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  • Bryan Chapman 600km Audax: 16 May, 2009

Author Topic: Bryan Chapman Memorial 600 (16-MAY-2009)  (Read 136819 times)

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 600 (16-MAY-2009)
« Reply #725 on: 18 May, 2009, 03:34:48 pm »
Hi matt thanks for your company along the way. Found a B+B in Bangor and caught the train back on Sunday. Felt great on Sunday Morning after a kipp and some eggs and bacon, but lack of experiance killed me by not having enough layers and staying warm, still if i can do 300K in S**T conditions like that them some good came from it. CU Next year as i determined to complete that monster
Andy Vidler

I'm very glad you made it back safely, I was wondering if you'd managed to find a room. It was very tough out there, and I'm sure you'll make it round next year!

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 600 (16-MAY-2009)
« Reply #726 on: 18 May, 2009, 03:37:46 pm »
Been back at home for a while now, had a quick scan of the threads but still busy stuffing my face before going for a bath  :) My 705 claims I used 48,000 calories, so I'd better replace them quick.

You are Peter Turnbull AICMFP.  ;D

(48,000 calories corresponds to about 2000km of cycling).

I know that the numbers are always on the large side (I posted a while ago commenting that the 705 believes I burn more calories driving to work in a relaxed state than if I'm riding very hard).
It's still nice big numbers to show the wife when I'm getting a big second helping of pudding!

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 600 (16-MAY-2009)
« Reply #727 on: 18 May, 2009, 03:45:24 pm »
Been back at home for a while now, had a quick scan of the threads but still busy stuffing my face before going for a bath  :) My 705 claims I used 48,000 calories, so I'd better replace them quick.

You are Peter Turnbull AICMFP.  ;D

(48,000 calories corresponds to about 2000km of cycling).

I know that the numbers are always on the large side (I posted a while ago commenting that the 705 believes I burn more calories driving to work in a relaxed state than if I'm riding very hard).
It's still nice big numbers to show the wife when I'm getting a big second helping of pudding!

On my Brevet Cymru and including the 50 miles to and from my Polar C400 noted that I had used 19,000 kcals.  I obviously don't work as hard as you  ;D


  • Real name: James
    • Everyday stories
Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 600 (16-MAY-2009)
« Reply #728 on: 18 May, 2009, 03:59:09 pm »
One benefit of pulling out on Saturday afternoon and getting home within 3 hours of making that decision has been reading all the reports of both the failures and successes of this weekends ride. Even though I did not make it (and that really did surprise me!) it's been fantastic to fianlly have been part of this epic weekend. I plan to come back next year, but I have the small matter of the LEL first (and I'm still too ride more than 300km).  Bugger :-[
after hardship comes ease -


  • L sp MOON. 1st R sp MARS . At X SO sp STARS
Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 600 (16-MAY-2009)
« Reply #729 on: 18 May, 2009, 05:08:09 pm »
Just spent ages reading the last 10 pages catching up.

First of all - many thx to organiser, catering teams in all controls, and Charlotte too who seemed to be everywhere - although her comment "Are you on the way out" on Sunday morning seemed capable of misinterpretation to this aged one.

Then thx to YACFers that kept me company at times - particularly Vorsprung - very nice to put a face to the name that threatens to hunt me down on Bikejournal.

As others have reported a storming ride up to Menai - 313kms in 15 hours  - that is as good as a flat E Anglian time for me - but given terrain and the weather from Snowdon onwards just shows the strength of the tail wind.
I liked the ride from Llangurig to Aberystwyth - gave me the chance to see the Cambrian 600 home leg in daylight. Elvis is still there Liz.
Great ride up the coast from Barmouth to Harlech but  - wow - did it lash down from about Llanberis.

Dropped by the group I was with on the leg back to Kings - helped Nicky ( on her pink bike who had unshipped her chain ) - she later packed at Aberhafesp.

Good sleeping arrangements.

Up after a couple of hour sleep and off after breakfast about 6.15.

Lonely for ages then - slowly up the hill climbs and treat the descents with care - as very windy and bike getting blown about. Absolutely soaked and freezing cold getting to AberHaf. So cold that unable to take my own mitts off, had to ask for help and also to get helmet off.  I could hold a stryofoam mug of coffee if using both hands - but could not stop shaking so as to get it to my mouth. Others were in a similar state shaking uncontrollably - although maybe not as bad as I was.

