Author Topic: The company on DIYs and perms thread  (Read 290373 times)


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Re: The company on DIYs and perms thread
« Reply #450 on: 30 July, 2016, 05:25:26 pm »
Planning a fast run round Els 400 from Chichester on 1 August.  A good 400 to do in a day with a 4.30am start.  If anyone is interested.

This is still on, but will probably aim for a 4am start now as rain looks forecast to spread from the northwest later in the day.  Goodness only knows how well Im going on long events but short rides in the Preselis over the last two weeks have been encouraging.
Eddington Numbers 131 (imperial), 185 (metric) 574 (furlongs)  116 (nautical miles)

Re: The company on DIYs and perms thread
« Reply #451 on: 30 July, 2016, 08:32:40 pm »
Planning a fast run round Els 400 from Chichester on 1 August.  A good 400 to do in a day with a 4.30am start.  If anyone is interested.
This is still on, but will probably aim for a 4am start now as rain looks forecast to spread from the northwest later in the day.  Goodness only knows how well Im going on long events but short rides in the Preselis over the last two weeks have been encouraging.
Like to CET but can't due to the date; plus your 'fast' sounds alarming!  However if you're interested I am ECE'ing the Cogidubnus CC 200 up to 300k next Sat 6th Aug.  Out via a Tadley (4AM?)-Overton-Basingstoke-Staines-RonT (95km), then a 10km top-up at the end to Clapham for the train home.


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Re: The company on DIYs and perms thread
« Reply #452 on: 31 July, 2016, 09:30:08 am »
Would love to, but I'm already on the brownie point limit for this year, having to restart my season after DNFs in my 400 and 600.  The latest weather forecast is for it to start raining earlier, so it may well end up being a head down bash.  However, do want to keep my record of an SR every year since 2005 going if I can.
Eddington Numbers 131 (imperial), 185 (metric) 574 (furlongs)  116 (nautical miles)

Re: The company on DIYs and perms thread
« Reply #453 on: 11 September, 2016, 08:29:11 pm »
There being a lack of easy 200km calendar events in central southern parts during December I shall likely be rounding off my 5th year of RRTY with my own perm (

It's a relatively easy route, but not devoid of interest, certainly has been appreciated by those who've done it as a perm.

Provsional date is 4 December - but if enough folks want to join me on a different day, I might be persuaded to change.


  • Miles eaten don't satisfy hunger
  • Chartered accountant in 5 different decades
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Re: The company on DIYs and perms thread
« Reply #454 on: 17 November, 2016, 10:25:52 pm »
Family commitments make it difficult for me to do 1000km events in July & August, when they are most often scheduled, plus I'm volunteering on LEL, so I'm thinking about Els 1000 next year in May, on a 380km - 350km - 270km or similar schedule with overnights in Travelodges
Eddington Numbers 131 (imperial), 185 (metric) 574 (furlongs)  116 (nautical miles)

Re: The company on DIYs and perms thread
« Reply #455 on: 20 November, 2016, 10:04:20 pm »
There being a lack of easy 200km calendar events in central southern parts during December I shall likely be rounding off my 5th year of RRTY with my own perm (
It's a relatively easy route, but has not devoid of interest, certainly has been appreciated by those who've done it as a perm.
Provsional date is 4 December - but if enough folks want to join me on a different day, I might be persuaded to change.

Hello Somnolent, I'd like to join you if the ride is still on and have PM'd you.  Thx Simon


  • Miles eaten don't satisfy hunger
  • Chartered accountant in 5 different decades
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Re: The company on DIYs and perms thread
« Reply #456 on: 14 January, 2017, 06:28:51 pm »
I'm going to ride to Whitchurch this year.

All eleven of them.  Starting with Whitchurch Hampshire, then Whitchurch Canonicorum (Dorset), Whitchurch Devon, Whitchurch Bristol, Whitchurch Cardiff, Whitchurch Pembrokeshire, Whitchurch Herefordshire, Whitchurch Shropshire, Whitchurch Warwickshire, Whitchurch Buckinghamshire and Whitchurch-on-Thames before circling back to Whitchurch Hampshire. 

It started off as a silly suggestion by Mrs CET, but then on investigation it worked out at 1300km, which allows a more relaxed speed, and there are premier inns or travelodges at all the right places for a 4.5 day 4 night ride, with not too much night riding and good roads for the night sections.

Then I realised it was like a retrospective of my Audax life so far, starting off with a club run route, before going into Sean Shaw Wessex territory, a section of the Kernow & SW, before sampling the now defunct Tavistock rides and Dartmoor Devil, then picking up a favourite Cambrian series leg (Carmarthen - Brecon) and then heading up to Mersey Roads territory, with a skirting visit to Marsh Gibbon before some local Audax routes to finish.

