Author Topic: Rapha 'Assynt' video.  (Read 5210 times)

Rapha 'Assynt' video.
« on: 19 October, 2012, 08:25:13 pm »
The Rapha 'Continental' idea isn't a bad one really. Rapha have a bit of an image problem with a lot of cyclists, but we 24 Hour riders like them. They've got a solid record now, and this video features Ultan Coyle, who's  CTT National Champion at 24 Hours. I like the narration which Ultan had a hand in, and I can recognise all the roads, and identify all the geographical non-sequiturs, they had rotten weather.

As a North West Highlands purist I'd point out that they ride in parts of Eddrachilles and Coigach as well as Assynt.

Re: Rapha 'Assynt' video.
« Reply #1 on: 20 October, 2012, 11:37:20 am »
Enjoyed that.
Get a bicycle. You will never regret it, if you live- Mark Twain

Re: Rapha 'Assynt' video.
« Reply #2 on: 23 October, 2012, 12:50:40 pm »
I thought I might do a satire of the Rapha approach, but it turned out a bit serious. I could do about an hour of this sort of thing.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


  • fighting the dictatorship of Capitalisation
Re: Rapha 'Assynt' video.
« Reply #3 on: 26 October, 2012, 08:28:12 am »
why do they have an image problem?

whatever you do, don't tell anyone you didn't do it

Re: Rapha 'Assynt' video.
« Reply #4 on: 26 October, 2012, 11:17:13 am »
why do they have an image problem?

They do have an image problem in circles such as this forum, which is hard line and committed to a certain type of fundamental anti commercialism. The things Rapha do tend to be expensive, although I'm told the quality is good. Many people on here have the money to afford Rapha kit, but will go from Lusso clothing, which works, to Assoss which is seen as the best. Those riders, and I could give you names, will see Rapha as catering to the 'Dentist on a Pinarello' market. They'll have 'GPs on a Colnago' in their club though.
Rapha have tried to plug into the 'boutique' market with something they call 'The Continental', which is a sort of Audax style of concept, but is a filming activity really. The link to vimeo upthread has bits in it that I can see are staged. They ride off towards Achiltibuie at one point, and the next moment they are on the road they've just been seen riding past. I've also staged descending shots in similar conditions, and it requires a lot of takes, usually driving back up the hill. Which is all fine as long as you're not trying to be 'authentic'.
But the further I delve into the Rapha UK Continental project the more impressed I am.
The bikes they have had built are the bikes we would have had built.
One's a Dave Yates.
<a href=";;fullscreen=1&amp;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=01AAEA" target="_blank">;;fullscreen=1&amp;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=01AAEA</a> 
I look at that, and I can see Dave's 2001 LEL number on the workshop wall, he builds them a 'Fast Audax Bike'.

The US Continental project was parodied, and that parody caught on.

However, the UK Rapha Continental riders have also been regular visitors to the Mersey Roads 24 Hour Time Trial over the last few years. That's as hardcore as it gets, the hardest pure Audax riders on here might get to 450 miles in 24 hours, with some of the better TT riders getting above that. Ultan Coyle, the graphic designer at Rapha won last year with 488.99 miles. The pre race favourite was a DNS, and his main rival pulled out, but it was a win, and a win is a win. Other Rapha riders have pushed 450 miles, and they could win the team prize at some point. So when I look at the film I can see that it's meant to be arty, and is full of artifice, but the riders are worthy of respect.
I set out in my last couple of films to parody that artiness and artifice, using found poetry, and putting shots out of sequence. But as I did it I found I liked the results too much to persist with it as a pastiche, and it became an authentic expression in the style of another culture. I think that the same thing has happened to Rapha. Rather than merely taking the style of the Audax and 24 culture. They have unwittingly been sucked in by the substance of it.


  • The Codfather
  • Formerly known as Jaded
Re: Rapha 'Assynt' video.
« Reply #5 on: 26 October, 2012, 11:21:56 am »
The Rapha footage has a lot of artistic licence in the editing.
It is simpler than it looks.

