Author Topic: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020  (Read 203102 times)

Mr Green

  • LEL, SR, RRtY, 24TT
Re: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020
« Reply #925 on: 19 July, 2017, 06:52:26 pm »
Hello to everybody, this is my first post in this forum.
I had a lovely time doing the ride (I obviously already have forgotten that I wanted to quit on the evening of day 2), everybody was nice and friendly. Thanks to Andy for all the work and thanks to all the other participants and volunteers for making this an unforgetable event. I forgot all your names, though, I am hopeless with names anyway and sleep deprivation doesn't help much either.
I am the german guy with the green Miyata  with the S and S frame couplings mostly cycling on his own (because I was so slow)
In spite of a triple crankset, I had to get off the bike on the very steep climbs, so hats of to everybody who was able to ride those climbs. The good thing about pushing your bike is having a break for your muscles and knees, and you are not much slower anyway. My knees didn't hurt after the ride, and I took some pictures while pushing the bike.
I will ride a more detailed ride report with some pictures, but that's it for now.
Thanks again to everybody, I really enjoyed the ride!

Hi there, welcome to YACF.
Well done on finishing, and thanks for your cheery company on the ride.
Did you manage to get the ferry from Hull and ride home afterwards?

Arthur (chap on the black Genisis with Carradice)
What a lot of effort just for a cloth badge.

Re: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020
« Reply #926 on: 19 July, 2017, 08:59:46 pm »
It was a great ride overall!! So many thanks to Andy and all the helpers - special mention to Swiss Hat and giant 'Andreas' for mamma's special recipe pasta! And to Deano for the beer run on night 1!

Anyway, some photos here:

Kneecaps - They felt like literally exploding on days 2 & 3!!! :-o

Re: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020
« Reply #927 on: 20 July, 2017, 11:08:18 am »
Anyway, here are my (slightly late) reflections on my first ride over 600 km.

(And some photos here.)

Andy Corless

  • Doesn't take the p***, says it as it is!
Re: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020
« Reply #928 on: 20 July, 2017, 05:48:53 pm »
Now that the dust has settled a bit a big thanks to all those that entered and took part in the second running of the Mille Pennines 1000 and congratulations also to those that finished.
This was a 1007 km randonnee through the Pennine chain, spread over 4-days. The first day saw the riders tackle a circuit of the Lake District. Most found the early hiils around Sandside and Grasmere relatively straight-forward but rain set-in for the afternoon making the climbs of Hardknott & Wrynose a dismal affair. Fortunately, all the riders were assured of a warm welcome at the excellent Sedbergh control; a facility that provided the riders with the opportunity to consume some hot food, as well as shower and sleeping facilities. Day 2, a circuit of the northern Pennines, saw riders riding in some decent conditions for once. Day 3 was more or less a circuit of the north Yorks' Moors, including some steep climbs to the west of Robin Hood's Bay.
Overall, the event was a success with 68 riders starting and 43 finishing! The central control at Sedbergh received some favourable comments and I plan to use this facility again in the future. More unforgettable stories were written from the event and many of them have been uploaded onto the event website at:

There'll doubtless be many more! A few accolades from me that I can remember (in no particular order):

For more than half the field this was their first 1000 km audax ride.

4 riders: Ray Robinson; Ian Ryall; Mike Sheldrake and John Sherlock also completed the 2016 edition. They were nicknamed, "The Fab Four".

Ray Robinson & John Barkman both completed the "999 miles of Rome and the south" event in Italy less than a week before this event began. There might be others that I don't know about!

Tim Woodier became the first rider to complete the event on an ElliptiGO!

Robert Bialek completed the event a week after completing the legendary Pendle 600.

Once again, congratulations to all those that finished the event and commiserations to those that weren't able to finish this year.
Riders travelled from as far as London; Bristol; Scotland; Sweden & Germany for the event and I do hope their time and expense was worthwhile.

