Author Topic: Cross Training: Running  (Read 459967 times)


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Cross Training: Running
« Reply #800 on: 16 June, 2012, 01:07:31 pm »
Woo! New PB - 22mins 36secs. That felt great!

Having uploaded my data, I wasn't entirely surprised to see that my average HR for the run was 162bpm, and my max 183 (sprint finish), which wasn't quite flat out. So still room for improvement I reckon...

I'm still absolutely buzzing from today's run though - swimming in endorphins! ;D

Might give it a miss next weekend though and do a bike time trial instead...

"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • Each snowflake in an avalanche pleads not guilty
Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #801 on: 17 June, 2012, 10:31:20 am »
Well done!  :thumbsup:

I managed to do 10K before breakfast this morning, shame about the time but at least it is progress.


  • Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Lepidopterist Man!
Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #802 on: 23 June, 2012, 01:22:42 pm »
A bit to windy for cycling today (at least that was my excuse for not going for a cycle...)
Instead, a short run before lunch:

I did my usual loop, 5.5km according to bikehike, 37 minutes 5 sec.  :thumbsup:



  • T'is I, Silverback.
    • Ramblings of a silverback cyclist
Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #803 on: 23 June, 2012, 02:02:53 pm »
No parkrun today as I didn't get in from work until after 01.00 this morning.
Going out shortly for my 9km section of the Greensand relay race from Clophill though.
Enjoying the offroad running routes at the moment, there's a trail half marathon in Royston in a couple of months that I like the sound of :)


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #804 on: 23 June, 2012, 02:46:06 pm »
So who did parkruns today?

Yup, I was too late entering the TT so did the parkrun as usual, though no PB this week - running into a very strong headwind on the return leg made it hard work. Enjoyed it as usual though.

I like the 5k distance - long enough to be interesting but short enough that you can go at it quite hard all the way - but I'm getting to the point where I'm keen to step it up a bit... There's a 7.5 mile trail round the local woods with nicely varied terrain (ie lots of up and down, some of it quite steep) that would make a good route. Tempted to have a go at that tomorrow, if my legs are up to it (I've also done a lot of commuting miles on the bike this week, so quite tired).

Still in my stupid roboboot thing- seeing surgeon a week on Friday so hope to get it off then :) Hoping to find out how long it will be before running again. Marathons may be on hold though as I have big health problems (again) and will need treatment. Just feels like I'll never get back running properly. Fed up.

Sorry to hear that, must be very frustrating. Hope it all works out for you, sooner or later.

"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • Each snowflake in an avalanche pleads not guilty
Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #805 on: 07 July, 2012, 01:55:17 pm »
I did my second Parkrun today.  Time is down to 28.12 from 29.22... progress of sorts I suppose.

I've started having a look for a 10k later in the year, probably come unstuck but it's good to have something to aim for.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Cross Training: Running
« Reply #806 on: 07 July, 2012, 02:29:58 pm »
Well done, Gandalf, that is good progress - knocking over a minute off your time is a significant improvement (1min = 12secs per km).

Slightly disappointed with my performance this morning - it wasn't a bad time (22:50, only 14secs off my PB), but I'd set my VP to 22:30 pace and every time I looked at it, I'm sure it said I was ahead... ???

Anyway, I enjoyed the run so I'm not too bothered.

My son's school friend seems to run consistently around the 22min mark, and finished 30secs ahead of me today, so I'll use him as a pacer next time instead of relying on my Garmin.


"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #807 on: 08 July, 2012, 07:11:52 pm »
Milton Keynes Half Marathon today. My first run in over a month.
I arrived at the last minute and started at the back of the field which meant a mile or two of cross country running to get past the slow runners. My legs didn;t feel as if they'd recovered from the last 3 weeks of cycling and I could feel them after a mile. I thought I was in for a tough run but they were OK once I got into it. My feet blistered in the arches, as they do, especially with no recent running miles. It took me 2-3 miles to get into it and after 5 or 6 I really got into it, upped the pace and enjoyed it. But my lack of running miles caught up with me at about 11 miles and I slowed down again. Up to mile 12 and a went for it for the last mile.
I thought that the finish would be in the same place as the start and gave it the last bit of effort, only to find I had about 2-300m to go, now in oxygen debt from my efforts. ::-)
I slowed a bit, recovered a bit and launched my last attack.

