Author Topic: [HAMR] More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)  (Read 77448 times)


  • known as Olaf in the real world
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Re: More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)
« Reply #450 on: 22 January, 2016, 03:50:28 pm »
...(also very telling that Hoppo was not around when the video was made)

It's telling you that Hoppo, and Phil, and I, live some distance from MK.

Fair enough. On the other hand, I would expect the crew chief and registered team leader to be personally present when matters of such significance are discussed and communicated.
If you can't convince, confuse. - my blog on cycling, long distances and short ones

Re: More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)
« Reply #451 on: 22 January, 2016, 04:40:05 pm »
Am I a stick in the mud when I say I'm relieved that Steve has abandoned but seems remarkably well in mind and body considering?
I am, in part, experiencing an unexpected feeling of relief. (In addition to those of awe, admiration, respect, etc)

Re: More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)
« Reply #452 on: 22 January, 2016, 05:16:15 pm »
One of the joys of filming Audax is that you get to see shy people in unselfconscious moments.
You can come back with footage that shows the person underneath.

Getting a good interview out of Idai is like falling off a log. Heather got one which was a bit different at the end of PBP, when he'd lost his voice.

I've not met Chris Hopkinson very many times. The first was when I sat next to him at an AUK AGM. He's always struck me as less 'full on' than his image.

Re: More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)
« Reply #453 on: 22 January, 2016, 05:24:15 pm »
Could have been worse Phil, I drove all the way there and my bit was lost as I talked to a camera that was off ;-)

But to add to Phil's points, the team have had almost as big a battering as Steve over the year dealing with so many issues, problems, logistics etc.. There have been many  many late nights, many many many actions way beyond the call of duty. But above all a consistent care for Steve as the number one priority throughout. I think every single member including those who departed should be dead proud of supporting  Steve to get  as far as he did.

Phil W

Re: More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)
« Reply #454 on: 22 January, 2016, 05:33:11 pm »
...(also very telling that Hoppo was not around when the video was made)

It's telling you that Hoppo, and Phil, and I, live some distance from MK.

And that the video was about Steve and not Hoppo.  I'd have loved to have been close enough to make it over yesterday, but I'm not sure I'd have fitted on the sofa, and I'd be quite shy being on camera like that. Best leave that bit to the extroverts amongst us.

The full team was involved in discussing and presenting different options and helping Steve come to a decision. His decision on his challenge.


  • Old blerk sometimes onabike.
Re: More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)
« Reply #455 on: 22 January, 2016, 05:41:13 pm »
...(also very telling that Hoppo was not around when the video was made)

It's telling you that Hoppo, and Phil, and I, live some distance from MK.

Fair enough. On the other hand, I would expect the crew chief and registered team leader to be personally present when matters of such significance are discussed and communicated.

I can see they've all answered for themselves, but I have to say I think this is a bit unfair. Steve didn't pick the moment in advance; it came to a head Wednesday morning when Idai saw Steve was beyond just knackered. Volunteer team members can't just drop their jobs and families and come running. I'm sure it was all discussed on the phone beforehand. Thank goodness Idai was there, and persuaded Steve to consider knocking it on the head.

I'm sure there will be a long and detailed deconstruction of how the team worked and what might have been done differently in due course. I know we've not been backwards in volunteering our opinions, and I'm sure some of that will be in the mix if there's a next time. In the meantime, I think we should thank all the team, past and present, for supporting Steve - probably rather better than we gave them credit for.

Phil W

Re: More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)
« Reply #456 on: 22 January, 2016, 05:53:31 pm »
Ah Dave, I just deleted me previous post, bit too heart on sleeve and emotional to leave up there.

But essentially we've all worked bloody hard as a team for Steve these past 15 months, late nights sorting stuff out and our own plans cancelled.  Everyone involved in the internal discussions. I know I'm a kind of back room guy and like to stay out the spotlight. But it seems the team was little appreciated in this place from what I've read today. It's been really hard these past few days, never mind months, or even since Steve was hit. We are all little emotionally drained from our investment in Steve's dream. It'd be nice to be appreciated once in a while. Who would volunteer eh?

I might leave this post up, or I might tear it down. I need a drink.


Phil W

Re: More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)
« Reply #457 on: 22 January, 2016, 05:57:36 pm »
Could have been worse Phil, I drove all the way there and my bit was lost as I talked to a camera that was off ;-)

Yes but we told you in the discussions, the video wasn't about you promoting your book  ;D

Phil W

Re: More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)
« Reply #458 on: 22 January, 2016, 06:02:30 pm »
Thanks TimC

Re: More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)
« Reply #459 on: 22 January, 2016, 06:05:16 pm »
I think it a great shame that my team never got the credit they deserved.
Whenever I read "What are Steve's team doing for him?" comments here, it reminded me of Monty Pythons', "Romans" sketch.

