Author Topic: ACME Miscellany  (Read 538604 times)


  • Instagram @ucfaaay Strava @ucfaaay
  • Look haggard. It sells.
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4375 on: 30 March, 2021, 04:21:46 pm »
Who was in East Bergholt at about 12:30 today in their pbp gilet?

I had a gob full of Bakewell tart so all I could do was point.

What on earth am I doing here on this beautiful day?! This is the only life I've got!!


  • ... Fancy Pants \o/ ...
  • ACME S&M^2
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4376 on: 30 March, 2021, 05:21:40 pm »
Who was in East Bergholt at about 12:30 today in their pbp gilet?

I had a gob full of Bakewell tart so all I could do was point.

Well - quite a few to choose from - but I suspect Jos as he's on a 10 days of 100 gig at the moment, so that would give him the range to be over that way I think... other might be Tomsk or The Strangler.  I think most others are accounted for on Strava today


Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4377 on: 30 March, 2021, 06:23:41 pm »
Well - quite a few to choose from - but I suspect Jos as he's on a 10 days of 100 gig at the moment, so that would give him the range to be over that way I think...

He was indeed going through there after 12 today, on a longer 200km ride today. Let's see how he fares tomorrow ... if he doubles up with another cracker then he's certainly on his way to TCR domination.

Eddington: 133 miles    Max square: 43x43


  • Instagram @ucfaaay Strava @ucfaaay
  • Look haggard. It sells.
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4378 on: 30 March, 2021, 06:52:01 pm »
But his Strava track doesn't actually pass the East Bergholt bakery where I was sat 🤔
What on earth am I doing here on this beautiful day?! This is the only life I've got!!

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4379 on: 01 April, 2021, 10:48:54 am »
Back to business.

It's been a while since MEMWNS was able to gather (Essex's ill-fated voluntary foray into Tier 2 meant that our last outing was a very cold evening at the Oddie in October) so it is good to be able to report on a covid-secure outdoor gathering.

I joined the EER at the Bryony Tap - not only does ACME boast its own landlord, we also have our own head brewer and he has a firepit with blue flames :thumbsup:

As usual, I was late (then again I was the only person who cycled more than 300 yards to get there) so I arrived to find Head Brewer Huggy, the Hustler, demi-Jemango, Family Pack cyclist and OD already warming themselves at the firepit and sampling ales - I think there was a child indoors as well.

We sampled ACME Citra, Wing Commander Justin Peabody's Big Lamp, Sulky Dolphin Milk Stout (not the coffee version because only demi-J was allowed that because she's special and we're just not) and Retired Circuit Judge Wheat Beer - I don't know where Huggy gets these names from either, it's almost like somebody just made them up because they had forgotten what they were actually called.

It took a thorough review of the Quaffers' Rules until we found an exception under Rule 26(3)(c)(ix) - which most of you will know as the lickspittle's charter rule - that allowed us to proceed without our usual quorum of three and without the office junior;  Huggy having been disqualified through loss of amateur status, demi-J for hogging the coffee milk stout, Family Pack for refusing to try anything other than wheat beer and OD because he was drinking Merlot.  After much deliberation, the Hustler and I declared Sulky Dolphin the Quaffers' Choice.

For once, conversation did not revolve around riding in France, riding brevets, sleeping in ditches or even cycling at all.  It appears that none of us has really bothered to put in many miles during lockdown with various home-improvement projects the excuse of the day.  It was also possible that we had forgotten how to communicate with other adults from outside our household but I think we did alright and it really was good to see everybody and hear about their lockdown experiences.
There was plenty of laughter as well despite the untypically serious topics of conversation.

Before we knew it, the Head Brewer was flashing the outdoor lights and dousing the firepit having given up on his more subtle hints.  It only took an hour or so further for us to realise he wanted us to leave so we did. 

The ride home was unusually warm for March (not sandal weather but not far off) and extremely quiet on the roads.  It was a real pleasure to be out even if I had forgotten how slowly I go post-sampling.

Thank you to Mr and Mrs Huggy for their hospitality and let's hope we can re-amalgamate the EER with the Western Outlaws very soon.
The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4380 on: 01 April, 2021, 12:11:10 pm »
Fabulous, The Bard is back  :thumbsup:

And much thanks to huggy for the hospitality and beer  :-*


  • ... Fancy Pants \o/ ...
  • ACME S&M^2
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4381 on: 03 April, 2021, 12:21:44 am »
ACME Assemble !

I am going to work on the happy assumption that lockdown will be released to plan.

We need some adventures.

Tomsk is planning his spring training weekend. 

I am keen on the following:

Plan A  - May - Peddars' Way weekend 

D1 afternoon:- cycle to a campsite I know on the edge of the King's Forest (ie between BSE and Barton Mills). 