1hr 49mins 40secs. My fastest of 3 this year by 2-3 minutes and about 7 minutes slower than my best.

Rich Forrest beat me by 2 mins 15 secs with his 1hr 47mins 25 secs.

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #808 on: 08 July, 2012, 08:14:04 pm »
Milton Keynes Half Marathon today. My first run in over a month.
I arrived at the last minute and started at the back of the field which meant a mile or two of cross country running to get past the slow runners. My legs didn;t feel as if they'd recovered from the last 3 weeks of cycling and I could feel them after a mile. I thought I was in for a tough run but they were OK once I got into it. My feet blistered in the arches, as they do, especially with no recent running miles. It took me 2-3 miles to get into it and after 5 or 6 I really got into it, upped the pace and enjoyed it. But my lack of running miles caught up with me at about 11 miles and I slowed down again. Up to mile 12 and a went for it for the last mile.
I thought that the finish would be in the same place as the start and gave it the last bit of effort, only to find I had about 2-300m to go, now in oxygen debt from my efforts. ::-)
I slowed a bit, recovered a bit and launched my last attack.

1hr 49mins 40secs. My fastest of 3 this year by 2-3 minutes and about 7 minutes slower than my best.

Rich Forrest beat me by 2 mins 15 secs with his 1hr 47mins 25 secs.

Well done both of you - I was a good 6 minutes behind you though really enjoyed the event just taking it a bit easy and treating it as a training run. Great to run a whole half marathon in MK without getting rained on! MattC and I are running a stage of the Real Relay on Thursday - Crowmarsh Gifford to Henley - so I was using that as an excuse not to trash my legs today.
The lights were red, his brain was small - he hardly felt a thing at all.


  • T'is I, Silverback.
    • Ramblings of a silverback cyclist
Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #809 on: 08 July, 2012, 08:41:26 pm »
Was a good run in great weather. Saw neither of you there, though I did look about in case you were.
I tried using gels today, but they had me walking and jogging bits at about the halfway mark feeling rough. Just like on an audax a couple of yrs ago when it felt like it was just sitting there and not digesting.
More trial and error needed.
Was running about a 4.40min/km avg until about halfway, finished at about 5min/km



  • T'is I, Silverback.
    • Ramblings of a silverback cyclist
Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #810 on: 14 July, 2012, 04:14:35 pm »
Went over to Northampton for the Parkrun with the club today.
Nice flat course compared to MK and got a PB of 21.20 down 1.18 from from my best time.
May have gone too fast at the start with 2 x 4min KMs, as I found I was slowing down for the last 3 which were roughly 25s slower.
Either way, well happy with the PB  :thumbsup:


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Cross Training: Running
« Reply #811 on: 21 July, 2012, 06:25:48 pm »
Nice one!

No PB for me today but a good time in the rain - I'll settle for sub 23mins.

"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Cross Training: Running
« Reply #812 on: 11 August, 2012, 10:27:23 am »
21.43 on today's parkrun - 28 seconds off my previous PB, and in the two months since I started doing parkrun, I've got three whole minutes quicker. The American swimming coach is raising his eyebrows. ;D

Really good conditions today, which helped - warm and sunny, and a bit of a tailwind on the return leg. First km was 4.13, middle three were around 4.30 and the last km was 4.09. Reckon I can get that under four minutes.


"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #813 on: 26 August, 2012, 05:33:28 pm »
Praise the Lord!!!!!!

I still don't Know if I'll get back to proper running, but finally, I ran a whole mile on Friday, and a whopping 1.5 miles today.

It feels strange with cyclist thighs.

Sticking to my racing flats for now, the less touching the bottom of my foot the better. I want running back so much. That 1st mile on Friday, a whole 7 minutes running lol was the best feeling ever


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #814 on: 26 August, 2012, 05:57:31 pm »
Depends on whether "proper running" means
"100 miles or further" ...

Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #815 on: 26 August, 2012, 06:10:42 pm »
Marathon or further I guess.....