I do have sympathy with grossly underestimating the work involved in my attempt. I grossly underestimated how much it would take for me to even start. Without the help of the team, I would have never got started at all. Hoppo was just as crucial as everyone else. He is the Northern European rep for the UMCA and has himself done an awful lot of work for the UMCA. I appreciate how his persona comes accross and why he may not be to the liking of some people. But having been a member of his support crew, I have seen the real Hoppo in action and he's actually a pretty clever rider and really does know how to ride this kind of event. He was the only person who told me that Kurt would go the distance, though he does know Kurt and has raced against him. Hoppo was instrumental in setting the rules with the UMCA and fighting my corner. He also kept me in line with the rules, which he knows inside out. He actually did a hell of a lot.

My team worked very hard and with scant communication from me. They had very little information to go on and couldn't have had an easy task.
My set up was much less efficient than Kurt had. Alicia could see what was happening because she was there. She could make movies. For us to make a short movie took a great deal of planning and we had to abort many attempts because the weather dictated that I couldn't be home on the appointed day. They also cut nto my sleep time, so I never really wanted to do them. Alicia made her movies on site, whereas we could only do them at the end of a days ride.
I had volunteers who worked full time jobs, not paid staff or a dedicated full time crew. I'd have never done what I did without their help.
It wasn't all plain sailing. There were arguments and dissagreements. I have an idea what went on but won't go into that. I do have an idea of both sides of the story with Fidgetbuzz and Hoppo. I don't think it's a one sided story and that's as much as I will say.

I was often amazed at how much my team were putting in for me. Really sad that they got so much criticism, all based on misinformation, rumour and lack of understanding. I'm just gratefull that they feel glad to be a part of what I (and I really mean "we") did. I really would feel bad if the felt I had let them down by not getting the record because I know they put so much in. But, they are all still there for me and want to help me back on my feet again.
I can't imagine having a better bunch of people on my team.

Re: More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)
« Reply #460 on: 22 January, 2016, 06:15:12 pm »
I should also point out that nobody pushed me into stopping.
I was hugely reluctant to stop. Idai and I had a long discussion. I agreed with him that I should have a rest day after getting home at 3:30am.
I was in two minds but as I said to Idai, I knew it was the right thing to do, I just didn't want to admit it to myself.
I was going to go out before I decided to stop. I even told Hoppo I was going out, but never did.
I thought about what Idai said, that the team thought I should stop and that I agreed. I pretty well knew it a few days earlier to be honest.
Hoppo was more keen on me keeping going but would support whatever I decided. Hoppo and I think along very similar lines and I think we both have the never give up attitude.
But what really decided it for me was that I promised I would give my best. I couldn't see how I could give my best when I am not at my best or can see a way of becoming at my best.
Hoppo understood and true to his word, backed me up in my decision. I doubt it was easy for him either.

Re: More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)
« Reply #461 on: 22 January, 2016, 06:16:08 pm »
Could have been worse Phil, I drove all the way there and my bit was lost as I talked to a camera that was off ;-)

Yes but we told you in the discussions, the video wasn't about you promoting your book  ;D

PMSL Steve was holding it in front of the camera at the start, I made them put it out of shot


  • Old blerk sometimes onabike.
Re: More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)
« Reply #462 on: 22 January, 2016, 06:20:31 pm »
I should also point out that nobody pushed me into stopping.
I was hugely reluctant to stop. Idai and I had a long discussion. I agreed with him that I should have a rest day after getting home at 3:30am.
I was in two minds but as I said to Idai, I knew it was the right thing to do, I just didn't want to admit it to myself.
I was going to go out before I decided to stop. I even told Hoppo I was going out, but never did.
I thought about what Idai said, that the team thought I should stop and that I agreed. I pretty well knew it a few days earlier to be honest.
Hoppo was more keen on me keeping going but would support whatever I decided. Hoppo and I think along very similar lines and I think we both have the never give up attitude.
But what really decided it for me was that I promised I would give my best. I couldn't see how I could give my best when I am not at my best or can see a way of becoming at my best.
Hoppo understood and true to his word, backed me up in my decision. I doubt it was easy for him either.

Don't beat yourself up about it, Steve. It's always hard to give up on a dream, especially when it must have felt almost within touching distance at times. If Hoppo (and the rest of the team) was right for you, that's all we need to know for now. The detailed debrief between the team can be done when you've all had a little time to relax.


  • It is all about the taste.
Re: More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)
« Reply #463 on: 22 January, 2016, 08:36:44 pm »
...(also very telling that Hoppo was not around when the video was made)

It's telling you that Hoppo, and Phil, and I, live some distance from MK.

Fair enough. On the other hand, I would expect the crew chief and registered team leader to be personally present when matters of such significance are discussed and communicated.

I can see they've all answered for themselves, but I have to say I think this is a bit unfair. Steve didn't pick the moment in advance; it came to a head Wednesday morning when Idai saw Steve was beyond just knackered. Volunteer team members can't just drop their jobs and families and come running. I'm sure it was all discussed on the phone beforehand. Thank goodness Idai was there, and persuaded Steve to consider knocking it on the head.

