Author Topic: A random thread for cycling things that don't really warrant their own thread  (Read 110048 times)


  • Occasionally rides a bike
I know we've discussed the banning of e-bikes on trains in the past. Something that has come up in relation to a thing I'm working on this morning is that London Underground have banned all privately owned e-scooters and e-unicycles [sic] but still allow folding e-bikes. The rationale being that e-bikes are usually manufactured to a higher standard and the batteries are therefore less likely to be damaged and explode. Interesting distinction.

So if I park my e-bike at the station and remove the battery so it doesn't get nicked, then get on a Tube train while carrying the battery in my backpack, I'm probably in some kind of legal grey area.

As far as I know, Southeastern failways still have no ban on any e-contraptions - you do see quite a few e-scooters on commuter trains. I know it's different from a safety pov when the train isn't enclosed underground, but the HS1 does spend quite a large chunk of the route in tunnels.
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • Occasionally rides a bike
In other e-bike news, Santander Cycles is launching e-bikes from Monday. (Which seems to be one of the few things that is still going ahead despite yesterday's events.)

The pricing structure of the scheme is changing at the same time - instead of paying £2 for a 24-hour access period, with unlimited 30-minute journeys in that 24 hours, it will be £1.65 per trip up to 30 minutes, and an extra £1.65 for each additional 30 minutes. (This is to match the current £1.65 flat-rate bus fare in London.)

Hiring the e-bikes is going to cost extra on top of that, but given that there will only be 500 in operation from Monday, it's a bit of a moot point - chances of actually seeing an e-bike in the wild will be slim (the fleet is 12,000 bikes overall and there are around 800 docking stations).

Annual membership is going up from £90 to £120 but that includes unlimited rides up to 60 minutes (up from the current 30 minutes). They're also introducing monthly membership (unlimited 60-minute rides for £20 a month).
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • MemSec (ex-Mrs RRtY)
That change from 30 to 60 minutes is quite significant if you live somewhere like me. I generally can't get from home to anywhere in central London in less than 30 mins, certainly after allowing locking up time etc. Having to change bikes kept the costs down but was a faff. But 60 minutes covers the vast majority of journeys I would want to make - the last time I hired a bike was to get from home (Isle of Dogs) to Paddington station.
It means an annual payment of £120 would get you most journeys you would want to make as a single trip, so a really practical way to get around and not worry about your bike being stolen!


  • Occasionally rides a bike
I only use the bikes occasionally these days - unfortunately, not enough to justify the cost of annual membership, but I agree that change to 60 minutes is a big deal and a very good thing.

It's rare that I make a journey on the bikes of more than 30 minutes - though I've occasionally had to pedal extra hard to get to my destination inside the cutoff. And yes, I've also done the thing of stopping and changing bikes to avoid the extra charge.
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
Changing hire bikes mid-journey sounds a bit like split ticketing on the trains.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Very much the same principle.
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
I've seen an incredible number of cargo bikes today, including at one point three at one junction: two Tern GSDs and one other sort. Then various others later in the day. They're taking over! (and about time too)
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Has anyone else had Cycling UK lift multiple direct debits from their bank accounts? I think they've taken four months' money form my account in the past week. I've had a couple of emails apologising profusely. They say they've identified the problem and the money should be refunded shortly.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
A neighbour went to visit a friend in York earlier this year. York bloke transported her round the city in a trailer – not sure whether two or one-wheel – in which she sat facing backwards. She waved at the drivers as they overtook. Apparently York bloke was subsequently contacted by the city council and told that if he's to transport passengers in his trailer, they must face forwards and not distract drivers. Or so it was reported to me.  ???
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
A neighbour went to visit a friend in York earlier this year. York bloke transported her round the city in a trailer – not sure whether two or one-wheel – in which she sat facing backwards. She waved at the drivers as they overtook. Apparently York bloke was subsequently contacted by the city council and told that if he's to transport passengers in his trailer, they must face forwards and not distract drivers. Or so it was reported to me.  ???

Where does that leave drivers of estate cars with rear-facing seats in the "boot"? Or push-me-pull-you tandems where the stoker faces backwards?

I'm sure there's no such law and York City Council can safely be told to do what is, in the modern vernacular, one.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.


  • Bastard lovechild of Yomiko Readman and Johnny 5
York council is also incredibly disablist. They blocked disabled councillors from a vote on blue badge parking "vested interest" despite other drivers being allowed to vote on regular parking! They also banned ALL cars with no blue badge parking from a huge area and just assumed disabled people could use their shuttle services (which not all can) and are currently being sued for their lack of consultation with local disability groups.


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
As it happens, both my neighbour and York bloke are disabled, though in different ways, and I think YB is probably well known to the council. He's even been in the graun!

I don't think they claimed an actual law had been broken (though I expect they could have found something about type approval for carrying passengers in a trailer if they'd wanted to) just that it was "distracting".
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.