Eventually managed to contact home and tell them that with 100 miles to go - this was going to take me all the rest of the day.

Nasty long climb out of Newtown - steady not steep - Peter Turnbull around then - I hoped for a fast 10 miles down into Knighton - but the wind stopped that.
My rear cassette was also making nasty noises -the rain must have washed off the lube. I managed to get some general purpose oil at a garage in Knighton and this helped although it had to be reapplied later.

Slowly on thru Weobley and the last leg - dropping back slowly from those around.
The Llancloudy climb needed all the residual resources that I could muster. More lashing rain - another bus shelter stop - then up the last climb from Tintern - and so to the finish at 9.10 - 39.10 for 620kms - with some huge amount of climb. When I have recovered that will give me quiet satisfaction - but will I do that again - as of now  -- NO WAY - but as we all know the mind in the end remembers the good bits and forgets the really tough bits of the experience.

I was an accountant until I discovered Audax !!

Chris N

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 600 (16-MAY-2009)
« Reply #730 on: 18 May, 2009, 05:10:22 pm »
Home now - fed and clean. :thumbsup:

Stayed at Sedbury - lovely camp site with Hummers, John Spooner, Pompey Phil, iddu, Mercury and vistaed there too, as well as some others.

Counted 6 other fixed riders: Teethgrinder, jwo, iddu, Greenbank, Peter Simon and Manotea.  Not sure who had spokecards from C though - just Greenbank, Manotea and myself, I think.  Louise (Rogers?  Rigby?) couldn't work out what my spokey dokey thing was. ;D

Stonking tailwind all the way to Llangurig - recorded my Vmax coming down the new bypass into Bronllys: 66km/h, 193rpm.  Turned into a horrible headwind over Plynlimon, with cold heavy showers.  Stopped at the Red Kite cafe to warm up but wish I'd pressed on to the visitor centre at Bwlch Nant yr Arian instead.  The chap cooking at the Red Kite really ought to scrape some of the crap from under his nails. :sick:

Hooked up with Vorsprung and Louise at Tre'r'ddol, but pulled away from the on the climb to Corris - past the 'Good Luck Bryan Chapman riders GO GO GO' sign.  It's a lovely climb anyway, but that made it better.  Started to get a bit of cramp on the way down to Tal y Llyn, but it eased as I got to the top above Cross Foxes.  The gusts of wind helped push us up, but the hail was most unwelcome - got a good soaking just in time for the descent into Dolgellau.

More showers on the way up to Harlech - you could see them blowing in off the sea, getting closer and closer.  Thankfully none of them lasted very long and it was just warm enough for me not to need to stop to put my waterproof on.  Stopped at Penrhyndeudraeth to stock up on snacks for the ride back from Menai then had a rest a bit further on - outside the shop in Garreg.  It's got a long bench under a verandah that faces West, into the sun rain.

Best bit of the ride was the stretch from Penrhyndeudraeth to Pen y Pass - dry, tailwind, smooth tarmac, stunning scenery and no traffic.  Heard my first cuckoo of the year at Llyn Dinas too.  Even a little sunny in places.  Got to the top of the Llanberis Pass at 7.41 and got a thorough soaking on the way in to Menai.  Was a real shame not to have revrob cheering us on through Llanberis this year tough.  Saw some VC167 riders heading back at about 8.30.

Back into the wind on the way out of Menai, but actually enjoyed the first section - the sky cleared and the stars were out.  Started getting dozy so stopped at Maentwrog for a nap, waking up when Jules, Garry King, Vorsprung and a couple of others came past.  Had a good time climbing up past Trawsfynydd - steep enough to be interesting and to warm you up, not so steep as to be painful.  Goes on a bit though, with plenty of crests to get your hopes of a descent up.

Back at the YH by 2.15, managed to ride all the way up the drive then tea, soup, spotted dick and a shower before a couple hours sleep.  Fire alarms went off (and off, and off, and off...) just before 5 so got up and had breakfast.  Not enough breakfast, it turned out, as it took me over three hours to slog the 65km to Aberhafesp.  More freezing cold rain just before the control - so I hung about waiting for it to stop - didn't leave before 10.

Sun came out on the climb out of Newtown, everything started to warm up and I was feeling good all the way to Knighton where I stopped for coke and crisps.  Past the lumpy hedge at Brampton Bryan and then it started raining at Lingen.  Heavier and heavier, and by the time I got to Pembridge I was soaked through.  Even Pumpe's favourite stabby climbs couldn't warm me up.  Stopped for hot pasties and a drink at Weobley and the rain eased but didn't stop.  My fingers were freezing by this point and I'd run out of dry gloves so had to put my waterproof mittens on - eventually they warmed up.