Re: Rapha 'Assynt' video.
« Reply #6 on: 26 October, 2012, 11:48:30 am »
They do have an image problem in circles such as this forum, which is hard line and committed to a certain type of fundamental anti commercialism

There are plenty of people on this forum who wear Rapha, or think they might like to wear it. There are also plenty who are happy not wearing Rapha and, though they might feel uneasy about its image, would not  dream of slagging off those who do on the Forum, never mind IRL. This said, the name alone is a red rag to some, and a thread that includes the name will often attract criticism. Others then jump on the bandwagon while the Rapha-lovers / wearers keep quiet or go elsewhere. The thread then becomes an anti-Rapha snowball rolling down the hill. I think ESL knows all this. If he does not, he certainly has the intelligence and experience of the Forum to infer it.

As to the videos - thanks for posting the Rapha one, I'd have missed it otherwise. After the shipping forecast bit, which I think works quite well, it begs to be sent up. ESL's vid is highly likeable, but, as he says, a little too serious for satire.

Re: Rapha 'Assynt' video.
« Reply #7 on: 26 October, 2012, 12:06:03 pm »
I live within 2 miles of Hewitt's and Ribble and within 3 miles of Merlin. So my retail needs are covered.
I got the idea for a satire involving found poetry after I'd seen the Rapha film and after I'd been to our local Tesco Local.
My eyesight is a bit compromised at the moment, and I was having a battle with the self checkout. It kept saying 'Unexpected item in bagging area', I recorded the serious sounding voiceover with a view to a series of shots with that phrase in the background and a series of shots of Ibuprofen, Sudocrem, Ginsters pasties etc.
I liked the serious video though, I'll do a satire of my own video at some point.


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: Rapha 'Assynt' video.
« Reply #8 on: 26 October, 2012, 02:36:33 pm »
They do have an image problem in circles such as this forum, which is hard line and committed to a certain type of fundamental anti commercialism.
As a fully paid-up member of that circle, I did indeed scoff at Rapha initially. But then in 2011 they won me over a bit. The PBP riders did my qualifiers, and I had er... some free time at the 24H to chat to their crew, who were totally lovely.

And I think this may well be true:
I think that the same thing has happened to Rapha. Rather than merely taking the style of the Audax and 24 culture. They have unwittingly been sucked in by the substance of it.

(I still can't afford their kit.)
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles

Re: Rapha 'Assynt' video.
« Reply #9 on: 26 October, 2012, 03:08:38 pm »
I like the look of their stuff. However, they don't help themselves by saying things like "And to say that, with no experience of garment manufacturing or Internet retail, I could come in and sell clothes to men online around cycling, and do it at a price that was 30-50% higher than anybody else in the market using the principles of luxury branding".


Re: Rapha 'Assynt' video.
« Reply #10 on: 26 October, 2012, 03:23:49 pm »
Buy their kit or don't, it's a free world and there are cheaper options that work just as well.

Loved the video though.  Reminded me a bit of BCM600 and made me long to ride it again in wet/blustery conditions (so it must have been a good video).  Easy to say sat here with my coffee though.

I also loved their BCM600 photos.  Did they do some for PBP?  I can't remember.

EDIT: Yes they did...they were all over 20 hours faster than me.  Even the fella with Achilles problems.


  • Tyke
Re: Rapha 'Assynt' video.
« Reply #11 on: 26 October, 2012, 03:26:12 pm »
Quote from: Simon Mottram
Rapha is a sort of curious train smash

Getting there...


  • fighting the dictatorship of Capitalisation
Re: Rapha 'Assynt' video.
« Reply #12 on: 26 October, 2012, 11:32:37 pm »
I like the look of their stuff. However, they don't help themselves by saying things like "And to say that, with no experience of garment manufacturing or Internet retail, I could come in and sell clothes to men online around cycling, and do it at a price that was 30-50% higher than anybody else in the market using the principles of luxury branding".

that's a bit Gerry Ratner. cheeky buggers!
whatever you do, don't tell anyone you didn't do it


  • Maxin' n Audaxin'
Re: Rapha 'Assynt' video.
« Reply #13 on: 27 October, 2012, 11:10:08 am »
I used to think that Rapha was all style with little substance until my wife bought herself a jersey in a sale and I was able to see the quality of the stuff.  I also like the understated nature of them - a lot of cycling tops can be very busy.  Still love Assos shorts but got a pair of Rapha deep winter tights in a sale and they are very well made too.


  • hello
Re: Rapha 'Assynt' video.
« Reply #14 on: 27 October, 2012, 11:30:55 am »
it all just looks like a rip off of the TenCC Scottish ride video to me  ;)