Author Topic: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?  (Read 156987 times)

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #350 on: 23 February, 2018, 04:52:11 am »
As I have no chance for a calendar event I took a day off work and headed out for my February 200km yesterday. I had planned on leaving at about 0630 but as usual this didn;t happen and I set off an hour later in daylight. I paid the price as getting through Cheltenham was a total pain, plus I was stopped at every set off red lights all the way to Tewkesbury.

Out of Tewkesbury on the Ledbury road and the day was turning out to be very pleasant, the sun was popping out every now and again and after a quick bottle refill in Much Marcle I headed off for Ross and Monmouth. After passing straight through it was intot he Wye Valley and the recently resurfaced A466, what a great road, hardly and traffic and a great surface. I stopped for lunch at the Abbey Mill cafe in Tintern and recieved confirmation that the 466 south of there was unpassable so had to detour up to Devauden and then it was a fast run into Chepstow via St Arvens passed the race course, all covered up with frost covers to try to save their meeting on Saturday.

Straight around Chepstow and over the bridge and things changed, a slight headwinf breeze appeared and it got more hilly. I passed through Thornbury, Wotton and nailsworth before a fast run along the 419 into Cirencester. From here it was all local lanes back home.

This was my 6th or 7th 200 and have to say I rode this one better than any of the others, I ate more, paced it nicely and finished feeling much fresher. If I did this ride again I'd tweak it here and there to avoid the serious sharp climbs through the Cotswolds.

Link to the ride here

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #351 on: 23 February, 2018, 11:09:33 am »
Third ride this Tuesday in my first attempt at Rrty, subject to validation.  Along a similar route to my earlier ones:

- December - DIY using the on-line entry system and controls (advisory route).  The advantage was that it was similar to a calendar event from the point of view of controls and receipts.  Disadvantage was the extra 15k over the 200k distance as a result.  It was a lovely ride.  I set off early to do most of the darkness riding while I was still fresh, along dark little lanes and with the benefit of a full moon.

- January - DIY using that GPX malarkey.  So a shorter distance but more reliant on technology.  Good weather conditions again, light wind and temperatures of 4 - 6 degrees.  Highlight was excellent scrambled eggs at the pub at Brafferton.  Low point was having to walk a couple of stretches thanks to farmers cutting their hedges and kindly scattering thorns all over the road.  Even after walking, I still had to dig a thorn out of the back tyre before I set off again.

- February - Another GPX DIY.  I was running out of days to find some decent weather, so I did the ride this Tuesday despite a blustery wind.  Lovely heading South, a hard slog on the way back.  With the additional complication of a road closure meaning that I had to bimble around a bit at the end to ensure that I did the minimum distance.

Hopefully I'll be able to do a calendar event and find a bit of company in March ....
Sunshine approaching from the South.

First time in 1,000 years.

Chris S

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #352 on: 23 February, 2018, 09:10:46 pm »
If anyone who uses me as their DIY Org is eyeing their mailbox nervously as we get toward month's end, you should be aware that I'm really busy with work, so there's something of a backlog. I'll try and find time to work through the pile in the coming days - but no guarantees.

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #353 on: 24 February, 2018, 12:56:43 am »
Despite having bagged my February RRTY ride earlier in the month with a tailwind assisted 200km arrow to Totnes, I'd had an idea brewing for a while to have a bash at a winter 300 with a few hills chucked in for good measure. Last Tuesday saw me execute the plan with a misshapen loop starting from home in Lacock with controls at Chepstow, Abergavenny, Hay-on-Wye, Monmouth and Gloucester.

The alarm went off at 04:30 and I was on the road shortly after 05:00 with a couple of pieces of toast on board. The brisk headwind was a slight worry as I knew I'd be battling it for the first 150km and over the two 'feature climbs' of The Tumble (from the south side) and Gospel Pass. I settled into the mentality that I'd keep twiddling away and tick off the milestones as they came. Worst case scenario would be to get a snap of the dawn over the Severn Estuary and retrace home, but I had other bail out options in mind for if it stopped being enjoyable.

