Author Topic: A random thread for small computing things that don't really warrant a thread of their own  (Read 309268 times)


  • The Codfather
  • Formerly known as Jaded
Macs do this OK
It is simpler than it looks.


This is what drives me mental about Windows, it takes about thirty minutes to find a setting, and then after that adventure, it turns out it doesn't actually work.

  Which will be particularly fun for residents of the island of Ireland.

It already is to a certian extent. They of course us the same "time" as the UK.  That makes for much darker mornings and much lighter evenings already in the far west of Ireland.
We are making a New World (Paul Nash, 1918)

Macs do this OK

Oh yeah? Try going to Abkhazia.

And wonder where your breakfast is. Or why the places clearly visible in Apple Maps are not there when you search for them.
Quote from: tiermat
that's not science, it's semantics.

Although technically, they're going with the stupider option: Permanent DST, rather than permanent standard time.  Having the clocks actually align with what the sun is doing is presumably too difficult for business, or something.

Well that doesn't work either as the actual midday/midnight changes through the year. That's what the "M" in GMT is for.

It's just a number, it shouldn't matter what number it is. The pain is having it randomly move on different dates in different places. Keep it the same all year round, whether it's UTC or anything else. If you live in Scotland and moan because it's dark at the number called "10:00" what's the issue, just start work/school/whatever at a bigger number.
Quote from: tiermat
that's not science, it's semantics.


Macs do this OK

Oh yeah? Try going to Abkhazia.

And wonder where your breakfast is. Or why the places clearly visible in Apple Maps are not there when you search for them.

Mine doesn’t work in Nambia either.


  • Just do it!
Looks like Twitter is down...

Looks like Twitter is down...

Appears to be working via my iphone on 4G, but not via the iMac.
Not fast & rarely furious

tweeting occasional in(s)anities as andrewxclark


  • Just do it!
I only haz a MacBook...


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Working for me, both website and via clients.


  • Just do it!
'Tis back...


  • Not Small
I am playing whack a rat with selenium.
The selenium guy is in holiday
The other twatt wor knows about it is dinghying me.

Sent from my BKL-L09 using Tapatalk


Decided to buy an iPad, as the one I have and use occasionally is now about ten years old* and is not really up with modern web science (or so it keeps bleating or simply showing me the blank page of ineffability).

Like everything, once upon a time it was a simple buy iPad, now it's buy iPad, iPad Air, iPad Pro big, iPad Pro small.

*checks the web and blimey, it is 10 years old.


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
*checks the web and blimey, it is 10 years old.

iThings are pretty good value in that respect, if you don't break them.

Auntie Helen

  • 6 Wheels in Germany
My original iPad is still being used by my ex-husband.

I bought it on 1 December 2010.
My blog on cycling in Germany and eating German cake –


  • Bastard lovechild of Yomiko Readman and Johnny 5
Yeah my mum asked me to research iPads cos her 5+ yr old one has a big screen crack (2nd time she's cracked it) which isn't worth spending £100ish to repair (again).

Mum'd got the idea the mini ones would be cheaper... Which isn't the case.

After I'd worked out her best choices she then decided she didn't want to bother till October time even tho the cost is actually cheaper once inflation is calculated and I expect tech to only go up in price cos Brexshit, Economy, Ukraine etc etc... By October I'll have to do the research all over again cos prices, models etc will have changed all over again. It's not like she can't afford it, she's a Boomer with A Real Pension and technically a job still.... Very annoying.

I felt the standard iPad was best. The minis are £££ and the Pros are bastard heavy and big... I reckon we'd go for something with future-proof storage but no cellular for her purposes (Grandchildren, web browsing, photos).


I do have an even older one (I think iPad 2) somewhere, was used in the kitchen for splashy stuff. I think I also have the original iPad Air from a former mothership mouldering in the IT drawer.

The 10-year-old still mostly works and holds a decent charge, but increasingly it's struggling with websites and many of the apps don't work. I was sort of went off tablets but there's been a couple of times recently when I've thought, actually, a tablet would have been useful.

