Author Topic: What have you done on the plot today?  (Read 258701 times)


Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #875 on: 10 March, 2017, 03:47:24 pm »
Hairy bittercress everywhere, seeded all over any bare soil. Millions of them.


  • Apprentice geezer
Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #876 on: 10 March, 2017, 03:57:34 pm »
You could probably flog them to a health-food shop.
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight


  • Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society member 263583
Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #877 on: 10 March, 2017, 07:04:48 pm »
Moving Bonsai out of the greenhouse
Started creation of the new herb patch
“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” –Charles Dickens

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #878 on: 11 March, 2017, 06:59:47 pm »
Today? too much digging  :'(

I cut back effing bamboo.

Anyone have any suggestions for dealing with the stuff? Cutting it off at ground level results in little razor sharp stubs all over the bed.
I was wondering about slates dug in vertically to stop it spreading.

When I removed ours a while back, I resorted to a kango....

This is the stuff you need - you dig it in before you plant, leaving the edge an inch or so proud,  and keep an eye out for the little bugger climbing over the top

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #879 on: 11 March, 2017, 07:34:17 pm »
MrsC decreed that the patio was a mess and needed dealing with.
So we now have about a dozen fewer pots on it, including the ones which did have the ivies, a rather tatty sage and an even tattier rosemary. I will need to drive to the tip at some point as there's no way we can get all of that into the compost heap.
"No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch."


  • Mine's a pipe, er… pint!
Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #880 on: 21 March, 2017, 12:13:49 pm »
As I said earlier, not all the garlic I put in has risen (fair enough) but did notice that the ground around the garlic seems to have fewer weeds than other areas of the lotty. The area where the garlic grew last year is similarly denuded of weeds, so assume the garlic acts as a weed inhibitor.
Certainly never seen cycling south of Sussex


Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #881 on: 25 March, 2017, 06:39:42 pm »
Cleaned the green algae off the greenhouse, planted 3 white lupins and about 100 anemones after they'd soaked overnight. My neighbour has got a fantastic display of anemones in a window box that get less than 2 hours sun a day. She planted hers in November, mine should be out June. Painted the garden furniture, got the seed trays ready. 

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #882 on: 26 March, 2017, 05:53:54 pm »
Must have done loads, I'm knackered.
Lots of weeding, emptying and refilling one of the ponds, pruning one of the holly trees, doesn't seem a lot when written down but it has taken most of the day.
"No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch."


  • Um....err......oh bugger!
  • Help me!
Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #883 on: 26 March, 2017, 06:05:56 pm »
Mowed the lawn (AGAIN!).  Cut back all the dead stuff in the borders.  Continued to de bramble the brambly area.  A little light weeding. 
My weeding philosophy is little and often, so that it doesn't feel like a chore.
Admission.  I'm actually not that fussed about cake.

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #884 on: 26 March, 2017, 06:21:33 pm »
I mowed the back lawn on Friday evening. I have not mowed the front one as I assumed, wrongly, that it wouldn't need cutting again so soon.
I'd like to get the weeding to 'a little and often' but at the moment it's 'a lot and all the time'.
"No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch."

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #885 on: 26 March, 2017, 10:43:42 pm »
After getting home from a bike ride, I dug out some compost from the ready bin & plonked it where I'm going to plant this year's cucumbers. Watered where I've planted seeds as it was looking a bit dry.
"A woman on a bicycle has all the world before her where to choose; she can go where she will, no man hindering." The Type-Writer Girl, 1897

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #886 on: 27 March, 2017, 12:15:52 am »
planted 10 raspberry canes.

Unfortunately I have missed the window to plant the red currents and gooseberries I wanted to after the nursery failed to deliver the plants and refunded me without communication.

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #887 on: 28 March, 2017, 01:32:42 pm »
Today? too much digging  :'(

I cut back effing bamboo.

Anyone have any suggestions for dealing with the stuff? Cutting it off at ground level results in little razor sharp stubs all over the bed.
I was wondering about slates dug in vertically to stop it spreading.

When I removed ours a while back, I resorted to a kango....

This is the stuff you need - you dig it in before you plant, leaving the edge an inch or so proud,  and keep an eye out for the little bugger climbing over the top
Looks identical to the stuff you use for flashing at the edge of a roof. I wonder if it is the same stuff, rebadged and sold for twice the price?
<i>Marmite slave</i>

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #888 on: 01 April, 2017, 09:40:53 pm »
Replaced 3 fence posts, two had rotted with one having failed in the high winds a few weeks back. I was away and the neighbours only told me two weeks ago.

I managed to snap the third whilst trying to get the panel back in when the first post wasn't quite right.

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #889 on: 01 April, 2017, 10:10:53 pm »
Today? too much digging  :'(

I cut back effing bamboo.