D2:- Early morning train to  Kings Lynn.  Ride the Peddars' Way and then a route through the forests back to camp. 

D3:- Hooning around King's Forest and Thetford Forest - home by train in the evening or stay over for a morning departure.

Plan B - June or September - King Alfred's Way

Probably 3 days of riding with camping or not.

Plan C - June/July

You may recall No 1 son and I were due to ride his 6 countries in 5 days route through Europe last year.  This is still looking iffy for this year so I am looking at 5 countries 4 days:

D1 Essex to Stoke on Trent (ish)

D2 Stoke on Trent to Dublin via Holyhead

D3 Dublin to Belfast

D4 Belfast to Glasgow (via Belfast/Larne)

I will be looking to crowd source some route advice if this does go ahead.  If anyone wants to come along, they will be most welcome.

We can form some groups of 6 soon to discuss...

Any further thoughts on Plan A ??



Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4382 on: 03 April, 2021, 06:27:56 pm »
Back in the swing of things with a trip round the R&R today.  Didn’t stop, eat or drink enough so a bit ragged by the end.  Tailwind home from Sudbury, though.  The road was closed between Sudbury and the turn for Finchingfield - required a bit of walking and scrambling.

The cafe in Stock is back open and we’re serving through a new hatch in the doorway.  2 cafes in the middle of Burnham also doing a decent trade.


Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4383 on: 04 April, 2021, 12:25:44 am »
Well, it was the Double Dutch today and a good ride all in all although the headwinds really were something to contend with for a large part of the ride. This mainly just makes me feel better for having done it though!
I bumped into Joss a couple of times en route, so that was nice and I also saw Elliot and psyclist in the car park (of course, with two car parks, I had a 50% chance of getting it right (and got it wrong)),but then so did lots of others.
It was a great day overall, but much more enjoyable once I'd turned south and took advantage of the tailwind! For once, too - I was pretty well organised and left on time, so this meant that I met lots of people going round, joining up with pairs for a while, which was nice, and did help to pass the time.
Also, I had dressed badly, shorts and a short sleeved top with arm warmers and a base layer. I did bring my long fingered gloves though and I put on my waterproof jacket that is thin, but another layer. I think it tookuntil about 140km until I warmed up.

Knees are a bit sore but I don't think its anything to worry about, they just haven't done that long for a while.
I'm now eating everything I can find and lacing into the Jim Beam like a champ, so I'm sure I'll feel great in the morning.

All the best!

P.S. Thank you, Tom, for a splendid evening on Wednesday!


  • Fueled by cake since 1957
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4384 on: 05 April, 2021, 08:57:26 am »
P.S. Thank you, Tom, for a splendid evening on Wednesday!

You're welcome! I won't be out this Wednesday evening though, as I'm going to fit in a mid-week ride. This weekend has been very family orientated and laid-back - very nice, but I'm feeling the lack of recent miles. There's the Tour de Stour on Saturday to get up to speed for. I'll maybe see some of you there, otherwise at the Compasses on D Day.

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4385 on: 06 April, 2021, 06:18:18 pm »

Any further thoughts on Plan A ??

Yes !

I spoke to the campsite today. Camping seems more expensive than the last time I went - demand probably.  I thought they were on the pricey side until I looked at other sites and compared facilities.  The key thing is having the facilities open though and they do not know for sure yet.

It would be worth waiting for the 17th May for the best chance of having facilities open and being able to sit indoors at the pub.   Probably weekdays but avoiding half term.  I am flexible.  From memory, they let you onto the pitch early afternoon so a meander up there, pitch tent and remove bike luggage then hoon round the forest before pub dinner.  Next day an early start to catch a train to Kings Lynn.  Have another blast the next morning before striking camp and heading home.
The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways


  • ... Fancy Pants \o/ ...
  • ACME S&M^2
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4386 on: 06 April, 2021, 07:22:52 pm »

Any further thoughts on Plan A ??

Yes !

I spoke to the campsite today. Camping seems more expensive than the last time I went - demand probably.  I thought they were on the pricey side until I looked at other sites and compared facilities.  The key thing is having the facilities open though and they do not know for sure yet.

It would be worth waiting for the 17th May for the best chance of having facilities open and being able to sit indoors at the pub.   Probably weekdays but avoiding half term.  I am flexible.  From memory, they let you onto the pitch early afternoon so a meander up there, pitch tent and remove bike luggage then hoon round the forest before pub dinner.  Next day an early start to catch a train to Kings Lynn.  Have another blast the next morning before striking camp and heading home.

Yep - sounds good, I'm getting quite booked up in May at the moment workwise, which whilst a good thing, is getting in the way of riding!


Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4387 on: 07 April, 2021, 12:30:10 am »
P.S. Thank you, Tom, for a splendid evening on Wednesday!

