Author Topic: Cross Training: Running  (Read 460065 times)

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2025 on: 31 January, 2020, 08:49:43 am »
Week 3 of my Couch to 5k completed. So far so good.

I am noticing some discomfort across the tops of my feet. What could be causing that? My shoes do not seem too tight, and they are the sock type of running shoe so fairly stretchy anyway.  The discomfort (mild) is mostly midway along the first metatarsal. I'd accept it as normal if it had just been during my first few runs, but it seems to be persisting.

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2026 on: 31 January, 2020, 11:40:33 am »
Good work!

No idea on the tightness thing although it might be worth reading the shoelace site as there's a load of stuff there about how the different lacing methods affect the pressure on the foot.

Am pretty much done with C25K myself now, I think today should have been a 25 minute run (with 5 minute walking bookends). Swapped it round today and rode a hire bike to Lots Road and then ran in 6km from there. That's the first proper run of 5km or more (i.e. no walking) for over 6 months and I'm happy with no pain/discomfort in the ankle. (The real test will be skiing next week.)
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2027 on: 31 January, 2020, 09:59:01 pm »

I’ll try loosening things off even more on my next run to try to exclude that as a cause. It may just be my feet getting used to unaccustomed activity of course. Heart and lungs wise I could run further but at the same time I can detect that the rest of me needs time.


  • unfuckwithable
Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2028 on: 31 January, 2020, 10:36:53 pm »
i ran the 9km run this saturday with no prior training for a year, except riding bikes. i was pleased about the pace (4:15), however was hit with the most severe doms. i don't feel that i've got myself injured, but three days later the pain is really bad, i walk in small steps like an "old man" and walking down the stairs is quite a challenge.

(for my own record) doms subsided after about six days however tendons/ligaments in my feet and knees took three weeks to heal. i'll start doing some running every now and then, just to keep my body used to this type of exercise.

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2029 on: 02 February, 2020, 07:50:00 pm »
Week 4, run 1 this morning.

Not so good. Ran according to the programme ok, but had pain on the outside of the right hip this time, gluteus medius. It’s easing off a bit now. That pain started right at the start of my run, along with a tight right hamstring. Something clearly not quite right on the right hand side! Also, mild non limiting pain just behind the top of the kneecap, doesn’t get better or worse when running. Is there a recognisable ailment there? ITB?

Another thing: when I last pulled something, it was the gluteus maximus on that side. Again, it was an early Sunday morning run. On both occasions I have been at a pilates class the day before and done more arduous than usual glute stuff. On both occasions I have had some DOMS from the day before.

A lesson there I think.

Onwards. On the plus side, my feet don’t hurt. I suspect heavily padded stretchy sock type uppers spread the loads so evenly that it’s easy not to notice that your laces are too tight.

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2030 on: 19 February, 2020, 05:26:40 pm »
Running hasn't been going too badly.  Did a 10 mile trail (mud!) run in Storm Dennis on the weekend but this seems to have exacerbated a slowing developing niggly pain just above my ankle (only hurts the day after), but otherwise came off unscathed from my longest run this year.  Currently doing around 20 to 22 miles a week, ranging from circa 8:30/mile to 9:50 depending on length of run and terrain.
I have a schedule 4 - 5 mile run tomorrow and lower overall mileage this week so hopefully I can resolve the niggle.  Definitely binned off the idea of a half marathon on 1st March a I can see I'm not really ready for it and I'll just end up injured.
Trust everyone else's training is going well?

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2031 on: 19 February, 2020, 05:42:06 pm »
Just getting into running.

Issue is that I could happily run 8 miles non-stop as a first run, but I know that if I do that I'll develop an injury, so its all about s slow build up. A cold and a stag weekend got in the way for 14 days but back to running (gently) three times a week with 15 minutes sandwiched between 5 minute walk warm up and cool down

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2032 on: 19 February, 2020, 09:19:13 pm »
W6R1 on Sunday. The last run of the previous week included a 20 minute run which was fine, so I proceeded to the next week.

Shin splints now, on one side. At least I think that is what it is. Feels like it needs rest. My body is slowly working its way through a series of adaptations, some requiring a pause or even a few steps back. Hopefully I’ll repeat W6R1 this Sunday, and carry on.

I do like running, so it would be good if my body would get itself sorted so that I can focus more on cardiovascular fitness rather than mechanicals.


  • Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society member 263583
Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2033 on: 19 February, 2020, 10:53:19 pm »
I'm back to running again, being quite cautious about ramp up, up to running 4.5k yesterday with a 1km walking cooldown. Twice a week at that is about enough for now. May go up to 5km next week.
“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” –Charles Dickens

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2034 on: 12 March, 2020, 10:06:01 pm »
I'm down to do a half marathon at the weekend.
There's been a bit of a change in arrangements, like needing to carry my own water, but they haven't cancelled yet.
I've made it up to 16km in training so I'm hopeful of going round at a run without breaking myself, even if I'm not doing spectacular times.

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2035 on: 15 March, 2020, 01:01:24 pm »
6.5 miles of zone 2 today. How slow is that!!

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2036 on: 15 March, 2020, 01:48:37 pm »
Shin splints now, on one side. At least I think that is what it is. Feels like it needs rest. My body is slowly working its way through a series of adaptations, some requiring a pause or even a few steps back. Hopefully I’ll repeat W6R1 this Sunday, and carry on.

