Author Topic: On the commute today  (Read 2520820 times)


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Re: On the commute today
« Reply #950 on: 23 March, 2010, 07:11:59 pm »
Generally my commute is numpty free. This evening I had three separate people attempting to kill me.

1) A women pulling out of a house into the main road while I was coming towards her at >40 km/h. I realised she was going to perform this stunt and had already started slowing down. I ended up screaming at her just to make her aware of my presence, and even then I'm not 100% sure she knew she'd pulled out on me.

2) Heading towards a roundabout in the middle lane, which was void of traffic. Well it was until a van decided to move from the right hand lane into the middle lane as I was passing. It felt very close and I pulled onto the pavement to recover from the shock. He apologized and said he hadn't seen me in his mirror ::-).

3) The diver of a French car pulled out on me as I was sprinting up a hill. I didn't have to use to the brakes because it was steep enough for me to simply stop pedaling.

Hopefully tomorrow morning will be back be normal.


What on earth am I doing here on this beautiful day?! This is the only life I've got!!

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #951 on: 23 March, 2010, 07:28:56 pm »
It's carnage on the roads round here

This morning (only counting 'fresh' ones)
1 badger
2 pigeons
2 deer (muntjack and roe)
6 pheasants (4 cock, 2 hen)
a partridge (no pear tree)
a ginger pussy cat :(
2 hares
2 rabbits
and a massive

35 amphibians. Hard to tell toad from frog when splatted.


  • Sheffield hills? Nah... Just potholes.
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #952 on: 23 March, 2010, 07:44:30 pm »
First commute home in pouring drizzle for a long time - I love it!  ;D (Though not as much as arriving home looking like a snowman....)

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #953 on: 23 March, 2010, 07:58:26 pm »
I passed 7 horses in a field, all with their bums facing towards me.  I nearly stopped to take a photo.

But you were quite content with the mental pictures.  ;D

You should show your post to your colleagues.   :thumbsup:

You can't beat thoroughbreed arse  ;D

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #954 on: 23 March, 2010, 09:32:33 pm »
It's carnage on the roads round here

This morning (only counting 'fresh' ones)
1 badger
2 pigeons
2 deer (muntjack and roe)
6 pheasants (4 cock, 2 hen)
a partridge (no pear tree)
a ginger pussy cat :(
2 hares
2 rabbits
and a massive

35 amphibians. Hard to tell toad from frog when splatted.

Crikey! Where's the guy who lives off roadkill? He could eat like a king for weeks on that lot!

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #955 on: 23 March, 2010, 10:11:06 pm »
It's carnage on the roads round here

This morning (only counting 'fresh' ones)
1 badger
2 pigeons
2 deer (muntjack and roe)
6 pheasants (4 cock, 2 hen)
a partridge (no pear tree)
a ginger pussy cat :(
2 hares
2 rabbits
and a massive

35 amphibians. Hard to tell toad from frog when splatted.

Crikey! Where's the guy who lives off roadkill? He could eat like a king for weeks on that lot!

Caught TB and died  ;D


  • No Longer a western province of Númenor
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #956 on: 23 March, 2010, 10:17:19 pm »
I passed 7 horses in a field, all with their bums facing towards me.  I nearly stopped to take a photo.

But you were quite content with the mental pictures.  ;D

You should show your post to your colleagues.   :thumbsup:

You can't beat thoroughbreed arse  ;D

I'm sure you can - if you use the correct.. erm... implement.

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #957 on: 24 March, 2010, 12:05:04 am »
Generally my commute is numpty free. This evening I had three separate people attempting to kill me.

1) A women pulling out of a house into the main road while I was coming towards her at >40 km/h. I realised she was going to perform this stunt and had already started slowing down. I ended up screaming at her just to make her aware of my presence, and even then I'm not 100% sure she knew she'd pulled out on me.

2) Heading towards a roundabout in the middle lane, which was void of traffic. Well it was until a van decided to move from the right hand lane into the middle lane as I was passing. It felt very close and I pulled onto the pavement to recover from the shock. He apologized and said he hadn't seen me in his mirror ::-).

3) The diver of a French car pulled out on me as I was sprinting up a hill. I didn't have to use to the brakes because it was steep enough for me to simply stop pedaling.

Hopefully tomorrow morning will be back be normal.


It must be a national thing.

I was shocked by two near-misses today: first, a driver nearly t-boned me when he turned right while I was trying to turn left into the the same road.  I knew the git had seen me and went anyway, as he stared steadfastly ahead despite my loud "Oi!".  Braking to avoid him, I had such a dramatic front wheel skid that I thought the tyre had come off the rim.

