Author Topic: Round the Year Randonneur  (Read 17420 times)


Re: Round the Year Randonneur
« Reply #50 on: 20 December, 2010, 07:29:22 pm »
It's not going well at all.In fact it's not hardly going at all ::-)

It's look like you're trying for a DRtY

(DNS/DNF Round the Year)


  • mojo operandi
Re: Round the Year Randonneur
« Reply #51 on: 20 December, 2010, 07:33:32 pm »
I expect my attrition rate will improve in direct proportion to the weather,a.k.a. a fair weather cyclist. ::-)


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: Round the Year Randonneur
« Reply #52 on: 20 December, 2010, 07:37:33 pm »
It's not going well at all.In fact it's not hardly going at all ::-)

It's look like you're trying for a DRtY

(DNS/DNF Round the Year)

 ;D (although I'm not sure such humour is becoming of an AUK offical ... )
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles

Ade O

Re: Round the Year Randonneur
« Reply #53 on: 23 December, 2010, 07:38:58 pm »
Mon Meander cancelled, 6" snow, 2" ice, working over Christmas and Audax guy not willing to extend qualifying period!!  Not much encouragement there then - might as well pack now & wait til the spring.

Re: Round the Year Randonneur
« Reply #54 on: 23 December, 2010, 09:21:15 pm »
Mon Meander cancelled, 6" snow, 2" ice, working over Christmas and Audax guy not willing to extend qualifying period!!  Not much encouragement there then - might as well pack now & wait til the spring.

It must be very frustrating, when there was a relaxation in January when the weather was probably no worse than we're having this month.  But in fairness to the "audax guy" (who is "Mem Sec" here) he's a bit between a rock and a hard place.  The relaxation in January was not universally welcomed (and I was one of those who expressed reservations at the time), and I imagine he probably sometimes wonders why he bothers.

For those of us in the (supposedly warmer) south it is relatively unusual for a whole month to be totally written off by the weather (though I recognise that other commitments prevent much flexibility for a lot of riders), but in Scotland it is not at all uncommon, I understand.  Indeed Y Lee G commented that RRTY is virtually impossible north of the border somewhere on here just a couple of days ago.

Sorry to hear that your ambition is being frustrated, and hope you can get started in January.  You commented on another thread that you currently ride alone.  It might be a bit easier if you can find someone to do these rides with.  There are plenty here that will extend the hand of friendship.


  • Where there is doubt...
Re: Round the Year Randonneur
« Reply #55 on: 01 January, 2011, 02:54:33 am »
Another piece of RRTY brinkmanship from me. I sat around the house in CNBA mode feeling rather uninspired for a solo GPS DIY (Chiswick-Beech Hill-Bramley-New Alresford-Selbourne-Haslemere-Guildford-Cobham-Chiswick) under leaden gray skies until I eventually set off at 14:14 returning at 23:59:42. The neighbours thoughtfully setoff fireworks to celebrate my return. The route was fairly main roady - not that there was much traffic about - but not without interest. The Alresford-Hazlemere leg was all country lanes and rather corrogated which cost time in the dark - the light ran out well before Beech Hill - and the A286 after Hazlemere is definately NOT flat. There was a main road option from Alresford which I chose not to take. If I'd realised how countrified my route was I would have stuck to the main roads. The country route would have been delightful in the daytime when I could see the road and appreciate the views but as was it was all rather lost on me. Anyway, total time was 9:45 with 45min stoppage for water stops and fiddling with my mp3. My legs were complaining towards the end as the only other time I've sat on a bike in December was for a 80km spin on Christmas Eve, so a good effort I thought. Cross training on a ConceptII rower helped me maintain a semblance of fitness but I really needed to get out to shake off the post christmas lethergy ready for 2011. It was much warmer than I expected, especially after dark, so things are looking good for the Poor Student next week.

Re: Round the Year Randonneur
« Reply #56 on: 01 January, 2011, 06:29:35 am »
RRTY brinkmanship

.....taken to new heights! Congrats!


  • One of the rural idle
    • Twoberries
Re: Round the Year Randonneur
« Reply #57 on: 01 January, 2011, 12:23:26 pm »
Well a fail for me. Was going to go yesterday but woke to thick fog and didn't fancy risking it in poor visibility on roads made more narrow with the heaps of snow and ice. So a 21 month run broken.

For those of us in the (supposedly warmer) south it is relatively unusual for a whole month to be totally written off by the weather (though I recognise that other commitments prevent much flexibility for a lot of riders), but in Scotland it is not at all uncommon, I understand.  Indeed Y Lee G commented that RRTY is virtually impossible north of the border somewhere on here just a couple of days ago.