The Severn Bridge was my first target and I felt fresh as a daisy as I rolled over and into Chepstow. A short battle with rush hour traffic, then I speared off onto the B road to Usk. I'd packed a top tube bag full of goodies and had been steadily munching away, so felt happy enough to ride straight through Usk and through to Pontypool, where I grabbed a milkshake and a Red Bull at a petrol station. Had a slight faff traversing the park in Pontypool to find the way on to the disused railway path up to Blaenavon (NCN 46), but it was well worth it. I've cycled this path before on a tour with friends and it is great. A gentle uphill winding through the valley until you meet the Blaenavon heritage railway line. I got off the path at Blaenavon, opposite the Rhymney Brewery. My pals and I did the brewery tour when we passed by last May and it is highly recommended. No time for such dalliances on this ride though.

Because the climb on NCN46 is so gradual, I hadn't noticed how much height I'd gained and hardly had any climbing left to summit the Tumble. Took me a few minutes to get my picture at the top as the wind kept blowing the bike over as it was lean't against the sign! So stiff was the breeze that I struggled to get my speed up beyond 35mph down into Govilon but enjoyed it anyway. Opted to stop for a feed in Abergavenny Subway to get some fuel on board for Gospel Pass and enjoyed a bit of people watching as I munched away.

This would be my third ride over the Gospel Pass and I've always done it from the South side. I must have a bash the other way sometime, although the road surface is so utterly wrecked from Llanthony to Capel-y-ffin that the descent would be somewhat spoiled. Even on 28mm tyres it was pretty pants, particularly when cars (not that there were many!) prevented me from picking the best line. In places, the road was basically a streambed, so I can see how it's gotten so awful. I knew I wouldn't be breaking any records on this ascent, so opted instead to indulge in a couple of stops to take in the views and grab some snaps. A helicopter was buzzing around, moving sacks of stone between fields, but the resident wild ponies didn't seem to mind and were happy to pose for the camera.

A steady descent into Hay followed and I patronised the Hay cafe for a cheese toastie and slice of cake before striking out for Monmouth. When planning the route, I spotted 'Arthur's Stone' on the map and decided to plot a short detour to visit it. Whilst I'm glad I did, the 20 odd % gradient climb up Scar Lane which led to it was not welcome! Still, the Neolithic site was very interesting and meant I was properly past the halfway mark now, with the majority of the climbing done. My ride through the Golden Valley was tailwind assisted so i was flying and loving life. The only fly in the ointment was my drivetrain, which had taken a beating going up the wet and mucky Gospel Pass and was squealing out for lube. Stupidy I hadn't bothered packing any with the forecast being so dry. Lesson learned! Fortunately, I spotted EW Morgan & Sons Garage approaching Pontrillas and they were kind enough to let me have a free squirt of WD40 to restore tranquility to my ride.

Opted for a quick pitstop in Monmouth and guzzled more milkshake in preperation for the traverse of the Forest of Dean. I really should've stopped and eaten more, because the series of steep climbs felt much harder than they should've been! I consoled myself with the thought of the flat run to Gloucester to follow and kept spinning in the granny gear!

Had some minor GPS issues on the run in to Gloucester, but otherwise made good time. Unfortunately, I arrived at rush hour and had some major A roads to contend with, but got through with no issues and was soon back on lanes to snap a quick pic of the sun setting behind me as I crossed the M5. I knew I was now in for the last of the climbing, but was pretty disheartened when I came across the 25% sign at the bottom of the lane leading out of Haresfield. I was (un)happily tacking away until an oncoming car forced me to a stop, whereupon I had to take to shank's pony for a short while. This didn't do my cleats any favours and they needed some fettling before I could re-mount for the descent into Stroud, to be followed immediately by the climb back up onto Rodborough Common. Started to feel pretty wobbly towards the top so stopped to guzzle some flapjacks and chocolate.