I’ve carried on doing that same W6R1 for the past few Sundays, but no other running. This seems to have done the trick as the shin splints have settled down. So I will treat this week as normal W6 and carry on...

I find it quite reassuring that given time my various aches and niggles have sorted themselves out.

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2037 on: 15 March, 2020, 01:56:52 pm »
I'm down to do a half marathon at the weekend.
There's been a bit of a change in arrangements, like needing to carry my own water, but they haven't cancelled yet.
I've made it up to 16km in training so I'm hopeful of going round at a run without breaking myself, even if I'm not doing spectacular times.

I got round OK.  :D

It was "scenic" in both senses of the word - 670m of climb in 21km of running, but Birling Gap / Beachy Head / Belle Tout and the downs meeting the sea gives lovely views.

I had cramp twinges in both calfs around 12 / 13km, and was properly tired by the end, but got round in 2:22 (by my GPS, electronic timing was dropped to reduce shared contact points). That's a bit slower than I'd hoped for, but I'm happy. Walking up the hills made for more running the rest of the time.

Today, I can feel the effort in my legs and hips, and one foot aches a bit, but I've been to the shops and walked up and down stairs without problems.

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2038 on: 18 March, 2020, 09:37:46 am »
parkrun cancelled nationwide.
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2039 on: 23 March, 2020, 10:30:52 am »
Went for my first run in years as working from office today but massively reduced staff so lunchtime walks gone for now

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2040 on: 23 March, 2020, 10:42:25 am »
Just been for a wonderful run - nicest weather for months.  Running is going to be a source of sanity for me in the coming months - I really hope this isn't spoilt by cretins refusing to follow guidelines about gathering in groups and forcing a total ban on outside activity.
The sound of one pannier flapping

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2041 on: 23 March, 2020, 11:33:51 am »
Really enjoyed my very early morning run yesterday. Avoided the park next door - already full of cretins veering towards me across empty spaces as if drawn by magnetism. Stuck to wide low traffic streets and crossed over when need be, which was rare.

I agree that it will be a source of sanity.


Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2042 on: 23 March, 2020, 11:43:28 am »
Also went for a short run this morning (with no gym classes, it's good to start the day with some sort of exercise). I live practically on a popular running route (riverside walkway) which is always popular and particularly so at the moment, but not too bad at 7am and the others out running and walking were generally very good about keeping their distance.

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2043 on: 23 March, 2020, 11:59:22 am »
Ran an unintentional personal best half-marathon in training 2 weeks ago but strained a calf and got a cold so have had a fortnight off. Had planned to do 11 miles but the route was flooded and doubled back.  Annoyingly, I finished in 2 hrs 1 minute, and probably lost a minute re-routing and checking the map otherwise I might have just achieved the long sought after sub-2hr time.  Bah.

Planning a gentle 5k tonight to test out the calf.
Keep safe eveyone.

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2044 on: 23 March, 2020, 12:42:15 pm »
Gentle 5k run adjusting the route to avoid as many people as possible. Worked well, probably only got within 2m of two people, and that was still 1.5m away from each of them.

If possible I want to be doing 3-4 x 5k runs a week and then slowly ramp up the distance of one. Anything more adventurous (intervals/etc) can wait until the weight goes down. Most of the runs can be fitted into a normal week as myself and Mrs GB will need the occasional breaks from throttling home teaching our 10yo.
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2045 on: 23 March, 2020, 01:20:02 pm »
Did my local 8km loop yesterday. I need to work out a shorter, flatter route I can do easily from home - I'm too slow and unfit for this at the moment. I'm keen to get into the regular habit though. It's likely the only exercise I'll be getting for the foreseeable...

(Yes, I know there's also cycling, but I'm not feeling very tempted to get the bike out, tbh - I've already done my local roads to death. And I really just CBA with the turbo.)
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2046 on: 23 March, 2020, 02:13:59 pm »
Switched to another attempt at C25K in early February and started week 9 today.  With the impending lockdown of doom I decided to go for the 5K rather than for 30 minutes and hey presto, I did it!

Chuffed to bits but will all my efforts be in vain I wonder?

Phil W

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2047 on: 23 March, 2020, 06:07:57 pm »
You can do the 5K2C programme now.

Phil W

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2048 on: 23 March, 2020, 06:11:10 pm »
Did my local 8km loop yesterday. I need to work out a shorter, flatter route I can do easily from home - I'm too slow and unfit for this at the moment. I'm keen to get into the regular habit though. It's likely the only exercise I'll be getting for the foreseeable...

(Yes, I know there's also cycling, but I'm not feeling very tempted to get the bike out, tbh - I've already done my local roads to death. And I really just CBA with the turbo.)

I’m exploring some of the old bridleways I used to ride on my mtn bike.  I’m doing it on my recumbent which is a completely different experience. I figure the disused railways / greenways round here will be busy but the bridleways require some map reading skills so will likely remain mostly empty. I’m only doing the ones I think are suitable which are mostly hard park and not rutted or decent farm roads.

Re: Cross Training: Running
« Reply #2049 on: 23 March, 2020, 06:44:40 pm »
Switched to another attempt at C25K in early February and started week 9 today.  With the impending lockdown of doom I decided to go for the 5K rather than for 30 minutes and hey presto, I did it!

Chuffed to bits but will all my efforts be in vain I wonder?

Brilliant - very pleased to here it!