You're welcome! I won't be out this Wednesday evening though, as I'm going to fit in a mid-week ride. This weekend has been very family orientated and laid-back - very nice, but I'm feeling the lack of recent miles. There's the Tour de Stour on Saturday to get up to speed for. I'll maybe see some of you there, otherwise at the Compasses on D Day.
That looks nice, I wish I'd had entered that, too! Enjoy!

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4388 on: 12 April, 2021, 05:26:25 pm »
Liability insurance. My membership to British Cycling expires soon, and I'm looking at alternative options to get general cycle liability insurance cover. I don't use any of the other 'benefits' provided by British Cycling.

I was considering LCC, but I see their price is pretty much the same as BC, although I think my money would be put to a use which is more aligned to my considerations of what is important.

Does the Witham CTC group still function, which offered a cheaper option? I'm not keen on Cycling UK membership directly, put off by their attitudes towards their membership.

Eddington: 133 miles    Max square: 43x43

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4389 on: 12 April, 2021, 05:33:47 pm »
Liability insurance. My membership to British Cycling expires soon, and I'm looking at alternative options to get general cycle liability insurance cover. I don't use any of the other 'benefits' provided by British Cycling.

I was considering LCC, but I see their price is pretty much the same as BC, although I think my money would be put to a use which is more aligned to my considerations of what is important.

Does the Witham CTC group still function, which offered a cheaper option? I'm not keen on Cycling UK membership directly, put off by their attitudes towards their membership.

No Witham Cycling doesn't have an affiliation with Cycling UK anymore so that route to cheap public liability insurance is closed I am afraid.  Witham Cycling is now just a largely dormant Facebook group which I'd shut down except for the fact that there is some occasional activity.

I am a Cycling UK member mainly for the insurance.  The annual subscription isn't too much, the magazine is OK, but other than that I don't really give two hoots about the organisation.


  • Fueled by cake since 1957
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4390 on: 12 April, 2021, 05:58:29 pm »
Re: Liability Insurance - CUK has a good record on legal support too. I'm not too impressed with their current direction as a charity and attitude to the grass roots, but yes, the mag. is ok, useful stuff on the website as well. Also as a long-standing CTC member I'm sentimentally attached too. The Chelmsford CTC section are a good bunch of folks, though I'm seldom available for their Sunday runs. One day I'll join the [CUK affiliated) Forty-Plus CC - they are quite active with mid-week rides throughout Essex.

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4391 on: 12 April, 2021, 06:00:34 pm »
Psyclist, apparently  :P you can obtain affiliated (ie cheaper) membership of CUK via AUK.
The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4392 on: 12 April, 2021, 06:07:25 pm »
Psyclist, apparently  :P you can obtain affiliated (ie cheaper) membership of CUK via AUK.

That's well hidden on the new website. Any clues as to where any information on this might be found?

Eddington: 133 miles    Max square: 43x43


  • MemSec (ex-Mrs RRtY)
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4393 on: 12 April, 2021, 06:18:13 pm »
You need to ask me for the special code to use, but fortunately as I know who you are I can send it when I power up my pc later.

However do check the Ts and Cs... It looks like it does not include legal assistance which could be a valuable benefit

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4394 on: 12 April, 2021, 06:29:02 pm »
You need to ask me for the special code to use, but fortunately as I know who you are I can send it when I power up my pc later.

However do check the Ts and Cs... It looks like it does not include legal assistance which could be a valuable benefit

Thank you  :thumbsup:

I've got until the end of this month to decide, and yes the lack of legal assistance could be a deciding factor.

Eddington: 133 miles    Max square: 43x43


  • ... Fancy Pants \o/ ...
  • ACME S&M^2
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4395 on: 12 April, 2021, 07:31:36 pm »
Doesn't stop you using Slater & Gordon for any claims.



Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4396 on: 14 April, 2021, 11:54:41 am »
Back to jabs.

I have my first one booked for Monday.   Bishops Stortford was nearest available centre for me.


*EDIT* and my second one is booked for the day after the Fenland least it's a recovery day.


  • ... Fancy Pants \o/ ...
  • ACME S&M^2
Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4397 on: 14 April, 2021, 11:59:08 am »
Back to jabs.

I have my first one booked for Monday.   Bishops Stortford was nearest available centre for me.


*EDIT* and my second one is booked for the day after the Fenland least it's a recovery day.

I've not got my second one booked yet, I have to wait for the Docs to alert me as they did my first.


Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4398 on: 14 April, 2021, 12:19:44 pm »
I'm getting my first stabbing tomorrow. Going all the way to Colchester....
Those wonderful norks are never far from my thoughts, oh yeah!

Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #4399 on: 14 April, 2021, 12:20:23 pm »
NHS  England wide you book both, GPs you wait for second invite as above.