Apple stuff is a bit annoying though, as it refuses to die at a sensible age and litters my house. Looks at 2007 Mac Mini, cursedly. That got supplanted in printer and back-up duties by the 2009 Mac Mini, and now serves as a paperweight.

The fancy new iPad Air looks nice, though it's a bit of a mark-up mostly for the fancy new processor, but if it lasts me another 10 years, probably worth it.

Auntie Helen

  • 6 Wheels in Germany
I felt the standard iPad was best. The minis are £££ and the Pros are bastard heavy and big... I reckon we'd go for something with future-proof storage but no cellular for her purposes (Grandchildren, web browsing, photos).
I now have a Mini and a Pro. I always had the standard before that.

I wouldn't bother with the pro again, it's that bit heavier and the improvements in it aren't so mega over the normal. I like that it doesn't have the home button but does everything with facial recognition, don't know if the standard iPad does that now. I would miss it if I didn't have it.

If I could only have one then I would have my Mini. It is so convenient for the hand as it's lighter weight and quality is still good. Mine is two and a half years old and the battery is definitely not lasting as well but as I don't tend to cart the thing around but keep it at home, having to charge it every 3 days is fine. I use it for 2-3 hours per day. The big iPad Pro I use for watching TV but not usually for general things (playing cards etc) as it's just oo heavy.

The Apple Pencil for the Pro was a waste of money for me. I almost never use it.
My blog on cycling in Germany and eating German cake –

Mr Larrington

  • A bit ov a lyv wyr by slof standirds
  • Custard Wallah
    • Mr Larrington's Automatic Diary
A quick shufti at the settings on this FruitCo Product suggests that the boggo iPad doesn’t do facial recognition.

I was quite happy with my 2014 Mini until it started not running things, which is anathema to a Unit using a thirty year old keyboard (even if it lacks the extra keys that Microsith seems to think we can’t do without) and a 20+ trackball.
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime


Only the Pros do facial recognition, the others are fingerprint scanners. Given the chip in the Air, I guess that's mostly down to product segmentation, there's not much between the iPad Air and the smaller Pro.

Next up foo-foo colours. Sadly no torporific taupe is available.


  • Mr Peli
    • woollypigs
dSLR didn't turn on, great timing for a weekend away.

Tried all the things like battery in out shake it all about erm put a new fresh battery in. With or without SD card and lens, leave it on without battery for 15min etc etc. Just now't.

Got home plugged it into a a laptop and another spare battery, camera blinked red and laptop said it had found a new USB device.

Turned on the camera and \o/
Current mood: AARRRGGGGHHHHH !!! #bollockstobrexit


Starlight in the end, with a dark cherry cover. I'd like to say not having to peck at a teeny iPhone keyboard while horizontal on the sofa will improve the quality of my posts, but I suspect that's unlikely.

Mr Larrington

  • A bit ov a lyv wyr by slof standirds
  • Custard Wallah
    • Mr Larrington's Automatic Diary
Yahoo! Mail! Appears! To! Be! B0rked! Bah!
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime


  • Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Lepidopterist Man!
Well, that is interesting.

RGT Cycling app seems to be running on my initial test on a Windows 10 Virtual Machine under VMWare Player on a Linux Mint Host :-)

Big test will be when I try this again, on the older PC hooked up to the telly. Will the virtual machine see the bluetooth adaptors to hook up to the smart turbo trainer?  Certainly easier than dual booting!


  • Mr Peli
    • woollypigs
A video showing a driverless car being stopped by the police and then attempting to drive away went viral over the weekend. San Francisco police stopped one of Cruise's autonomous Chevrolet Bolt EVs, likely because the car's headlights were not on despite it being night. In the video, first posted to Instagram on April 2, an officer can be heard saying, "There's nobody in it."

But a few seconds later, after the officer walks back to his police car, the autonomous vehicle—perhaps deciding that the traffic stop was over—tries to drive away before pulling over to a stop a few hundred feet away.
Current mood: AARRRGGGGHHHHH !!! #bollockstobrexit