But not totally impossible, a bit more commitment on my part and I could probably have got a ride in during the last few days to keep my 2nd RRtY going.


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: Round the Year Randonneur
« Reply #58 on: 01 January, 2011, 12:44:38 pm »
The combination of ice and lurgy stopped my RRTY at the penultimate ride. In the words of that great Aussie philosopher, "Such is life!"
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...


  • عربللا
  • onwendeð wyrda gesceaft weoruld under heofonum
Re: Round the Year Randonneur
« Reply #59 on: 01 January, 2011, 04:32:25 pm »
My so far only attempt died last month on the way to York.  Downside of beig able to chose at most 1 w/e in the month etc.
But if it were that easy it wouldn't be a challenge.
Any fool can admire a mountain.  It takes real discernment to appreciate the fens.


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: Round the Year Randonneur
« Reply #60 on: 01 January, 2011, 04:42:32 pm »
Seeing this thread so busy today I was expecting at least one New Year's Day ride report.

Still, congrats to Mr O'Tea for an unusually healthy way to spend New Year's Eve  :thumbsup:   

(although I'm rather glad I chose not to accompany him!)
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles

Re: Round the Year Randonneur
« Reply #61 on: 01 January, 2011, 06:24:06 pm »
I was expecting at least one New Year's Day ride report.

They'll be pouring in soon...

Re: Round the Year Randonneur
« Reply #62 on: 02 January, 2011, 09:41:07 pm »
I was expecting at least one New Year's Day ride report.

They'll be pouring in soon...

Here's the report....the bike said it was nice spending the day in the house whilst the rider recovered from the night before....but it did enjoy a quick 25k today followed by a full service!
DJR (Dave Russell) now retired. Carbon Beone parts bin special retired to turbo trainer, Brompton broken, as was I, Whyte Suffolk dismantled and sold. Now have Mason Definition and Orbea M20i.

Re: Round the Year Randonneur
« Reply #63 on: 03 January, 2011, 09:05:03 am »
I'm out for the count. Bad weather scuppered the first half of the month and Christmas and an ill timed cold ankled the second half. I probably won't bother with January, just sticking to some long rides. I've plans to do other stuff after PBP so RRtY is now off the menu for a while.


Re: Round the Year Randonneur
« Reply #64 on: 04 January, 2011, 12:46:53 am »
8 out of 12 for me. Glad to have it out of the way so early in the month, hopefully Feb will be a bit kinder. Went round the "Dorset Delight" 200 with Paul "Michael Fish" D of this parish. Thanks for the company Paul, and for dragging me up the hills on the 1st half.

"Michael Fish" because Paul had chosen the weather forecast that suited him best, i.e. a dry day, so came out on a sleek mudguardless Merckx frame. I, on the other hand, had been perusing the shed for all the heavy (heavier) things I could bolt onto the bike - Saddle, dynohub, extra lights, winter wheels & tyres etc. And Mudguards.

What we got was bitter cold with the odd flurry of snow.

The last 3 1/2 hours was spent in bitterly cold rain, and at the last control in Dorchester we briefly considered lighting a fire to keep warm. Well they had everything we needed  ;D

Andy, stop f***ing about taking pictures, let's go home

All in all an excellent day and I'm very pleased that we got round in 10 hours and 3 minutes, not bad for a winter 200. I can feel my extremities again now.


  • RRTY Mad 42 up
Re: Round the Year Randonneur
« Reply #65 on: 04 January, 2011, 03:38:53 pm »
Sorry (glad) to say folks my RRTY(13-9) and AAARTY are still going strongly with another visit to the Gospel Pass yesterday.  Could not make 1 Jan owing to family celebrations.  Hope the Pass allows a normal bikey visit in Feb , as yesterday was on MTB with chunkies and Dec on Trike.  I would post photos but I have not learned how to do it.  (would appreciate some guidance as the guide notes do not appear to help)


Promoting : Cheltenham Flyer 200, Cider with Rosie 150, Character Coln 100.


Re: Round the Year Randonneur
« Reply #66 on: 04 January, 2011, 03:56:12 pm »
Don't want to play Brinksmanship with Postie's Denmead 200 on Jan 30th so I entered the Poor Student on the 8th.  That will be RRTY#2 Ride#4.

Looks like it will be warm but wet/windy.  Ice and/or snow are my worries so I'll take wet and windy any day.

Re: Round the Year Randonneur
« Reply #67 on: 04 January, 2011, 05:02:11 pm »
8 out of 12 for me. Glad to have it out of the way so early in the month, hopefully Feb will be a bit kinder. Went round the "Dorset Delight" 200 with Paul "Michael Fish" D of this parish. Thanks for the company Paul, and for dragging me up the hills on the 1st half.