Last but certainly not least, I'd like to thank the volunteers that helped make the event a success:

Taunton & Debbie Southwood who helped out at the start at Bispham.

Dean Clementson; Peter Turner; Martin Lucas; Ann Fleck; Andreas Schade and his wife; Jon Richardson; Steve Gee; Caroline Item who all helped out at Sedbergh over the weekend.

I'd also like to thank Andrew Fleck, a rider who is also the headmaster of Sedbergh school for permitting us the use of the facility, particularly at such short notice.

The date for next year's event, the last for at least 2-years, has been provisionally set for the weekend of: 06 - 09 July 2018, subject to approval.

I hope to catch up with some of you all soon at LEL ...

Andy Corless
Mille Pennines 1000

Re: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020
« Reply #929 on: 23 July, 2017, 12:08:58 am »
Robert "Bob" Bialek also rode from Halifax to the start - and I assume he rode back afters.

Re: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020
« Reply #930 on: 23 July, 2017, 10:43:57 am »
Some photos from me here:

Have been pondering a long detailed write up but can't see it happening! So just a quick one to add my thanks to Andy and all the helpers, particularly whoever it was that put pasta and tea in front of me while I was dazed and confused at about 3am Sunday morning.

My first 1000, wasn't sure I was up to it after a lot of interupted training time and my longest ride of 2017 being a miserable solo 235 miler, and longest ever ride being the BCM 2 years ago. Almost didn't make it - very close to quitting in the middle of the night after the Ripon stop but Will (zakalwe) and Ken who I spent the day riding with graciously spurred me on and put up with my moaning!

Hope I can get fitter for any future attempt at something like this so I am quicker and get more sleep - had about 5 hours over the weekend. Amazing what the body can do really on so little sleep, took a while to get over and had to stop for two long naps on the drive home to Swindon.

Anyway thanks again Andy for putting this on and hope to see you on some other mad event maybe next year.

Re: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020
« Reply #931 on: 23 July, 2017, 01:18:42 pm »
Robert "Bob" Bialek also rode from Halifax to the start - and I assume he rode back afters.

I was chatting to Bob on the ride and was amazed he road to the start and even more amazed he did the Pendel 600 which finished 4 days before the start of this.

Well done Bob, true legend



  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020
« Reply #932 on: 23 July, 2017, 04:06:21 pm »
Robert "Bob" Bialek also rode from Halifax to the start - and I assume he rode back afters.

I was chatting to Bob on the ride and was amazed he road to the start and even more amazed he did the Pendel 600 which finished 4 days before the start of this.

Well done Bob, true legend

The problem with back-to-back hard rides like that is stiffening up between - rather like problem those part-timers on the "Tour de France" have on Rest Days.

Sounds like Bpb avoided this by just riding non-stop in the days between the events. It was almost too easy for him!
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles

Re: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020
« Reply #933 on: 26 July, 2017, 12:19:24 am »
I knew of Bob before I started auditing through the world of caving. He co-authored a book called, 'Not for the faint hearted'. It is about the toughest caving trips in Yorkshire. He has done them all. Some of them are UTTERLY mental. I speak from experience! He is made of severely stern stuff!

Not far enough

  • But what I do I do because I like to do.
Re: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020
« Reply #934 on: 26 July, 2017, 08:00:31 am »
I knew of Bob before I started auditing through the world of caving. He co-authored a book called, 'Not for the faint hearted'. It is about the toughest caving trips in Yorkshire. He has done them all. Some of them are UTTERLY mental. I speak from experience! He is made of severely stern stuff!

Didn't even know about Bob "Dalek"'s caving exploits, top bloke  :)

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Is it better for a man to have chosen evil than to have good imposed upon him?