From here, it was pretty much downhill all the way through Tetbury and Malmesbury, where I re-joined familiar roads. Spent the last few miles feeling very satisfied  with my efforts, particularly the fact that I'd never once considered bailing, in spite of plenty of chances to do so. Got home after around 16 hours and devoured a jacket spud smothered with indecent amounts of cheese!

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #354 on: 24 February, 2018, 06:27:22 am »
If anyone who uses me as their DIY Org is eyeing their mailbox nervously as we get toward month's end, you should be aware that I'm really busy with work, so there's something of a backlog. I'll try and find time to work through the pile in the coming days - but no guarantees.

I'm heavily backlogged too. But all will be well....


  • Where there is doubt...
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #355 on: 24 February, 2018, 10:27:49 am »
It's one of those days when j just cannot get out the house despite it being bright and sunny.
Cannot think why... or maybe I can... anyway, the day has warmed up to a cheerful 1C so time to go. I'll pay the price this evening...

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #356 on: 24 February, 2018, 07:46:37 pm »
Left the house at 4:30 for today’s 200 DIY, the theory being to get all the cold stuff out of the way during the first part of the ride and finish before the temperature started to drop this afternoon. Worked out v. nicely according to plan, with the only snag being that I couldn’t drink during hours 2, 3 & 4 because my bidons were completely frozen  :facepalm:
Eddington Number = 132

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #357 on: 24 February, 2018, 11:46:36 pm »
I needed a third 200km this month to keep a RRtY going and today seemed like my best option with snow on the way and even colder temperatures forecast. My pc crashed this morning and it took me a while to get it going again, so I didn't get away until after 10am. I'd hoped to start earlier as I was heading east into a fresh Siberian wind and it was in full force by the time I started. There were a few gentle undulations at first and then I crossed some higher ground in northern Leicestershire before dropping down to a stretch of open fenland that was straight into the relentless wind. I was glad of my aero bars on this section as I had missed them on the LEL over a much longer stretch of fenland. Today's route followed a short section of the LEL route near Sutterton before heading back with a nice tailwind.
I had made a note of a few icy patches on my outward journey, so I avoided some nasty surprises on descents when I retraced my route. I had felt just right heading into the wind, but got a bit hot taking advantage of the tailwind across the fens for about 20 miles on the way back. I was glad I didn't take anything off though as it cooled down as I climbed out of the fens and later I considered adding a layer around sunset, but held out as I hadn't got far to go and finished just after 7pm.
Looking forward to a few calendar events next month including Easter Arrow, Hard Boiled and Dorset Coast.

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #358 on: 25 February, 2018, 03:12:53 pm »
Is a point to point, I believe this is an "arrow" in audax speak, allowed for RRTY purposes as a DIY?

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #359 on: 25 February, 2018, 06:42:00 pm »
A dart, if its a solo effort.
A DIY can be any route, it doesn't have to be a circle.


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #360 on: 25 February, 2018, 07:16:38 pm »
Yesterday I rode up to Upton, where I looked for the famous Banjo's cafe but must have ridden right past it without spotting it; the same happened back in January. So I found a different place, where I had a good bowl of leek and potato soup and a slice of cake. Then across the river and past Croome to Pershore, which must have a byelaw decreeing that all traffic lights will always be red. Back through Tewkesbury and Gloucester, GPS failed – well, batteries went dead and yes, I had spares, but they turned out to also be dead  :facepalm: – but it was a simple route home (straight line) and got a receipt at the end. Much warmer (ok, less cold) than today, but too.much.yogurt!

Lesson learned: if you use rechargeable batteries for your Garmin, it's worth checking their state of charge from time to time.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.


  • Granny Ring ... Yes Please!
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #361 on: 25 February, 2018, 07:42:46 pm »
Yesterday I rode up to Upton, where I looked for the famous Banjo's cafe but must have ridden right past it without spotting it; the same happened back in January.