I'm sure there will be a long and detailed deconstruction of how the team worked and what might have been done differently in due course. I know we've not been backwards in volunteering our opinions, and I'm sure some of that will be in the mix if there's a next time. In the meantime, I think we should thank all the team, past and present, for supporting Steve - probably rather better than we gave them credit for.

Damn right.

This wasn't a weekend ride they volunteered for or a 'on-off' and I know some of the people who did stints of time helping out.

They are all the Team and deserve recognition for the role they have played.



  • The Codfather
  • Formerly known as Jaded
Re: More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)
« Reply #464 on: 25 January, 2016, 08:27:51 am »
Yes, well done to the team, and thank you Steve for your posts.

This thread has gone quite quiet.
It is simpler than it looks.

Re: More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)
« Reply #465 on: 25 January, 2016, 11:50:32 am »
Perhaps because the attempt has ended


Re: More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)
« Reply #466 on: 25 January, 2016, 03:40:20 pm »
*pedant mode*  Current attempt on the overall HAM'R.

There will be more in the future.  And we have a woman attempting the opposite sex record, with the prospect of another joining the fray (apparently).


  • It is all about the taste.
Re: More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)
« Reply #467 on: 25 January, 2016, 05:29:40 pm »

I should also point out that nobody pushed me into stopping.
I was .......

Yes yes but on a more important subject, I could not help but notice that woman holding your arm and being a little too familiar with you :hand:


You told me that I was the one...that I was special....that you only had eyes for me.  :'(

I will accept it if she is your sister or a close cousin but nothing else.



Re: More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)
« Reply #468 on: 25 January, 2016, 06:33:17 pm »
I will accept it if she is your sister or a close cousin but nothing else.

I knew that spending a lot of time in Norfolk and its surrounds risked contracting their predilection to "keep it in the family".

Re: More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)
« Reply #469 on: 25 January, 2016, 06:47:15 pm »
I think it a great shame that my team never got the credit they deserved.
Whenever I read "What are Steve's team doing for him?" comments here, it reminded me of Monty Pythons', "Romans" sketch.

Steve, there are many of us did and still do appreciate the enormous and generous efforts of your support team alongside your herculean efforts.    We were just not vocal enough.   If there is a next time them we'll roll out the cheerleaders.   8)

You cannot please all of the people all of the time.   Unfortunately teh internets gives unparalleled oxygen to anybody who wishes to use it.

Aunt Maud

  • Le Flâneur.
Re: More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)
« Reply #470 on: 25 January, 2016, 07:59:54 pm »
Mike, the host manager put a lot of effort into what he did and showed that he really cared about Steve and his attempt.

I'd like to give him a round of applause. He seems to be overlooked, shame really.

Re: More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)
« Reply #471 on: 25 January, 2016, 08:15:37 pm »
Mike, the host manager put a lot of effort into what he did and showed that he really cared about Steve and his attempt.

I'd like to give him a round of applause. He seems to be overlooked, shame really.

Probably because he left a few months ago to take up a post abroad, though he still keeps in close contact by email.  Certainly his enthusiasm was infectious and he chivvied the rest of us along.  He even dragged one poor old bugger off the start line of a TT to go and rescue Steve after the moped incident.


  • On my way out of here
Re: More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)
« Reply #472 on: 27 January, 2016, 05:32:51 am »
Yes yes but on a more important subject, I could not help but notice that woman holding your arm and being a little too familiar with you :hand:


Ooops, someone mentioned the elephant in the room - with elephant size typeface.

I too wondered about this femme fatale.  Was she the Yoko Ono of the HAMR? 

All this talk of diets, speed, and renal impairment.  When there was another organ that really stopped the challenge.  The much more prosaic heart muscle.

Bianchi Boy

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Re: More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)
« Reply #473 on: 27 January, 2016, 06:59:59 am »
Hoppo and I think along very similar lines and I think we both have the never give up attitude.
Just an observation, the best teams complement each other and contain people who bring different views and ideas to a group. People with the same views tend to emphasise all aspects of behaviour good and bad. A team needs a balance of views and be able to view situations from different angles.

Set a fire for a man and he will be warm for a day, set a man on fire and he is warm for the rest of his life.


  • Where there is doubt...
Re: More thoughts on the current record attempt(s)
« Reply #474 on: 27 January, 2016, 12:59:32 pm »
Other behind the scenes elements of the support network were the AUK Board and event organisers who helped raise funds. It was clear from early on that Steve needed to develop a support team, and the Board encouraged him in that, as Board/Members simply were not in a position to take a direct role themselves - looking after AUK is a job in itself. Still, the Board supported the campaign with a mailshot to members and early financial support, and implemented the 'donate' option on the online event entry system. Besides raising funds this ensured everybody entering AUK events online - not just AUK members - were aware of Steve's ongoing effort. Kudos to Danial for the mailshot and to Chris Crossland, Paul Salmons and Francis Cooke for organising the Donate faciility. All this took a lot more effort than might be apparent.