  • think of something funny
Re: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020
« Reply #935 on: 30 July, 2017, 08:45:42 pm »
Hello to everybody, this is my first post in this forum.
I had a lovely time doing the ride (I obviously already have forgotten that I wanted to quit on the evening of day 2), everybody was nice and friendly. Thanks to Andy for all the work and thanks to all the other participants and volunteers for making this an unforgetable event. I forgot all your names, though, I am hopeless with names anyway and sleep deprivation doesn't help much either.
I am the german guy with the green Miyata  with the S and S frame couplings mostly cycling on his own (because I was so slow)
In spite of a triple crankset, I had to get off the bike on the very steep climbs, so hats of to everybody who was able to ride those climbs. The good thing about pushing your bike is having a break for your muscles and knees, and you are not much slower anyway. My knees didn't hurt after the ride, and I took some pictures while pushing the bike.
I will ride a more detailed ride report with some pictures, but that's it for now.
Thanks again to everybody, I really enjoyed the ride!

Hi there, welcome to YACF.
Well done on finishing, and thanks for your cheery company on the ride.
Did you manage to get the ferry from Hull and ride home afterwards?

Arthur (chap on the black Genisis with Carradice)
Hi Arther, yes its Ralf. Of course I remember you. We cycled some time together on day 1.
Sorry I answer so late to your post, but I didn't get a notice you were ansering my post..
I took the train to Hull to catch the ferry on Tueday evening. It was raining so I couldn't motivate myself to ride. Seeing the hills from the train, it probably was a wise decision. In Rotterdam, it was pouring down for the first 50km , but at least it was flat! Cycling in the Netherlands is annoying, because you have to stop so often at crossings and traffic  lights because the country is so crowded with people (and cars of course). In Utrecht, after 100km of cycling, I had enough and took the train to the german border. Cycling got easier and quicker after crossing the border. Then I visited some friends in the area. With a cycling friend, who doesn't have much time for riding because he has got 2 small children, I cycled to Osnabrück. On the Climb over the Teuteburger Wald, he (without luggage) wasn't able to follow me (with luggage). That felt good! ;D
So if you fanciy doing some Brevet rides in Berlin, check out
Take care!

Andy Corless

  • Doesn't take the p***, says it as it is!
Re: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020
« Reply #936 on: 10 August, 2017, 05:10:21 pm »
It seems that 1400 km of hills; headwinds etc experienced by most on the recent LEL isn't enough for some people as I'm already receiving enquiries from LEL finishers about when can they enter the next Mille Pennines.

The date for next year's edition has been set for 06 - 09 July 2018! Next year's events haven't yet been published in the AUK calendar (well mine haven't anyway). Publication normally takes place sometime during August/September so I suggest that prospective entrants keep their eyes peeled on the AUK calendar (the deadline for BRM is 01 October - so it should appear before then!)

The route will be more or less the same as the previous two editions, with a few tweaks. This will be the last MP1K for at least 2-years! There'll be no MP1K in 2019!

The event website will be updated in due course.

Andy Corless

Bianchi Boy

  • Cycling is my doctor
  • Is it possible for a ride to be too long?
    • Reading Cycling Club
Re: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020
« Reply #937 on: 10 August, 2017, 07:35:08 pm »
It seems that 1400 km of hills; headwinds etc experienced by most on the recent LEL isn't enough for some people as I'm already receiving enquiries from LEL finishers about when can they enter the next Mille Pennines.

The date for next year's edition has been set for 06 - 09 July 2018! Next year's events haven't yet been published in the AUK calendar (well mine haven't anyway). Publication normally takes place sometime during August/September so I suggest that prospective entrants keep their eyes peeled on the AUK calendar (the deadline for BRM is 01 October - so it should appear before then!)

The route will be more or less the same as the previous two editions, with a few tweaks. This will be the last MP1K for at least 2-years! There'll be no MP1K in 2019!

The event website will be updated in due course.

Andy Corless
Why did Andy have to publish this? Does he not know I have said I will NOT ride this again?
Set a fire for a man and he will be warm for a day, set a man on fire and he is warm for the rest of his life.