But I'm taking it a distance at a time for now..... 5k first :)


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #816 on: 26 August, 2012, 06:18:04 pm »
For Lord's Sake, take it easy until mid-September! We don't to hear about any injuries - make sure you get that SR before you're lured back to these lesser pasttimes!

p.s. just checked my records ... your initial 'recovery' 5k challenge is to beat 23:02. After that you can start looking at 'proper' running.
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #817 on: 26 August, 2012, 06:37:58 pm »
Lol, I just checked how long it took me to run 1.5m and it was 10.20 so I will take up your challenge :) will wait till Tuesday and then go out for a daring 2 miles.

And I'm not sure about this 600, I'm not going to play the lame too tired card, but my knee is a bit bust

All running is proper, it's a proper sport :) it's just that 5/10ks aren't really my thing- it takes me that long to warm up!


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #818 on: 27 August, 2012, 05:34:06 pm »
There seemed to be an urban orienteering race through our estate this morning. I was out testing some gear fettling, and was suddenly surrounded by somewhat 'veteran' looking folks with sweatbands and small folded maps crushed in one hand. Average speeds suggested they were out for a long time.

They were going in at least 6 different directions, so either most were lost, or there were a number of checkpoints fairly nearby. I really wanted to ask one for more details, but they looked immersed in the zone (and quite scary).
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #819 on: 27 August, 2012, 09:12:13 pm »
Been too busy getting a job to update, but the short version is that the vivobarefoots seem to mess up my ankles at anything over 7km. NB MT110s mess up my ITB anything over 7km, and I'm fine up to at least 22km in the old Asics I started off with. Basically, so long as I only do lunchtime runs in the lightweight shoes, and keep the boats for commuting in, I'm fine.

This minimalist thing really hasn't worked for me. I suspect it's a mix of my minuscule impulse control (too much fun to run in, no point telling me to take it slow) and the wrong shoes (MT110s sloping footbed makes my knees sore really quick). two pairs of relatively unused shoes sitting in the hall means I'll be waiting a while before another experiment.

Feels great to be back running without pain. I'd like to get some decent length runs in before I move up north. Hoping to be within running distance of Ilkley Moor - new head of dept is a keen fell runner (and scarily quick!).

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #820 on: 28 August, 2012, 09:32:05 am »
There are few people who can get away with the minimalist thing. Your form/technique needs to be pretty much verging on perfect. Glad you are running without pain though :)

I got to the heady heights of 3k this morning.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #821 on: 28 August, 2012, 11:53:46 am »
Praise the Lord!!!!!!

I still don't Know if I'll get back to proper running, but finally, I ran a whole mile on Friday, and a whopping 1.5 miles today.

Well done!

That 1st mile on Friday, a whole 7 minutes running lol was the best feeling ever

Slacker! A 7min mile is a decent time for most people - must feel a bit slow to you.  ;D

All running is proper, it's a proper sport :) it's just that 5/10ks aren't really my thing- it takes me that long to warm up!

I've been pondering what would be the cycling equivalent of a 5k run and I reckon a 10 mile TT would be about right. Funny, though - I've never really been tempted by the idea of a 10 mile TT, and yet since I've started doing Parkrun, I've found that 5k is very much my thing when it comes to running. I'm tempted to try some longer distances but I suspect I wouldn't enjoy them so much.

"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #822 on: 29 August, 2012, 05:43:30 pm »
7 minute mile is speedwork for me!

Did a 17.5km run on a mix of road and trail yesterday - no pain at all, and fine today. Fingers crossed, I'm out of the woods. Going to be a while before I don't feel panicky at the first twinge, but does feel like I'm actually injury free at the moment.


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #823 on: 29 August, 2012, 05:50:34 pm »
I've been pondering what would be the cycling equivalent of a 5k run and I reckon a 10 mile TT would be about right. Funny, though - I've never really been tempted by the idea of a 10 mile TT, and yet since I've started doing Parkrun, I've found that 5k is very much my thing when it comes to running.
In terms of time they line-up pretty well. You won't know about the 10miles until you try one!

This sort of highlights an interesting question for me - how come Parkrun is soooooo much more popular than local 10mile TTs. Particularly with novices. Some of these people can't do 5km without walking - and yet anyone that's done some cycling can ride 10 flat miles.
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #824 on: 29 August, 2012, 06:22:19 pm »
Parkruns are easily accessable compared to even a club TT, where you have to pay an entry fee and be a member of a cycling club. I think that running events have more in common with sportives. Anyone can join in. Parkruns can be sociable too, you can run with your mates. Can't do that in a TT unless it's a team TT.