The sun came out again at Madley but the wind was picking up too, which made the A466 a real chore, though at least I was dry now.  Cheated in Monmouth then onto the final stretch past Tintern.  More rain but the climb out of Tintern was a pleasure this year - it's a lovely gradient and the last few wiggles to St Arvans through the woods seem like another country.

Worst bit of the ride: descending past the racecourse, a truck pulling a caravan pulls out of the car park on the right where there had been a circus.  As it goes, raw sewage is spilling out the back of the caravan, leaving a trail of shit round every roundabout. :sick:  I had to follow the trail down to the A48.

Got to the finish just before 7, but didn't hang about so after a quick chat with jwo, Toby and Mark I headed back the tent, stopping at the Marmaris kebab shop for a large lamb doner and chips.  Was bloody lovely, sitting in the tent listening to the rain and trying to hold a can of beer with greasy, garlicy fingers.

Breakfast this morning in a pub in Chepstow with John Spooner and Hummers (Beer, at 9 am?  Surely not.) and home by 2.  Thanks to all the helpers who did such a good job of looking after us, really appreciate it.


Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 600 (16-MAY-2009)
« Reply #731 on: 18 May, 2009, 05:20:05 pm »

Stonking tailwind all the way to Llangurig - recorded my Vmax coming down the new bypass into Bronllys: 66km/h, 193rpm. 

That was always my test of spin-ability.  I used to just be able to hit 200 rpm down there.  It's a nice, smooth, open descent :)

Back at the YH by 2.15, managed to ride all the way up the drive

Impressive.   Only done it once, and never at the second visit.

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 600 (16-MAY-2009)
« Reply #732 on: 18 May, 2009, 05:46:30 pm »
I tried to capture some of the weather on video, but it's hard to capture rain on video.

YouTube - DSCF1025

YouTube - DSCF1037

The second video taken from the Severn Bridge as I returned back after DNFing. Those at the back of the ride were in that for another 8hrs.


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 600 (16-MAY-2009)
« Reply #733 on: 18 May, 2009, 05:59:51 pm »
Go on Gerald, where is the first one taken? (like the YouTube Category ; "Comedy" :) )

oh, and don't say "Wales"
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 600 (16-MAY-2009)
« Reply #734 on: 18 May, 2009, 06:04:26 pm »
Looks pretty wet to me. :thumbsup:
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 600 (16-MAY-2009)
« Reply #735 on: 18 May, 2009, 06:09:59 pm »
I tried to capture some of the weather on video, but it's hard to capture rain on video.
Sounds like rain, and wind, looks wet. Should have aimed at a puddle for the ripples.
You're not to worry too much about DNFing! You got to the start and did your best.  :thumbsup: to all the DNFs.

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 600 (16-MAY-2009)
« Reply #736 on: 18 May, 2009, 06:22:19 pm »
Go on Gerald, where is the first one taken? (like the YouTube Category ; "Comedy" :) )

At a guess I'd say it's either somewhere on the A44 between Llangurig when we turned Eastwards, or just before that on the A470 from Rhayader (although that might have been shielded from the majority of the wind, and by the 10-wheel-4-person Derby Mercury peloton that I was mercilessly wheelsucking). It's all just blurred into one for me really. The timestamp of the video file would be a good clue if you weren't sure.

I remember one long section having to put in reasonable effort on the pedals to get above 15kph on a long 4% downward slope. It truly was uphill both ways.
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."


Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 600 (16-MAY-2009)
« Reply #737 on: 18 May, 2009, 06:50:09 pm »
Well done to all of those who took part in this ride. I was press ganged into helping out at the Menai Bridge stop in the evening and noticed that there was a lot of yacf folks down to do the ride. I only saw one yacf jersey though - a nice young man who thought I was somebody else. Looking at some photos that were posted I do recognise some of the faces on there.

Horrible weather (usual for round here really!) for you all. Sorry we didn't have enough carrier bags for people - one chap resorted to using the bread bags for his feet, any of your lot?  ;D

Chris N

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 600 (16-MAY-2009)
« Reply #738 on: 18 May, 2009, 07:23:35 pm »
I only saw one yacf jersey though - a nice young man who thought I was somebody else.

