Author Topic: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square  (Read 369045 times)

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #1700 on: 02 March, 2021, 05:03:20 pm »
Excellent mini-adventure, Paddyirish.

Looks like there are a few other squares around the Fife coastline that might be accessible the same way.

Where's next?

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #1701 on: 02 March, 2021, 08:52:49 pm »

Deano, you hear that? Time to check out the tide tables for Hartlepool Bay. Or maybe get a hold of a sea kayak.


I think I would need that kayak, it's a bit far out for paddling.

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #1702 on: 02 March, 2021, 11:08:27 pm »

Have had a few muddy adventures at low tides both North and South of the Forth, and reckon I have about a dozen coastal tiles to get, a few easy, piers in Methil, Tayport and Newport, a few requiring a walk from Crail to St Andrews, 2 immediately South of Leuchars air base that may require a paddle and a few on the Tay estuary.  I think I'll have to take a sea kayak west of the Forth Bridges to get any more there.

But all good fun.


  • Put away those fiery biscuits!
  • Mrs Pingu's domestique
    • the Igloo
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #1703 on: 07 March, 2021, 12:18:28 am »
A wee walk today just snecked the top-left of a tile and increased the cluster by 2  :thumbsup:


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #1704 on: 07 March, 2021, 04:44:41 pm »
Went out for a nice 117km ride today, on a route designed to pick off a few gaps round the Tenterden area. As a result, I've increased by max square from 20 to 21 (in fact I now have 8 overlapping 21x21 squares) and my max cluster from 826 to 866. Satisfying.

One of the tiles required venturing onto a private estate, but I figured since the road was marked as a restricted byway, it should be fine. There were a few people about but no one batted an eyelid - except a bunch of geese, who made a lot of noise but didn't go so far as attacking me.

The road is a 'lollipop' - straight off the main road with a loop at the end. I followed the loop round and most of it was well surfaced, but then I hit a section of muddy farm trail, well churned up with some deep ruts and puddles... I wasn't sure how far I needed to go round the loop to bag the tile. Tried to check on my phone but the map wasn't detailed enough to be helpful. And I didn't want to get home to find I'd missed out on it, so ploughed on - ploughed being the operative word.

Turns out I didn't need to go along that bit after all. Doh!

Also realised that if I'd carried on another kilometre or so along the road from Tenterden to Rolvenden, instead of turning back towards Biddenden, I could have bagged another tile that would have taken my max square to 22. Annoying. Once I've got that tile, that will be pretty much the limits of my square reached for a while - I can't expand any further north, east or south without going into the sea, so I'll need to focus on expanding westwards, and it's getting to the point where that's going to involve some proper long rides.

Still, a very enjoyable ride, taking in some very pleasant new lanes I've not ridden before - which is really the main point of this exercise, isn't it?

The muddy bit was the top section of the loop, which did go into a tile I needed, but I filled it in anyway on the road out of Tenterden:
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • Put away those fiery biscuits!
  • Mrs Pingu's domestique
    • the Igloo
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #1705 on: 07 March, 2021, 05:08:09 pm »

VeloViewer by The Pingus, on Flickr


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #1706 on: 08 March, 2021, 11:37:28 am »
Looking good, Mr P!

I've planned a route to fill in a few tiles to link up my main cluster to an outlying small cluster round the Sevenoaks area. Only thing is, the route is just shy of 170km and the way I'm feeling today after yesterday's 117km, I'm not sure I'm up to that kind of distance at the moment. Unfortunately, I'm now at the point where I have to ride 50km just to get to my closest fresh tiles.

Oh well, it will be a good way of building up my fitness.

The annoying thing is that I've ridden quite a lot of those roads round West Kent in the early days of my audax career... before I had any kind of GPS tracker...
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #1707 on: 08 March, 2021, 11:50:10 am »
Darn it. Left a hole.


  • Loving the lanes
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #1708 on: 14 March, 2021, 07:06:41 pm »
After yesterday's ride I have every square in Greater London south of the river :)
2019 🏅 R1000 and B1000

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #1709 on: 14 March, 2021, 10:37:17 pm »
Chunk of Northumberland added.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #1710 on: 15 March, 2021, 08:44:35 am »
Chunk of Northumberland added.

Nicely done.

Looks like you're studiously avoiding Sunderland though. I don't blame you.
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #1711 on: 15 March, 2021, 10:46:42 am »
Ha! Superb effort!  :D

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #1712 on: 17 March, 2021, 10:18:00 am »
I've been chipping away at Dorset more. Now have the SE of the couny pretty much covered!