If heading in from the South then it's just after the shops start on the left,-2.2181414,3a,37.5y,298.79h,83.28t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sV-870rx1_zqzEC5D1E6W2g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 ... very easy to miss, last year it seemed to be undergoing some kind of renovation and was closed. Last time I visited, it was closed but it was during the Christmas break and later in the day, it did look like an ongoing concern.


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #362 on: 25 February, 2018, 08:16:03 pm »
Ah, thanks. I'd actually googled it in advance, but in the photo I found it had a dark blue front. Also, there were roadworks at that point with tidal traffic lights, so that made it a bit more difficult to have a good look. Anyway, I found this place:,-2.2180202,3a,75y,270h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sVbthodizcAwjzaNN9BZ6Sw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #363 on: 26 February, 2018, 03:42:11 pm »
A dart, if its a solo effort.
A DIY can be any route, it doesn't have to be a circle.

Thank you.


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #364 on: 27 February, 2018, 12:36:19 am »
Yes, a 200 in Ecuador on a piece of crap bike. I don't want to do that again; it hurts. Time for a long shower and a cold beer, in that order.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...


  • Prisoner 17091
    • AUK results
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #365 on: 28 February, 2018, 10:05:27 am »
So at 0400 yesterday my alarm went off, and I readied myself for an engagement with The Beast from the East and Around the Weald Expedition - Polar Edition.
Extra jumper - check
Waterproof socks - check
Cleats tightened on my sandals - check
Train rocked up into East Croydon at 05something and I primed the legs with the climb up to Selsdon, and with new 28mm tires and a homemade camper longflap style saddlebag to put through its paces, I gingerly set sail at 0609
Slow and steady was always going to be the order of the day, so I pushed along to Edenbridge avoiding the worst of the back roads, thinking to myself that I'll be okay. Close to 15hrs I thought, but I'll do it. Bounced off Edenbridge at 0720 with a brief stop for some Red Bull slush puppy which had already started to develop in my bottle, a little over an hour in.
Avoided Puddledock and routed via Ide Hill instead of Toys and Emmets Lane, dropped down into Sundridge and crossed the M25 and into Filston Ski track Lane. It was at this point that I probably should have said no and just gone home.
No, not I. I figured I may as well get to Swanley and if needs be just go home from there. After much hard climbing, forced into the saddle by loss of traction from the 65" I was running (an oversight on my behalf - I was supposed to have fitted a 18t cog, but discovered this morning that I had done it all on a 17t.) Parts were literally sheets of ice, but I persevered and got to Swanley Co-op at 0920.
Jam tortilla and coconut trek bar, washed down with an alpro chocolate milk, I made the brave foolish decision to press on.
What followed was a 6hr onslaught of blizzard, ice, periodic stops to unlog the brake callipers and correx mudguards of icebergery, slipperiness, crashed vans, snowed in lorries, comments of how brave I was by pedestrians, frozen beard and water bottles, and general all round jolly japery. I got to Battle at about 1445, thinking that I'm over halfway, I'm going to do this. 85km to go. 6hrs ish left. I was beginning to believe.
Quick phone call to the wife to tell her that I was still alive and onwards I pushed. Slight headwind, which was unbelievably cold. Something akin to The Day After Tomorrow.
Legs getting heavier and heavier, but I wouldn't cave. I'm the Beast from the South East, and a little weather wasn't going to ruin my perfect run of AWEs. 50AAA gloriousness awaited me upon arrival back at Selsdon.
Forest Row - bottle of Coke (red stuff naturally), a litre of Lucozade and a couple of fruit jellies. Onwards and for the umpteenth time quite literally upwards, out of Forest Row. The sun had now set, temperatures had plummeted and The Beast showed me what she really had. The climb out of Forest Row was brutal - stiff headwind, blasted by the heaviest downpour of snow I'd seen all day, settling on the floor in front of my eyes. I had no option - push on. Almost there. 12hrs in, just 30km to go. It got very slick, very quickly. I pushed on, averaging just 10km/h. It was in more than just the figurative sense, slipping away from me.
A toilet break at Lingfield at 1945ish. Train on the platform.
Unashamedly, I packed. less than 20km from the end. but only an hour and a bit to do it. I don't think I could have safely ridden that quickly last night.