So now its a plan.  May probably as June and July are too busy with family, then there's cooking on the LEL and Silver Wedding to fill up the year.
Eddington Numbers 131 (imperial), 185 (metric) 574 (furlongs)  116 (nautical miles)


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: The company on DIYs and perms thread
« Reply #457 on: 28 February, 2017, 01:16:06 pm »
"The Four Countries 600" is starting at Dunkerque Gare at 6am on Saturday 20th May if anyone fancies it.

It'll be a DIY by GPS using a mandatory route, starting in France, then heading through Belgium and Netherlands as far as the German border, before turning round and coming home again (by a different route), with a sleep stop in Namur. Route details still need firming up but the outward leg will be mostly flat while the return leg is a bit lumpier (possibly including some classic bergs).

I've already got one clubmate definitely signed up and a couple more interested.

Not quite as ambitious as CET's "11 Whitchurches 1300" perhaps, but I'm already hatching plans for a Five Countries 1000 next year, adding Luxembourg to the mix...
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
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Re: The company on DIYs and perms thread
« Reply #458 on: 28 February, 2017, 07:31:20 pm »
"The Four Countries 600" is starting at Dunkerque Gare at 6am on Saturday 20th May if anyone fancies it.


There is a strong chance that Manotea and I will be starting a ride from the same time/space co-ordinates! We plan to ride a bit further - possibly the Eiger Sanction, or something based on it - but I'm sure your ride will be nice too ;)

Got your boat/accommodation sorted yet?
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: The company on DIYs and perms thread
« Reply #459 on: 28 February, 2017, 08:46:23 pm »
There is a strong chance that Manotea and I will be starting a ride from the same time/space co-ordinates!

Amazing. See you for a pre-ride coffee in Dunkerque!

We plan to ride a bit further - possibly the Eiger Sanction, or something based on it - but I'm sure your ride will be nice too ;)

Going all the way to Nice? That'll be fun. And tough. Good luck!

Got your boat/accommodation sorted yet?

Yep, all sorted. Just need to fine tune the route now...
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • Trying to get rid of my belly... and failing!
Re: The company on DIYs and perms thread
« Reply #460 on: 23 March, 2017, 01:09:05 pm »
Ballahulish Glen Coe, DIY 300

I'm planning a DIY 300 from Ballahulish on Sat 1st April 2017.

Ballahulish - Oban - Tarbert - Strachur - Benderloch - Ballahulish.

Anyone free that weekend and fancy joining me? I'm staying at SYHA Ballahulish and planning on setting off around 6am. There is a ferry journey of 6km at Tarbert and the ride is ~305km.

Dave C
@DaveCrampton < wot a twit.

Re: The company on DIYs and perms thread
« Reply #461 on: 17 April, 2017, 01:35:11 pm »
Sat 22nd April.  Cambrian 2B if anyone is in the area and wants to join in.  I'm definitely starting from Builth and will almost certainly go clockwise.

Re: The company on DIYs and perms thread
« Reply #462 on: 03 May, 2017, 09:40:51 pm »
Saturday 13th May - Round the Plain - 200km - Starting in Salisbury,  following the route as is from there. Starting at around 0830ish.

Re: The company on DIYs and perms thread
« Reply #463 on: 11 May, 2017, 10:26:56 am »
Saturday 3rd June - Wandering Wolves - Lake Vyrnwy, Starting in Albrighton about 8:30, if anyone's interested.

Re: The company on DIYs and perms thread
« Reply #464 on: 16 May, 2017, 11:07:35 am »
I'm also planning to ride  El Supremos Pulborough Reading 200, on Saturday 27th May starting at Three Mile Cross (about the same kinda time).

Edit: I've got a couple of others coming and we've moved the start to 7:30am.

Re: The company on DIYs and perms thread
« Reply #465 on: 26 May, 2017, 04:27:02 pm »
Will be riding the Denmead 400 route ( on Friday 16th June. I'm planning on starting around 22:30 as previous riders have suggested this makes for an improved journey back (e.g.

Happy to have company on the road.

Re: The company on DIYs and perms thread
« Reply #466 on: 10 July, 2017, 09:00:52 pm »
Short notice but I'm riding the south-bound LEL route from Pocklington, riding out from / to York, on Wednesday 12th, returning on the north-bound route - hopefully back late Thursday 13th.

I should be setting off around 9.30am from Pocklington once I've had something to munch!


  • Where there is doubt...
Re: The company on DIYs and perms thread
« Reply #467 on: 22 August, 2017, 03:56:04 pm »
By no means definite but after a rather flat SR I thought I might reclaim some honour with a ride from home (W4) London Wales London on Saturday. We shall see. :)

Well the ride did happen, just need to process the day...

The aim was to take on a stretching ride to find out where I was, fitness and otherwise after a year most notable for its DNFs, and LWL fitted the bill admirably.  The answer was not too bad - pour moi - but I really do need to sharpen up if I want to take on tougher events and be fit and fast enough to complete them comfortably rather than simply scrape by. There's a high difference between the two, and too much of the latter is wearing. It has to be said focusing on the former can be just as bad but that's not the area which needs work right now so I'll deal with that problem when I get there.