A couple of private roads involved here. One that is very well defined on the global heatmap, too... I decided that the "no" in "no public access" looked like it had been written onto the sign afterwards.  8)


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #1713 on: 17 March, 2021, 10:20:11 am »
Is there a scout badge available for filling in those last three tiles?
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #1714 on: 17 March, 2021, 10:31:17 am »
Is there a scout badge available for filling in those last three tiles?
Nah, that's a relatively easy walk once they reopen! I think the scout badge should be awarded for getting the tip of Arne...

Quite hard to keep your feet dry, not to mention being in road shoes  ;D

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #1715 on: 17 March, 2021, 10:36:50 am »
Sorry if I should have posted it in another topic, but I could not find one.

Regarding Unexplored tiles view in Garmin Edge 1000.

I was not able to finish that procedure using Java to send the layer to Garmin, because it is too much advanced for me, so I tried to download the kml file from Veloviewer and load it into my Garmin Edge with Base Camp from Garmin.

It worked fine and I could see the tracks in my computer ( each unexplored tile is a track) .But I do not know how to show them at Garmin.

Do you think is it impossible?

I have the print screen but I could not attach it here into the forum.

Thank you

Joao - Sweden



  • It's just dicking about on bikes
    • Cycling hobo
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #1716 on: 17 March, 2021, 08:35:23 pm »
Hi Joao
Lets say its difficult.
As you said the unexplored tiles are in Basecamp as many individual tracks. These can be connected in Basecamp using the join function, but it creates messy diagonal connections. Try it.
In the early days I was like you, I imported the KML to Basecamp but manually created a track drawing over the squares I was trying for on each ride (I know a lot of boring work) then this route was loaded to the Garmin and then select it on your device go to settings to make it show on the map in  a bright Colour like red so the tiles show up.
It really is worth finding an old Android phone and loading the Explorer help App, its worth it.

As your new to this forum you might want to try the search window up top. While you have this topic open if you put Basecamp into the search it will show just the Basecamp talk in this topic. This has been discussed before.
Happy exploring


Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #1717 on: 17 March, 2021, 10:19:48 pm »
There is a garmin IQ app you can install - tile explorer I think it is called.

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #1718 on: 18 March, 2021, 08:26:30 am »
This has been discussed before.
Happy exploring

Hi Jack, thank you for the tips. Sorry for messing the discussion 🙄 next time I promiss I will search first.

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #1719 on: 18 March, 2021, 08:30:45 am »
There is a garmin IQ app you can install - tile explorer I think it is called.
Hi Davef, I have installed it but perhaps I have did something wrong since everytime I start using it all my tiles are like unexplored and as I rede they got green. Next day all are red again.
Also, once I got green from the app and went home.... Checking at Veloviewer i realized that the gps has not got that position as explored..tks


VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #1720 on: 18 March, 2021, 06:49:38 pm »
There is a garmin IQ app you can install - tile explorer I think it is called.
Hi Davef, I have installed it but perhaps I have did something wrong since everytime I start using it all my tiles are like unexplored and as I rede they got green. Next day all are red again.
Also, once I got green from the app and went home.... Checking at Veloviewer i realized that the gps has not got that position as explored..tks
I must admit I only use it for checking for crossing a tile boundary when I am on a dead end and don’t want to go further than necessary but I was also fairly sure you could initialise from your kml - will investigate.

Edit: see for prepopulating

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #1721 on: 18 March, 2021, 07:08:45 pm »
Thank you for the link!!! I never have did it. Tks!!


  • Mostly Harmless
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #1722 on: 21 March, 2021, 08:27:25 pm »
Have a four day weekend, so am trying to do 4 back to back century days. So far I've added 99 new tiles, and increased my cluster by 61. No change to the square.

10809 tiles
Max square 24x24
Max Cluster: 1278

Beer, bikes, and backpacking

Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #1723 on: 21 March, 2021, 08:32:20 pm »
No such 4 day delights for me, and yesterday was still a bit anti-body building.
Went looking for flat roads. I hadn't expected a square increase, but got one. I'm going to have to go out in Hartlepool Bay now.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: VeloViewer Explorer Score and Max Square
« Reply #1724 on: 23 March, 2021, 07:14:40 pm »
Cracking day out today - 172km of mostly glorious spring sunshine. And added 29 strategically targeted tiles to fill in a few holes in West Kent, and link up my main cluster to a mini cluster around Sevenoaks.

Net result is my max cluster jumps from 866 to 965 - only minor disappointment is not getting one more tile to make it the round 100 for the day. Chiz!



Very satisfying!

And I'm now one step closer to linking my Kent cluster to my London cluster...
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."