Author Topic: Help! The gpx file from my 200km has no time data! etrex legend troubles  (Read 1004 times)

Help! A pal lent my his old etrex legend for a 200km, I downloaded the route via Mapsource to the device, rode the ride, and then downloaded the gpx track to submit as a DIY by GPS. Despite the fact that the device had recorded my average speed, top speed, duration of ride etc, imagine my horror to discover that the gpx file has no time data in it!!!

Does anyone have any idea if I can get the time data out of the device, and if so how? And/or, is anyone able to explain what I did wrong!

Many thanks by advance for your help



  • It's mostly downhill from here.
Re: Help! The gpx file from my 200km has no time data! etrex legend troubles
« Reply #1 on: 05 November, 2015, 10:27:34 pm »
Are you sure you are looking at your actual as-ridden tracklog, and not the track-you-loaded-for-navigation?


  • rothair gasta
Re: Help! The gpx file from my 200km has no time data! etrex legend troubles
« Reply #2 on: 05 November, 2015, 10:35:31 pm »
Did you save the track on the Etrex? If you do this, the saved track won't have any time data.

You need to use Mapsource to download the "Active Log". That should have all of the times.

Or if its an Etrex Legend Cx or HCx, you can set it to also record the track onto the memory card, as a GPX file. This track will also have all of the time data, and it will have plenty of memory so you won't run out of space.

Re: Help! The gpx file from my 200km has no time data! etrex legend troubles
« Reply #3 on: 05 November, 2015, 11:25:09 pm »
Ah Ha! Yes I did save the track. the battery went mid ride, so i saved the track, swapped the batteries and then carried on. I have two active logs showing times for the two halves of the route, hooray! Or nearly, map source keeps crashing when i try to save them together or individually as a gpx file and babel won't open them as gdb files...

Re: Help! The gpx file from my 200km has no time data! etrex legend troubles
« Reply #4 on: 05 November, 2015, 11:34:24 pm »
Thank you all! with a bit of fiddling I finally managed to sort it!