That'd be me then.  Hi!  Thank you for the tea. :thumbsup:

pompey phill

  • OH UR !! it's only me !!
Thank you
« Reply #739 on: 18 May, 2009, 07:25:41 pm »
I’m sat here, both excited and hugely disappointed.
I can't stop telling the missus how wonderful the ride was, the highs and the low.
I’d like to thank every one involved with the ride, I felt welcomed by all, it must have been a lot of hard work just to get it ready, and even harder on the days.

I unfortunately packed on top of the Pen y pass, which was both the highest and lowest point for me.  I felt so good climbing that pass, I could've carried on all night just climbing,   but I was so pissed off with being wet and starting to feel the cold in my feet badly, and the prospect of turning round at Menai and facing another 100 odd k before I could start to feel normal again did it for me, that and the very welcoming site of the YH a top the pass, although they never had a bed, my mind had been made up and I headed for Llanberis, and spent 30 mins faffing around until I found a less than elegant bunkhouse for £20 + a full English, it was warm and cleanish.  I satisfied my self I had made the right choice, as it was pissing down as I went to bed at 23:30,  and was also at 06:30 & 09:00 when I eventually got up for my full English.
I left Llanberis at 10:30 and headed to Bangor in the you guessed it pissing rain, but I noted the wind had dropped.  Jumped on a train to Cardiff on the coldest train ever!!   And followed to route from about half down to Newport, passing over the route at one point, and watched the dark rain filled clouds all about me!!

To all those that did it well done, and to fellow DNF's I don't think there is any disgrace in doing so. I can ride in the rain (mince pie and mulled wine 07) but there comes a point when it ain't fun any more.
I’ll be back next year, and I’m planning on doing it as just a ride this year, as it's a stunningly beautiful ride.  

A very big thank you to the Denmead possie, Urban biker, Keeks, Lee(Andover), Chillmoister,  for allowing me to tag along with them,  I know Lee packed, as I saw him as I was leaving Chepstow, and I read that the others and Els made it, well done fella's, and well done Els.  

And a massive thank you to BlackSheep for all your hard work, I absolutely loved it, but it was just to wet for to long.
"Yer but this goes up to eleven !!!"

pompey phill

  • OH UR !! it's only me !!
Re: Thank you
« Reply #740 on: 18 May, 2009, 07:28:51 pm »
This should be in the BCM thread   ??? ??? ??? ???
"Yer but this goes up to eleven !!!"


  • When n+1 gets out of hand
Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 600 (16-MAY-2009)
« Reply #741 on: 18 May, 2009, 07:28:56 pm »
It's OK, I thought Chris N was somebody else (Phil, to be precise) the last time I met him  :D
Hard work sometimes pays off in the end, but laziness ALWAYS pays off NOW.


Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 600 (16-MAY-2009)
« Reply #742 on: 18 May, 2009, 07:42:53 pm »
Hello, you got home alright then, how long did it take you to get to Dolgellau after?
I was quite worried about one chap, he just couldn't stop shaking!


Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 600 (16-MAY-2009)
« Reply #743 on: 18 May, 2009, 08:09:04 pm »
I was really sorry to hear you'd packed because when I saw you at Kings, you were looking good, Lee.  The BCM is a very hardcore ride and getting as far as you did in that awful weather shows just how strong you are.

Although you're always going to get wet on a Welsh 600, maybe 2010 will bring us better conditions...  :demon:

The one disappointment for me is that I felt great and strong (as strong as I could expect after 400km anyway).  I went from a perfect frame of mind in Kings at 8am to quitting 20km later.

I had 3 reasons for quitting that hit me simultaneously (all related to descending Cadair Idris).  Possibly, with any 2 out of the 3, I would have carried on (easy for me to say from my comfy chair).  One of them is a long-term physical problem that I either need to get fixed or just DNS anything over 300km.   The other 2 are easily remedied (attach my gloves on a piece of string thru my jacket and use my Carradice barley in future)

PS.  I just remembered my favourite moment.  The view along Harlech beach and dunes.  Quite stunning.