I'm going to have to look at gearing and whether to continue with fixed for longer more challenging rides. I generally run a biggish gear  - currently on 86" - as a strategy for developing leg strength. but when it comes to events, whilst longer gears are fine for tooling around flatlands or shorter hilly rides when you can throw energy at the road, life can become difficult as hills become steeper/longer/more frequent. I stuck with 86" for quite a while this weekend, only walking Symonds Yat, Hawkesbury Monument (I made the climb out of Chepstow, which is hard enough. What climb is that, I hear you say?)  but later that night, I turned my wheel for 76". I don't like doing that as it fills like cheating - ride what you brung - but fixing unknown hills on dark enclosed roads when you're on the limit is really tough. Having said that I suspect my last Dean/7A was on 72" and on the Brian Chapman I've  geared down to 71/66, switching to 66 sometime after Harlech on the run into Snowdonia, so mebbe I was doing better than I thought. But this takes me back to the getting round comfortably issue, as I'm usually on the time limit. The other learning point for the day is to be get more sleep before events, as I had a massive attack of the dozies around 00:30, and had to stop for a roadside nap. Once through that though I was good to go but by now the fun was gone and it was all about getting home. It was a good day to be out in the countryside though, with fine weather and it was only slightly chilly once the sun went down. My gilet is pretty crap and it was slightly too warm for my jacket; a long sleeve merino jersey would have been perfect. Next time out though I suspect my jacket will be fine. Winter draws on...

Mattc provided welcome company from Thame to Stowe, and definitely helped that leg go faster.  Excellent!

Re: The company on DIYs and perms thread
« Reply #468 on: 31 August, 2017, 03:45:09 pm »

Mattc provided welcome company from Thame to Stowe, and definitely helped that leg go faster.  Excellent!

I too have had company from the ghostly rider known as MattC from Thame to the Oxfordshire borders on those very roads.  He appears and chatters away about dead badgers and vanishes as suddenly as he arises.  I have heard tell that it is dangerous to look into his eyes

Re: The company on DIYs and perms thread
« Reply #469 on: 17 December, 2017, 09:16:40 am »
Provisional date for Stephen Poulton's Oxford SE Loop anti-clockwise 200km Saturday 23rd December. I'll be starting from Andoversford before 7am and looking at sub 10 hours.

Re: The company on DIYs and perms thread
« Reply #470 on: 21 February, 2018, 09:23:35 pm »
Don't know if this is of interest to anyone on here, but planning a 300 perm this Sunday (25/2) from my place (nr. Aberystwyth) to Menai Bridge and back.


00. Aberffrwd 0
01. Dolgellau 60
02. Beddgelert 102
03. Menai Bridge 132
04. Rhug, Corwen LL21 0EH 200
05. Dolgellau 245
06. Aberffrwd 304

I have one other from the local CC so far.  Will be aiming for 14 hours +- 1...

Aiming to start at 7am.

'Accumulating kilometres in the roughest road conditions'...

Re: The company on DIYs and perms thread
« Reply #471 on: 19 April, 2018, 11:45:51 am »
Hi All,

I'm planning to have a crack at the Cambrian 6A, starting from Monmouth, on the 3rd May. I'm hoping to ride it basically as back to back 600s with a sleep stop in Llanidloes. Aiming to start approx. 7am and take 15 hours for day 1, kip for 7-8 hours and then probably go full value for day 2...

Any takers?


  • Are we there yet?
Re: The company on DIYs and perms thread
« Reply #472 on: 19 May, 2018, 09:51:47 pm »
Going for a 2nd check of next w/e...

Midnight Fri start from Newbury, Travelodge at Gt. Dunmow, so if you're felling idiotic with time on your hands.
I'd offer you some moral support - but I have questionable morals.


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Re: The company on DIYs and perms thread
« Reply #473 on: 20 May, 2018, 06:58:13 pm »
Hardboiled  Permanent
Sunday 15th July.

In keeping with the calendar event as much as possible, I'm going to travel down Saturday night and start at 0001ish Sunday morning with a view to gettingthe last train home.

I'll be on 63" fixed and won't be in too much of a hurry, full value if needs be, savouring(!) the night riding, and plan for a slap up BP feast before the train.
Rule 77


  • prefers UK hills over Dutch mountains
Re: The company on DIYs and perms thread
« Reply #474 on: 03 October, 2018, 10:38:07 am »
Silly question (that I should have asked before going out for the ride), but does a DIY 200 count towards your points and for a Brevet 1000 award?

My first DIY ever does now show up in the table on my results page, but is not included in the total points and "rides listed"; it does show "16 (1 are perms)" but it is still "3x200" as it was last week.