Cruised to the bike stands, locked the bike up, checked the tyres.  Everything was fine.  Stomped along to the car park to head the driver off on his walk to our office.  I don't know how much of my angry, shaky rant had an effect, but he looked suitably browbeaten at the end of it.

On the way home, I had to drop something off in Newton Aycliffe, then ride the horrible rat-run through Middridge and Shildon to Bishop Auckland.  Hairy, but fine.  I was riding into Bishop Auckland, though, and some tosser in a white van nearly left-hooked me.  Only my finely-honed reactions saved me, as I saw the turn, noticed the van's approach, saw the blink of the left indicator, BRAKED and screamed "WHOAH!" at speeds which would put a microprocessor to shame.  My anger-circuits (already buzzing after the sheer fuckwittery of the day) kicked into action and I yelled "WANKER!" as his wing passed within inches of my front wheel.  The van's brake lights came on - I wasn't sure whether he was going to proffer profuse apologies, flowers and a conciliatory drink, or whether he was going to reinforce his argument with the humungous "Peacemaker" spanner he probably keeps on the passenger seat to scare off the tea-leaves.  I scarpered before finding out, still grey from the encounter, plotting an escape route in case he did follow me.

A fair gauge of how close it was came a few seconds after, as the two taxicabs which overtook me gave me so much room, I wondered if I was in a Highway Code photoshoot.

Did I mention it was raining? It was hoying down, and cold, and miserable, and I was wet and cold and miserable, so I took the train home, via the supermarket for BEER.

There's a difference between driving which is merely inconsiderate, and that which is actually dangerous.  I don't think either of those specimens realised how far along the scale they were.


  • Goes well with magnolia.
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #958 on: 24 March, 2010, 08:05:09 am »
Last night.  OK. I acknowledge that rain and wind are part of the commuting cyclist's lot, but did there have to be quite so many vicious little gusts of head wind and did it have to drive the rain into my face with quite as much malicious glee as it did?  No. It did not. It's not big and it's not clever. Stop it.
Τα πιο όμορφα ταξίδια γίνονται με τις δικές μας δυνάμεις - Φίλοι του Ποδήλατου

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #959 on: 24 March, 2010, 08:13:59 am »
After my fast ride in, I managed to keep the speed up so that I had the fastest over all ride of the year :D. And, I think, my second fastest ever. Despite having to negotiate quite a bit of staionary traffic. The round trip average was 1 whole mile an hour faster than my second fastest round trip this year :thumbsup:.
Quote from: Kim
^ This woman knows what she's talking about.


  • According to Jane, I'm a Unisex SpaceAdmin
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #960 on: 24 March, 2010, 08:27:55 am »
Definately a nationwide thing, this fuckwittery driving, on the way back last night I was riding along the Uxbridge road (in the cycle lane) when I heard a car horn beep and a black Astra RK03somethingsomethingsomthing swerved towards me.  At first I thought it was just a "nothing to do with me" case, but I caught them up at the lights and they did the same again to me and another cyclist.  Should have known, considering the evidence before me, thus:
1) cheap nasty chavved up car (tinted windows, big exhaust etc etc
2) Loud music blaring out through the open windows
3) 4 up, all young males
4) strong smell of green coming out of the open windows....

I was glad when they disappeared off up the road....
I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #961 on: 24 March, 2010, 09:28:48 am »
only halfway on todays commute (visit the nearby campus first before heading off to the regular one..) It's still precipitating down, in fact every time since last Friday (including Sats audax), so actually getting a little weary of it now. Shows how much we were spoilt here in Wales with the cold dry weather :thumbsup:).
Here in Swansea every time it rains the fuckwittery quotient rises and now it seems to have spread nationwide....
Rant over, we'll have to see what happens in half an hour or so...

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #962 on: 24 March, 2010, 09:35:21 am »
The traffic this morning was heavy on the the Embankment coming up to Embankment tube, and I was weaving through the stationary cars (slowly, because I am Little Miss Cautious). Probably for the first time in my life I actually knocked the corner of a rear bumper. It was really more of a gentle tap and there was no damage, but because the driver's window was open and he had heard something, I said sorry as I filtered past.

"CUNT", he yelled, as I continued on my way. I think that's the first time anyone has shouted that at me, ever.

I like to think he felt like one himself after shouting like that.


  • mojo operandi
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #963 on: 24 March, 2010, 09:44:24 am »
Remember LMM that such as yourself make pricks like him stand to attention.
Game,set & match to the lady.


Re: On the commute today
« Reply #964 on: 24 March, 2010, 09:45:45 am »
Overtake of the day prize goes to:
     the lady who overtook while exceeding the 20mph speed limit, leaving about 12 inches gap, downhill on damp roads, over a speed bump, half on wrong side of road round a very blind RH corner, just before a primary school, while braking to turn left across a sideroad with young children crossing.

