Author Topic: [HAMR] A new challenger - Miles Smith  (Read 79960 times)

Re: A new challenger - Miles Smith
« Reply #100 on: 12 April, 2015, 06:01:36 pm »
This was written in 2010

So, after 2006 when a pedestrian was killed but before the most recent crash reported when three cyclists were hospitalised, by all accounts there are a lot more incidents.

Re: A new challenger - Miles Smith
« Reply #101 on: 18 April, 2015, 10:07:04 pm »
It's 7am here in Melbourne and I've woken to tropical strength rain and strong winds. I think there may have been some hail in there. Just checked the tracker and Miles is near home. Hopefully he's able to avoid it as it was the sort of rain where cars pull over and stop on the freeways!!
The weather radar shows its passing through so Miles may be able to get back into it soon.
I can't remember rain this hard in Melbourne in the last 12 months.


Re: A new challenger - Miles Smith
« Reply #102 on: 20 April, 2015, 07:58:07 am »
Looks like whoever said he was going to do the same route all year was blowing smoke.  He rode a different route over the weekend, which is disappointing as I can no longer use the oh-so-hilarious Groundhog Day meme. 

Based on Strava, it looks like he flew back home as well.  Literally.  I don't think all of those miles will count...

Re: A new challenger - Miles Smith
« Reply #103 on: 20 April, 2015, 08:47:07 am »
Looks like a nice ride.  I didn't do long distance cycling when I lived in Australia.  Just had a look at a bit of it.  The Hume Hwy is the most direct route for cars between Melbourne and Sydney.  It's been replaced with a motorway - at least until the border with NSW.  Anyway, that leaves a divided road (dual carriageway) unused except for local traffic.,146.230413,3a,75y,34.41h,75.37t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1swAVdJRUxjGCA0TIEBbltCQ!2e0?hl=en

red marley

Re: A new challenger - Miles Smith
« Reply #104 on: 20 April, 2015, 09:13:22 pm »
I'm a little disappointed in the unreliability of Miles' uploads. Sometimes more than 24 hours late, a couple of what appear to be missing uploads (e.g. 14th and maybe 17th/18th) and his latest for 20th April seems to include non-cycling transport back to Melbourne mixed in with the track for his ride. It all makes it really quite hard to work out exactly how many official miles he has ridden.

Re: A new challenger - Miles Smith
« Reply #105 on: 20 April, 2015, 09:54:29 pm »
This ^^^

Get your 5h1t in order, Miles, or I'll stop kudossing you on Strava.  Hell, I might even unfollow you...


  • Most of me survived the Pennine Bridleway.
Re: A new challenger - Miles Smith
« Reply #106 on: 21 April, 2015, 07:33:59 am »
I'm a little disappointed in the unreliability of Miles' uploads. Sometimes more than 24 hours late, a couple of what appear to be missing uploads (e.g. 14th and maybe 17th/18th) and his latest for 20th April seems to include non-cycling transport back to Melbourne mixed in with the track for his ride. It all makes it really quite hard to work out exactly how many official miles he has ridden.
Not arf.  He has fixed the rail journey home sacrificing the legitimate time in the saddle when he got back to Melbourne but it's still not right.  I've done some analysis, watch for another thread this morning.
2023 targets: Survive. Maybe.
There is only one infinite resource in this universe; human stupidity.

Re: A new challenger - Miles Smith
« Reply #107 on: 23 April, 2015, 01:34:15 pm »

I'm Peter Mathews, one of the Audax Oz mob supporting Miles' HMR attempt. I'm his data minder and can tell you it's been a rough start. Both Strava and the HM'R leaderboard are out of whack. However our tally agrees exactly with the data Drew harvested separately from MIles' Garmin site (phew).

Miles basic route is up and down the Port Phillip Bay between Melbourne and Portsea. It is 200 km per cycle. As things settle down Miles will head away from Melbourne for a change of scenery and to participate in some long Audax events. Logistically we are still working out the best ways to manage this in terms of support, sleep, food and data management but stay tuned.

As of day 11 Miles Smith's tally is 2332.62miles (3753.988001km) or an average of 212.0563636 miles per day (341.2716365km). This is the data taken from his Garmin and tallies exactly with the data Drew distributed to each team yesterday.

We are building a website at - where you can see that each of his bikes has HUGE front rings. When Miles turned up for his first Audax Oz event only a couple of years ago (it was 1,000 km) we all looked at the ring in horror. But, believe me, he's like a big diesel and just cranks out the miles.

I think Miles would like to ramp up the miles per day once he settles into the routine of this a bit.
Strava is killing the data at present and misinterprets data loaded from the Garmin site consistently.  This was the cause of the Wangaratta "glitch". Please note that Mile's Garmin was paused during the train trip back to Melbourne and did not in fact record that distance. The total distance travelled in that leg was 21.09 miles (distance from Wang to Melb is about 155 miles). This was the distance from his sleep stop at an Audax Club member's place outside Wangaratta (with a bit of wandering around looking for food and stuff) plus the distance from the Melbourne train station to his place and back to Abbottsford Cycles on Monday morning to upload the data.

Hope this helps, and if you have other queries or comments please drop me a line here or to

Mr Fidgetbuzz should note that Miles is on of Keith's wednesday warriors!


Peter Mathews
Pres Audax Oz 2013
3 PBPs and a lot of other stuff

Re: A new challenger - Miles Smith
« Reply #108 on: 23 April, 2015, 01:52:20 pm »

I'm Peter Mathews, one of the Audax Oz mob supporting Miles' HMR attempt. I'm his data minder and can tell you it's been a rough start. Both Strava and the HM'R leaderboard are out of whack. However our tally agrees exactly with the data Drew harvested separately from MIles' Garmin site (phew).