  • L'enfer, c'est les autos.
As it happens, both my neighbour and York bloke are disabled, though in different ways, and I think YB is probably well known to the council. He's even been in the graun!

I don't think they claimed an actual law had been broken (though I expect they could have found something about type approval for carrying passengers in a trailer if they'd wanted to) just that it was "distracting".
Unless YB is operating as a taxi driver, I don't think that - even if a law were being broken - the council has any jurisdiction. Blimey - they must have time and money to burn.
What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

even if a law were being broken - the council has any jurisdiction. Blimey - they must have time and money to burn.

Eh? It's a council with an unlimited fund called 'the rates' to use, they probably get lippier just around when renewal calculation is due as they can create a reason to collect any extra - or maybe that's just Wirral....


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.

I'm going to try this tomorrow.

Oh, that was a Johnson. As you knew. And even if, by some freaky chance, I managed to walk up it, I'd need mountain rescue to get me down again.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
In other e-bike news, Santander Cycles is launching e-bikes from Monday. (Which seems to be one of the few things that is still going ahead despite yesterday's events.)

The launch was delayed in the end, but the Santander e-bikes are now out in the wild.

Good luck finding one, though - I've just checked the app and none of the docking stations near the office have an e-bike available.

ETA: I've managed to locate some just a couple of miles away - tempted to go for a test ride at lunchtime.
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Mission accomplished. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that these will be a real gamechanger - as long as they can roll them out in sufficient numbers to make them a reliable option.

The general handling and ride feel is almost identical to the standard bikes, except in the fundamental detail that you don't feel like you're pedalling through treacle.

The LED display on the down tube includes a speedo. Interestingly, at one point when I was cruising along on a flat road, it was showing 31kmh.

Santander e-bikes by citoyen, on Flickr

Santander e-bikes by citoyen, on Flickr

Santander e-bikes by citoyen, on Flickr

Santander e-bikes by citoyen, on Flickr
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
I've still to try the electric beryl bikes, which we've had here for a while.  They seem to be reasonably popular, on account of the Wet Midlands having hills, but there's a lot of competition from the Voi scooters in Birmingham.


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
The electric Bird bikes (Big Issue launch) were withdrawn from Bristol due to, apparently, excessive vandalism. I'm not sure if they're still running in other places.

Re the last photo, blowing bubbles!
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re the last photo, blowing bubbles!

Indeed - the office is right next door.

Will be interesting to see how long the Santander e-bikes last before they are vandalised into oblivion.
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • On top of the Galibier
Re the last photo, blowing bubbles!

Indeed - the office is right next door.

I prefer to think of it as being the location of the biggest gig I've ever performed in...

...which was followed by some minor sporting event, or something!  ;)
Born to ride my bike, forced to work! ;)

British Cycling Regional A Track Commissaire
British Cycling Regional A Circuit Commissaire
Cycling Attendant, York Sport Village Cycle Circuit and Velodrome

Cargo bikes, particularly e ones which seem to be the normal. I wish were affordable or government supported like electric cars and vans were. Seem to start at North of 3 grand and often 5 or 6. I know they say oh will replace second car but we only have one car and I've never paid anywhere near that for a car or a cycle for that matter


  • Mr Peli
    • woollypigs
I wonder if banks are still thinking the same. Few years back I talked to a carless couple in that there London. They wanter a cargo bike and didn't have to coin to be able to afford one.

Asked bank to borrow 3k for a bike - nope, a what bike, no, you what now, nada, 3k for a bike, something about tall African animals, no can do.
Asked bank to borrow 15k for a car - sign here and which account do you want it in?
Current mood: AARRRGGGGHHHHH !!! #bollockstobrexit


  • Most of me survived the Pennine Bridleway.
A relative asked me to deliver his BSO to a very nice chap nearby who checks such things over & sells them with all profits going to the local hospice.  This led to the 'tween household becoming n-2 as I've subsequently delivered our tandem1 and ex-electric trike2 to the same chap.  'Nice to get machines in good order for a change' he quoth.

Between deliveries 1 & 2 said very nice chap received a message from the Hospice, the total from his fund raising efforts has just passed £57k  :o  In just 4 years :o :o

1I spent a fair chunk of time & money getting it in good order but it's never going to be usable by two adults without upgrading a hell of a lot of parts to cope with the mass.  Everything on it is standard bike parts.  Better it goes to an adult plus child user.  He was quite excited about this as he gets tandems rarely.
2Delivered pretty much as we got it it.  Far beyond my ability to figure out... well most things on it.  The two chief items being how to make the rear brake function and  how to give it gears suitable for this part of the world.  Needs selling on to someone in Norfolk or the Netherlands.
2023 targets: Survive. Maybe.
There is only one infinite resource in this universe; human stupidity.