"Michael Fish" because Paul had chosen the weather forecast that suited him best, i.e. a dry day, so came out on a sleek mudguardless Merckx frame. I, on the other hand, had been perusing the shed for all the heavy (heavier) things I could bolt onto the bike - Saddle, dynohub, extra lights, winter wheels & tyres etc. And Mudguards.

What we got was bitter cold with the odd flurry of snow.

The last 3 1/2 hours was spent in bitterly cold rain, and at the last control in Dorchester we briefly considered lighting a fire to keep warm. Well they had everything we needed  ;D

Andy, stop f***ing about taking pictures, let's go home

All in all an excellent day and I'm very pleased that we got round in 10 hours and 3 minutes, not bad for a winter 200. I can feel my extremities again now.

Well done Andy! That looks like the garage at the end of Dorch High Street? If it is, it's the control I use - very obliging staff, hot drinks AND a loo!! Hope you enjoyed Dorset Delight - only one hill in each section surely?  ;)
Behold the turtle - he only makes progress if he sticks his neck out.

Re: Round the Year Randonneur
« Reply #68 on: 04 January, 2011, 08:37:07 pm »
Yes, well done Andy, keep at it.

I rode "Mr Pickwick's January sale" as a final route check yesterday, plenty of snow on the sides of the roads, but thankfully a clear route. Those that have entered will get quite a day out for their £1 entry fee. That ride takes takes me to about month ten of RTTY nuber five.

Having seen the long range weather forecast, winter (particularly in South and East) may well be on the way back with a vengence.
where you have a concentration of power in a few hands, all too frequently men with the mentality of gangsters get control. History has proven that. Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Bairn Again

Re: Round the Year Randonneur
« Reply #69 on: 04 January, 2011, 08:54:52 pm »
I was on 9 but like Maverick I missed December.  There was probably only 1 real chance to do a 200 from Edinburgh in that month (Sat 11th). 

Had I been hell bent I could have done it as the conditions that day were no worse than on yesterday's calendar 200, but Im not as super motivated for YRR as others are.

Back to 1 it is!   


  • Where there is doubt...
Re: Round the Year Randonneur
« Reply #70 on: 05 January, 2011, 12:06:19 am »
Having seen the long range weather forecast, winter (particularly in South and East) may well be on the way back with a vengence.

Interesting. After least years snopocolypse I've had (yet) another go at winterproofing the Willy Warmer/Little Willy. Given the total thaw round my way I was starting to feel I'd rather been wasting my time. Perhaps not.

Re: Round the Year Randonneur
« Reply #71 on: 15 January, 2011, 06:36:31 pm »
I was on 9 but like Maverick I missed December.  Back to 1 it is!   

I am also back to 1  Could not do the PS as we were moving furniture, so I planned a perm today,  Set off at 05:30  Got the start ticket, had a very quick run to the first stop, ticket 2 we were away   :)

Then I turned into the wind,  up on the top it was sever I was having to ride down the white line to save being blown into the LH hedge by the sever gusts.  Then there was an eddy in the wind and a gust from the L that put me into the RH hedge, This was not on a small road but a Main A road.  This was too severe  I turned for home and went back to bed.

Back to No 1 as all the other possible days are now booked up.

Rich if you read this 1 DNF on the 15th.

Only those that dare to go too far, know how far they can go.   T S Elliot

Re: Round the Year Randonneur
« Reply #72 on: 15 January, 2011, 08:16:14 pm »
Today marks the completion of my 'proper' RRTY. I have the badge and my name in the Hall of Fame but I took advantage of the 59 day January which has always felt a small tinge of cheating for me. But today (subject to validation of my ECE) marks 12 genuine months. Now I need to decide if Feb is month 1 or month 7...


  • RRTY Mad 42 up
Re: Round the Year Randonneur
« Reply #73 on: 15 January, 2011, 09:08:16 pm »
Now I need to decide if Feb is month 1 or month 7...

Well done Boab. Thereby lies the conscience.  Weather down here in Glos and my availability to ride any 7 of 7 enabled me to ride 2 x 200 both last Jan and Feb.  Looks like a decent (sun and above zero) weather window for Mon/Tues, so hope to bag another Perm.


Promoting : Cheltenham Flyer 200, Cider with Rosie 150, Character Coln 100.


  • mojo operandi
Re: Round the Year Randonneur
« Reply #74 on: 19 January, 2011, 09:11:46 am »
I have decided to DNS the imminent "A Mere 200" ride :(
Doing calendar weekend rides is proving more difficult than I imagined.A change of strategy is needed if this ambition is to get started.I think doing Permenants in the week,starting from the nearest control to home with the longest opening hours (probably Congleton) is worth a try.