Anyone have any suggestions for dealing with the stuff? Cutting it off at ground level results in little razor sharp stubs all over the bed.
I was wondering about slates dug in vertically to stop it spreading.

When I removed ours a while back, I resorted to a kango....

This is the stuff you need - you dig it in before you plant, leaving the edge an inch or so proud,  and keep an eye out for the little bugger climbing over the top
Looks identical to the stuff you use for flashing at the edge of a roof. I wonder if it is the same stuff, rebadged and sold for twice the price?

Not impossible, it's much thicker/stiffer than any flashband, but there may be a type of pvc flashing I haven't seen.


  • Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society member 263583
Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #890 on: 02 April, 2017, 08:31:32 am »
Hacked back some very old lavenders.  Found that they had plenty of growth at the base so moved them to where I want lavenders.  Gave them a good soak and fingers crossed they'll take
Burned a load of stuff in the incinerator, kippered myself and singed the fence in the process  ::-)

The old lavender patch will become a new herb patch.

Lawn mowing today, some direct sowing of early lettuces as well I think, and maybe a row of chard
“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” –Charles Dickens

What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #891 on: 02 April, 2017, 08:47:34 am »
Hacked back some very old lavenders.  Found that they had plenty of growth at the base so moved them to where I want lavenders.  Gave them a good soak and fingers crossed they'll take
Burned a load of stuff in the incinerator, kippered myself and singed the fence in the process  ::-)

The old lavender patch will become a new herb patch.

Lawn mowing today, some direct sowing of early lettuces as well I think, and maybe a row of chard

Good luck with the lavender. Interesting plant. It puts down an essential oil where it has been growing and effectively poisons the soil around it so other plants can't compete. It's worthwhile replacing with other 'sterile' topsoil if you can. As you will be putting herbs in there isn't too much point in feeding the soil with compost or anything.

I need to get myself a bonfire tan. It's a good look.


Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #892 on: 02 April, 2017, 03:41:57 pm »
Took the lid of the barrel that feeds the pond and found a foot of stinking black sycamore sludge that I bucketed out and tipped on the compost heap. The pond needs draining cos I bet there's the same at the bottom of that but it's alive with tadpoles at the moment and they're doing a pretty good job of cleaning round the edge.


Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #893 on: 02 April, 2017, 03:42:32 pm »
If you poke the bottom of the pond with a stick bubbles come up and are disagreeable.

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #894 on: 02 April, 2017, 04:52:09 pm »
We've turned the pump/stream/waterfall back on in the pond.
Both lawns have been mown.
I've done more weeding.
I need to water things before dark, but I'm having a rest by making bread instead.
(I would have done more but I've been out in the car three times to get 'emergency' supplies of one sort or another as well.
"No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch."

David Martin

  • Thats Dr Oi You thankyouverymuch
Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #895 on: 03 April, 2017, 10:56:37 pm »
Cleared out the greenhouse. Replaced the missing pane of glass. Planted out 5 tomato plants and one pepper in growbags,  and a dozen strawberries in two window boxes. SWMBO carried on the good work getting seed sown (courgettes etc.) and potatoes chitting.
Shredded the remaining dry stuff including the very prickly rose stems.
"By creating we think. By living we learn" - Patrick Geddes

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #896 on: 05 April, 2017, 11:41:57 am »
Today? too much digging  :'(

I cut back effing bamboo.

Anyone have any suggestions for dealing with the stuff? Cutting it off at ground level results in little razor sharp stubs all over the bed.
I was wondering about slates dug in vertically to stop it spreading.

When I removed ours a while back, I resorted to a kango....

This is the stuff you need - you dig it in before you plant, leaving the edge an inch or so proud,  and keep an eye out for the little bugger climbing over the top
Looks identical to the stuff you use for flashing at the edge of a roof. I wonder if it is the same stuff, rebadged and sold for twice the price?

Not impossible, it's much thicker/stiffer than any flashband, but there may be a type of pvc flashing I haven't seen.

See also; raspberries coming up all over our fruit patch - all through the gooseberries, currants and blueberry bushes...


Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #897 on: 05 April, 2017, 08:47:53 pm »
There's a border I haven't touched for years apart from cutting a giant rosemary back and the wild garlic has gone mad, dense clumps of it that make your hands smell.


  • Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society member 263583
Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #898 on: 05 April, 2017, 11:06:19 pm »
Having been away this week, I have Instructed youngest and swmbo to open/close greenhouse an water seedlings as required.

“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” –Charles Dickens


  • Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society member 263583
Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #899 on: 08 April, 2017, 04:24:07 pm »
Youngest helped me today, canes for beans, posts and net for peas, planted out and protected from late frosts with a length of fleece pegged to the uprights and held down with bricks at ground level.  They were just getting too big for the greenhouse.

She then helped me create a hawthorn bonsai group
“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” –Charles Dickens