Despite the brutal conditions, it was probably the nicest AWE I've (almost) done. At times there were some truly stunning views, and all in all, after a whole day is foolhardiness, I made the right choice in the end. It was treacherous last night, pitch black, and I honestly think I would have hurt myself.

And so 50AAA still awaits, but I'll be in a position to get them when I thaw out, as opposed to heal up.
Rule 77

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #366 on: 28 February, 2018, 11:02:47 am »
Around the Weald Expedition - Polar Edition.

Chapeau for attempting that, and truly impressive that you so nearly completed it.

Eddington: 133 miles    Max square: 43x43


  • Loving the lanes
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #367 on: 10 March, 2018, 08:12:07 pm »
A DIY 200 from London to Kings Lynn. I wanted to see the Dunwich Dynamo route in daylight so mostly followed the DD from Leyton to Finchingfield before turning north to Haverhill then into the flat Fens (via Ely and Downham Market).

Apart from a depressing series of close passes around Epping it was a good day out and the rain stayed mercifully intermittent. The extended flat sections by the Great Ouse were more interesting than expected and I enjoyed the scenic villages heading north.

Feeling ready ish for my first 300 in a month's time now!
2019 🏅 R1000 and B1000

Bairn Again

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #368 on: 11 March, 2018, 10:23:51 pm »
I did my first 200 in 2 months today following an ankle ligament injury.

My route took me north from Edinburgh to Perth, it was mostly misty and with many flooded patches where i had to slow.  I breakfasted at Tesco Perth 66km and left there at 1100 so bang on 3 hrs. 

I then headed west via Crieff to Comrie into a very light headwind where the roads were drying and it was even getting a bit warmer.  In Comrie i stopped to remove my jacket for the steady climb over Langside to Braco. 

I decided to stop at the café in M&S Dunblane rather than going on to Corrieris in Causewayhead given the latter was more likely to be a mothers day choice.  It had cooled down a lot now so my jacket went back on. 

I had a free choice of route home and stayed north of the Forth the whole way through Clackmannan, Culross and Rosyth to retrace back over the Forth Road Bridge to Edinburgh where i finished just before 1800.

Im now confident enough to travel to the Yorkshire Gallop as planned, but not so sure about doing the double header with the rearranged Forth & Tay!

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #369 on: 16 March, 2018, 10:39:23 pm »
I have been really struggling this year (work, health, weather, mojo).  I’m signed up for the BOB in September so need to get cracking!

Therefore, today I was pleased enough to do 77k & get an Audax 50k diy by gps on the way :)

That’s my first audax of 2018, and the first new distance medals I can buy, and what I hope is a kick in the right direction.  Felt good to be out, even if “it’s only a 50”  :thumbsup:


  • It's mostly downhill from here.
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #370 on: 24 March, 2018, 09:14:23 pm »
A local DIYxGPS 200 to keep my RRtY running ( the Forth and Tay cal event I had planned to use had first postponed, then cancelled due to Weather ).

Although the forecast said it was not going to be windy, I'd take exception to that.
My route had about 80k in a SW direction, from Fraserburgh to Rhynie, and I can say that it was a total grind.

I had a bugger of a ride from the Mechanicals PoV.

Lost over 3 hours to mechanicals. Involved 1.5 hours walk from Mossat to Alford due to earlier sliced tyre followed by multiple punctures. Attempted makeshift tyre boot using folded £10 note, but it didn't really work. The cut was too bad. Exhausted my supply of Puncture Fixings.  Cleats totally destroyed from the hike!  Changed wheel at Alford and completed the ride.