Re: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020
« Reply #938 on: 10 August, 2017, 10:56:50 pm »
Must admit I thought once was enough......................but I could fancy another 3 days of big hills ;-)


Re: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020
« Reply #939 on: 11 August, 2017, 01:08:32 am »
Unfinished business for me. I've already booked the leave!

Re: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020
« Reply #940 on: 11 August, 2017, 09:17:39 am »
I'm up for it again - really enjoyed this year's.

Anyone know of any other 1000k rides in the UK next year btw ? I heard that the Mille Cymru might be on again ...


  • Trying to get rid of my belly... and failing!
Re: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020
« Reply #941 on: 11 August, 2017, 09:33:12 am »
I'm up for it again - really enjoyed this year's.

Anyone know of any other 1000k rides in the UK next year btw ? I heard that the Mille Cymru might be on again ...

I intend on riding the Border of Belgium in early September next year. I will get the ferry from Hull and ride to the start.

Dave C
@DaveCrampton < wot a twit.


Re: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020
« Reply #942 on: 11 August, 2017, 10:15:14 am »
I heard that the Mille Cymru might be on again ...

Oh crap... I promised myself I would do it if it ever was to be on again...  ;D

The Cymru apperas to have marginally more climbing, but it doesn't have the 30% monsters... I'd rather climb more and avoid the Hardknotts of this world...  8)


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Re: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020
« Reply #943 on: 11 August, 2017, 09:29:02 pm »

Anyone know of any other 1000k rides in the UK next year btw ?

Tomsk is thinking of an Essex 1000. Well I guess starting and finishing in Essex rather than 1,000 km of Essex lanes.
What on earth am I doing here on this beautiful day?! This is the only life I've got!!


  • less Grimpeur than Whimpeur...
Re: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020
« Reply #944 on: 11 August, 2017, 09:52:18 pm »
I'm up for it again - really enjoyed this year's.

Anyone know of any other 1000k rides in the UK next year btw ? I heard that the Mille Cymru might be on again ...

I intend on riding the Border of Belgium in early September next year. I will get the ferry from Hull and ride to the start.

Dave C
Andy from Belgium told me the Borders might be run for the last time next year. The org is working on new event(s) apparently.
Mille Pennines so majestic and so hard.... but so tempting.

Sent from my SM-J510FN using Tapatalk

Andy Corless

  • Doesn't take the p***, says it as it is!
Re: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020
« Reply #945 on: 12 August, 2017, 03:21:48 pm »
"Anyone know of any other 1000k rides in the UK next year btw ? I heard that the Mille Cymru might be on again ..."

FWIW: The "Essex 1000" is showing in the event planner for the weekend of 28 - 30 June. No sign of the Mille Cymru. John Hamilton's the man for that but if he was planning on running it I think it would be in the planner before now.

Andy Corless


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020
« Reply #946 on: 12 August, 2017, 05:53:17 pm »
Everyone who has mentioned JH to me this year has said that he's considering a year-or-two out, which kinda scotches the MC1k :(

Of course there's an obvious solution - Andy can run both. He'll have all the kit!
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles

Re: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020
« Reply #947 on: 12 August, 2017, 09:14:18 pm »
Thanks for the info folks.

1000k of Essex lanes ? That'll be quite something ! I've ridden 1000k of Wessex lanes, so why not ?  :demon:


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020
« Reply #948 on: 12 August, 2017, 09:19:06 pm »
The Essex 1000 will go to Wales and back. It won't just be in the east of England.

It might be worth noting that previous PBPs have had a system where riders can enter PBP earlier depending on the longest brevet they rode the previous year.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...

Re: Mille Pennines 3rd July 2020
« Reply #949 on: 12 August, 2017, 09:49:29 pm »
Andy's got tantalisingly close to visiting every English National Park, and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, North of the Mersey/Humber line. A trip to Alnwick would take in the Northumberland Coast AONB, a slight diversion would touch the Solway Coast AONB, and incorporating Greenhow would touch the Nidderdale AONB. Bowland featured in 2016, but not in 2017.