Miles basic route is up and down the Port Phillip Bay between Melbourne and Portsea. It is 200 km per cycle. As things settle down Miles will head away from Melbourne for a change of scenery and to participate in some long Audax events. Logistically we are still working out the best ways to manage this in terms of support, sleep, food and data management but stay tuned.

As of day 11 Miles Smith's tally is 2332.62miles (3753.988001km) or an average of 212.0563636 miles per day (341.2716365km). This is the data taken from his Garmin and tallies exactly with the data Drew distributed to each team yesterday.

We are building a website at - where you can see that each of his bikes has HUGE front rings. When Miles turned up for his first Audax Oz event only a couple of years ago (it was 1,000 km) we all looked at the ring in horror. But, believe me, he's like a big diesel and just cranks out the miles.

I think Miles would like to ramp up the miles per day once he settles into the routine of this a bit.
Strava is killing the data at present and misinterprets data loaded from the Garmin site consistently.  This was the cause of the Wangaratta "glitch". Please note that Mile's Garmin was paused during the train trip back to Melbourne and did not in fact record that distance. The total distance travelled in that leg was 21.09 miles (distance from Wang to Melb is about 155 miles). This was the distance from his sleep stop at an Audax Club member's place outside Wangaratta (with a bit of wandering around looking for food and stuff) plus the distance from the Melbourne train station to his place and back to Abbottsford Cycles on Monday morning to upload the data.

Hope this helps, and if you have other queries or comments please drop me a line here or to

Mr Fidgetbuzz should note that Miles is on of Keith's wednesday warriors!



Are you the Pete Matthews originally from Liverpool?



  • Whimsy Rider
Re: A new challenger - Miles Smith
« Reply #109 on: 23 April, 2015, 01:54:29 pm »
This Pete has been Audax Oz president. Not the bloke you are thinking of.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...

Re: A new challenger - Miles Smith
« Reply #110 on: 23 April, 2015, 01:55:43 pm »
This Pete has been Audax Oz president. Not the bloke you are thinking of.

Just noticed. Different spelling.   :)


Re: A new challenger - Miles Smith
« Reply #111 on: 23 April, 2015, 02:07:47 pm »
Strava' interpretation of split tracks is bad and wrong.

Re: A new challenger - Miles Smith
« Reply #112 on: 23 April, 2015, 02:50:18 pm »
3753.988001km?! Somehow I don't think any Garmin system is accurate to 1mm :)

Re: A new challenger - Miles Smith
« Reply #113 on: 23 April, 2015, 07:26:04 pm »
start pedalling, click go on Garmin, finish ride/jump on transport and click stop and reset

how hard can it be to get the basics right?

Re: A new challenger - Miles Smith
« Reply #114 on: 23 April, 2015, 07:43:01 pm »
Well, as the data minder doesn't understand significant figures, maybe it can be quite hard.

(sorry Peter  :-* )

Re: A new challenger - Miles Smith
« Reply #115 on: 23 April, 2015, 10:59:17 pm »
As it was all getting a bit excitable I didn't clip the spreadsheet numbers, and you never know when that extra mm may come in handy.

One of Miles quirks is that he doesn't like tech on the bike. Getting the Garmin was a major concession.  A little more button work will get us there.


Peter Mathews
Pres Audax Oz 2013
3 PBPs and a lot of other stuff


Re: A new challenger - Miles Smith
« Reply #116 on: 23 April, 2015, 11:28:31 pm »
If you stop the garmin recording, transfer, and start again, Strava joins the two segments with a straight line. It's really annoying.


Re: A new challenger - Miles Smith
« Reply #117 on: 24 April, 2015, 07:48:54 am »
Miles sounds like a proper antipodean audax headbanger. Looking forward to seeing how he racks up the distance over the year, as I'd imagine there are going to be some huge rides :thumbsup:

Re: A new challenger - Miles Smith
« Reply #118 on: 24 April, 2015, 07:58:17 am »
Miles sounds like a proper antipodean audax headbanger. Looking forward to seeing how he racks up the distance over the year, as I'd imagine there are going to be some huge rides :thumbsup:

He's pommy, though, I understand.

Re: A new challenger - Miles Smith
« Reply #119 on: 24 April, 2015, 08:19:21 am »
If he was an Aussie, he'd be Kilometers Smith.

Re: A new challenger - Miles Smith
« Reply #120 on: 24 April, 2015, 10:08:28 am »

He's over 50 so he was named well before Australia went metric.  Oddly though, I don't think i ever met a Miles in australia, but it's a pretty common name in UK.  Actually, most men his age in Australia are called David. 

Re: A new challenger - Miles Smith
« Reply #121 on: 24 April, 2015, 11:20:53 am »
Not Bruce?

Re: A new challenger - Miles Smith
« Reply #122 on: 24 April, 2015, 12:30:49 pm »
The Bruce-thing is the stuff of British comedy, and - like the hats with corks on it - very rarely seen in the wild.

But David: I organised something for a bunch of people, not all of whom know each other.  Afterwards I introduced those who had not met before.  I can still remember my exact words "David, this is David, David, David and - eh - David"

Mr Larrington

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Re: A new challenger - Miles Smith
« Reply #123 on: 24 April, 2015, 02:13:37 pm »
My grate frend Dr Butcher, a BRITON, used to get very cross when someone would tell her "Dave rang for you" since she knew eighteen Daves.  And this was before the TV channel of that ilk was invented.
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime

Re: A new challenger - Miles Smith
« Reply #124 on: 24 April, 2015, 02:39:57 pm »