Bairn Again

Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #371 on: 25 March, 2018, 11:49:10 am »
I managed out and did a 300k using some of my favourite roads, from Edinburgh to Aberdeen via Dunblane and Comrie  :thumbsup:

Id toyed with a 1800 depart Friday but the road surfaces are not great for night riding just now, plus the forecast for yesterday was good and there was enough light for the vast majority to be completed in the daylight.

I left home just before 5am where it was hovering around 1 degree.  It started getting light immediately but it remained very cold but dry through Bo'ness to Stirling.  Id normally manage about 100km before stopping but I stopped for a coffee at McDonalds in Stirling.  I was warm soon enough climing over Langside to Comrie and I removed my jacket just after Crieff.  I stopped for an early lunch at the petrol station in Perth around 130km where I had a big feed.  It wasnt particularly warm but still sunny and dry.

I made good time after this and decided in Forfar to push on to Montrose for my next feed.  This was a bit of an error as I grovelled into Montrose having run out of puff about 10k earlier.  This was about 220km and I reckoned I could manage from here to the finish in Aberdeen without another big stop. 

I was on familiar roads from the many 200ks Ive ridden north to Stoney or Aberdeen and I was soon over the A90 heading towards Fettercairn which now seems to have its own peripherique to avoid the old arch in the town.  I was overtaken by an unfeasably fast youth on a mountain bike just before Auchenblae which made me feel very old and slow!

I decided not to stop in Stoney as I wanted to ride the only bit that was new to me in daylight.  The roadwords for the Aberdeen bypass meant I had to add in a twiddly bit out the Slug Road and over a climb that I believe is known as the Mowtie Beast to rejoin the road north to Deesside.  It wasnt that bad, but I did have to honk for the first time, which I try to avoid.

I stopped about 25km short of Aberdeen to pop my jacket back on and to have some of the sweets Id bought in Montrose.  I knew now it would be dark when I finished but also that the final 10km or so would have streetlights.  I descended carefully in the dark to Peterculter where I was afforded a close up view of the new Aberdeen bypass currently under construction.  My final climb was up Milltimber Brae to join the A93.  I still had to pay attention as the cycle lane has a lot of sunken drains to catch out the unwary.  I rolled into the Railway Station almost bang on 15 hours which gave me an hour or so before my train home.  Id taken a change of clothes so got into those and had a Kriek beer in Casc near the station.  I could have stayed longer.

Train journey was marred by the usual booze britain antics, travelling with a bike does seem to attract unwanted attention and i was glad Id taken a small lock with me so nobody could move it.  Scotrail apparently has a ban on alcohol after 2100 but I appeared to be the only one observing it.  The train quietened down by DUnfdee (all the numpties seemed to be heading to Stoney or Montrose after a day on the lash in Aberdeen).      It was a very short but chilly cycle home from South Gyle Station and I opened to door at bang on midnight.  A long but enjoyable and rewarding day.  Half my 2018 SR done!   8)


Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #372 on: 28 March, 2018, 10:11:19 am »
I'm trying to do my first RRtY this year, and I'm 4 months in. I really thought I'd got the worst months out of the way, but I have yet to complete my March ride having had the MoK 200 postponed until April. I have a 200 penciled in for Friday but the weather looks absolutely atrocious and having ridden 30 minutes to work in it earlier today I am not sure I can hack 9 hours of the same on Friday.

I am so close to throwing in the towel but this feels decidedly un-audax.


(I know this doesn't really belong here, but oh well)


Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #373 on: 01 April, 2018, 08:34:33 am »
200k DIY yesterday.   Bromley-Ringmer-Rye-Hythe-Whitstable-Faversham and then the train home.

Managed to stay dry all day and the wind wasn’t very troublesome.   Quite a lot of climbing, though, so I can feel it today.


  • It's mostly downhill from here.
Re: Have you been out today on a Perm or DIY?
« Reply #374 on: 01 April, 2018, 06:29:36 pm »
Impromptu 200k DIY ride home from Edinburgh to Aberdeen today...