Despite locking both wheels I was just about able to stay upright and avoid both the car and pedestrians.


  • Tyke
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #965 on: 24 March, 2010, 09:53:42 am »
Other than two complete numpties, it was a good ride in.  After having dealt with two dangerous drivers last night (both reported on roadsafelondon), I tried to find a bit of a quieter route.  But it's not easy, so I just went for the usual.  Real, deep enjoyment. :)
Getting there...

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #966 on: 24 March, 2010, 11:58:58 am »
Puncture on the way to work.
On the plus side the tarmacers are doing my Report the Hole road.
Loads of it is being resurfaced, not just plasters over old potholes  ;D

Tourist Tony

  • Supermassive mobile flesh-toned black hole
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #967 on: 24 March, 2010, 02:02:58 pm »
Last night, riding into Crawley to play at a dance. Seriously close pass by a car, less than four inches from my elbow ith the mirror.
Dual control, driving school car, driver under instruction.

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #968 on: 24 March, 2010, 02:28:29 pm »
Last night, riding into Crawley to play at a dance. Seriously close pass by a car, less than four inches from my elbow ith the mirror.
Dual control, driving school car, driver under instruction.

You could do a Cunobelin - write to all 6 driving schools in the local area describing the driving, quoting the registration number, and mentioning that you didn't catch quite which school it was so are copying all of them in on the letter.   ;D
Your Royal Charles are belong to us.

Tourist Tony

  • Supermassive mobile flesh-toned black hole
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #969 on: 24 March, 2010, 07:09:09 pm »
Unfortunately that one was a bit too quick and close and I was too busy to memorise it. It was on the little hill in Brighton Road in Crawley.


  • Each snowflake in an avalanche pleads not guilty
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #970 on: 24 March, 2010, 07:42:50 pm »
Oh well, I managed to go about 150m from my front door this morning before being subjected to weapons grade WVM thuggery. 

Just coming up to a traffic island so stayed in primary, engine roar very apparent coming up from behind.  Due to parked cars had to stay out.  WVM screamed past and missed me by centimetres.  I'm going to upload the footage onto Youtube and log a complaint on the Met's website......Needless to say I caught up at the lights.


Re: On the commute today
« Reply #971 on: 24 March, 2010, 08:19:55 pm »
Shouty commute today. Not me. Firstly, coasting through badlands of Peckham, an overtaking Homo whitevanicus leaned out of his window and evidently felt compelled to loudly grunt 'PUNCTURE' at me. Oddly, neither of my tyres chose that moment to deflate. I would have been pretty impressed (and worried) if either had.

The on the way home, scooting around the bottom of Crystal Palace hill (there be dinosaurs), a local troupe of burberry apes had the wit to shout 'CYCLIST' as I passed.  They'll be assembling basic descriptive sentences soon.

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #972 on: 24 March, 2010, 10:15:38 pm »
Last night, riding into Crawley to play at a dance. Seriously close pass by a car, less than four inches from my elbow ith the mirror.
Dual control, driving school car, driver under instruction.
[OT] What do you play, Tony? [/OT]

Quote from: Kim
^ This woman knows what she's talking about.


  • According to Jane, I'm a Unisex SpaceAdmin
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #973 on: 25 March, 2010, 07:12:20 am »
No real commute yesterday so had to do with 2 laps of heathrow to compensate.

this morning I was in top form tho, bezzing along at ~17mph and I see a guy on a MTB up ahead that I had played cat and mouse with before (and failed), "game on" I thought.  I clicked up a few and chased him down, as I got to the point of passing him I look over my right shoulder and see another cyclist drafting me.... Oh well, I am not as good as I thought :).  Rode the rest of the way in to Uxbridge chatting to Chris, who had just finished a night shift and was heading to Edgeware.  last nights ave speed 18.6 over 18 miles, this morning 16.87 over 7.7 miles...

Good times :)
I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #974 on: 25 March, 2010, 07:15:07 am »
No real commute yesterday so had to do with 2 laps of heathrow to compensate.

this morning I was in top form tho, bezzing along at ~17mph and I see a guy on a MTB up ahead that I had played cat and mouse with before (and failed), "game on" I thought.  I clicked up a few and chased him down, as I got to the point of passing him I look over my right shoulder and see another cyclist drafting me.... Oh well, I am not as good as I thought :).  Rode the rest of the way in to Uxbridge chatting to Chris, who had just finished a night shift and was heading to Edgeware.  last nights ave speed 18.6 over 18 miles, this morning 16.87 over 7.7 miles...

Good times :)

Hopefully the drafter was not on an MTB too  ::-)