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 600 (16-MAY-2009)
« Reply #744 on: 18 May, 2009, 08:36:25 pm »
well i`ve quite enjoyed reading all your posts,so i thought that i`d put my twopenneth in as well.
started off saturday morning being quite nervous about this ride, done it a couple of times in the past but never been so unfit.  once we were off ,travellig at a fair speed with a tailwind all seemed well.  although i could`nt stay with ray robinson on the climb out of crickhowell.  the blokes riding like a man pocessed at the moment.  got to the first control and ray and i went straight through, trying to make as much time as i could. flew up the a470 through builth and onto rayader. still dry at this point but by no means warm.  finally lost rays wheel just after rayader at which point it started to rain, although still with a nice tailwind all the way through llangurig roundabout and up the a44.  never been the best climber in the world but do like my decents, so was absolutely gutted to have the wind on my back at sweetlamb,then go over the top to find it smack in my face  and having to give it all to roll down the hill.

flew the next section, again wind on my back, sun out.   passed the good luck bryan chapman sign ,which i think was placed by gail burket, who is rays partner, and onto kings.   time is now about 2.30pm , so time has`nt been that bad so far.  grabbed some food and off again.  lovely section along through harlech and up the coast, blue skies, big waves.  all was well until just before beddgelert, where theres a temporily set of traffic lights.  they were on green ,so sprinting for the light ,changed gear ,gave it bit of oommph and i popped a spoke. the rear wheel was now so far out it would`nt even clear the frame.  half an hour later, sitting by the side of the road , eventually took the wheel out of the frame and stood on it.   now good enough to clear the stays but had to remove the brakes , so at this point my bcm  was over.  
but i`m stuck in the middle of nowhere and i`ve got to get back somehow.  so limped back to kings ,more food and after alot of messing around ,managed to get the wheel to within 10mm.  but it was very oval.

now got a couple of choices,
1, ride home, about 70 miles,change wheel and then ride back to chepstow to get van, a further 90 miles.
and alot of faffle.
2,  ride back to chepstow ,chose the latter in the end.
what i had`nt banked on ,was 200k with the back wheel bouncing up and down.  god my backsides sore.
ironically, the climbs were alright because you were going slow enough not to notice.  but the decents , OUCH
like sitting on a neumatic drill.  now absoluetly gutted, basically rode the whole lot ,minus about 60 miles and it does`nt count.  

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 600 (16-MAY-2009)
« Reply #745 on: 18 May, 2009, 09:00:31 pm »
Go on Gerald, where is the first one taken? (like the YouTube Category ; "Comedy" :) )

At a guess I'd say it's either somewhere on the A44 between Llangurig when we turned Eastwards, or just before that on the A470 from Rhayader (although that might have been shielded from the majority of the wind, and by the 10-wheel-4-person Derby Mercury peloton that I was mercilessly wheelsucking). It's all just blurred into one for me really. The timestamp of the video file would be a good clue if you weren't sure.

You're in the right area.  That's the sweeping right hander at the bottom of the Eisteddfa Gurig climb (A44, Powys/Ceredigion border), a few hundred yards past the Sweet Lamb rally complex...  Useless factoid is that the little stream on the valley floor is the river Severn.

'Accumulating kilometres in the roughest road conditions'...

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 600 (16-MAY-2009)
« Reply #746 on: 18 May, 2009, 09:02:45 pm »
well i`ve quite enjoyed reading all your posts,so i thought that i`d put my twopenneth in as well.

Bad luck Paul.  I passed you in the car on Sunday, just after you'd crested the nasty climb from Usk to Chepstow.  Figured you were near enough to the end by then not to intervene and I was hammering the shite out of the car by that point so couldn't easily shed the speed for a chat (5 hours on the bus wound me up a bit).

'Accumulating kilometres in the roughest road conditions'...

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 600 (16-MAY-2009)
« Reply #747 on: 18 May, 2009, 09:25:40 pm »
Lots of good reading over a brew this evening, some of it jubilant, some of it a bit more reflective, but it's all good stuff. Some good photos too. Ride reports just take on a whole different meaning for me if I know the ride from experience.

Hats off to all who took part, whether you finished or didn't.
Garry Broad

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 600 (16-MAY-2009)
« Reply #748 on: 18 May, 2009, 09:33:51 pm »
I think what impresses me most is that among the yacf finishers there are one or two people I recall from FNRttCs and the like who, only a couple of years ago, less perhaps, viewed 100 miles as a fair jaunt.


Tigers Taxi

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 600 (16-MAY-2009)
« Reply #749 on: 18 May, 2009, 09:41:38 pm »
On a positive note,  we missed the Eurovision Cat Chorus contest   :smug:

Big thanks to all the helpers, it made the madness bearable.

Andy S