistance feel will not be different.
if Mlle PB is 50kg and puts out 100w that's 2w/kg and will move you at 20kph up a 2% slope
If you are 100kg and put out 100w that's only 1w/kg and will move you much slower up that same slope. (Even using easy numbers I couldn't be bothered to work out the speed difference!)

I don't know about Rouvy but on Zwift your height also makes a difference - the assumption is that shorter riders have a smaller cDa > less air drag and so go faster on flats and descents for equivalent watts. On the flats raw watts are king, when there's a slope, w/kg wins.

Re: Which VR cycling app do you use?
« Reply #143 on: 01 February, 2021, 10:35:47 am »
I don't know about Rouvy but on Zwift your height also makes a difference - the assumption is that shorter riders have a smaller cDa > less air drag and so go faster on flats and descents for equivalent watts. On the flats raw watts are king, when there's a slope, w/kg wins.
Being 6'3" is a bloody nuisance...  :-\